As the Debian project works on the remaining Bullseye effort and transitions to 
the upcoming Bookworm effort I recognize that some changes will probably need 
to be made that will almost certainly leave some old systems behind.
Debian has always done a very good job of supporting many different 
architectures.  Over the past five years or so, I know that some efforts have 
been made to analyze and see what's actually being used, and to what extent.
I happen to know of a few derivative projects that have been using Debian 
technology that have brought new life to some really aging equipment and some 
people in either Third World countries or in communities with low incomes and 
either limited or non-existent access to modern equipment.
One such effort, the antiX distribution, has been effective in reaching poor 
communities in Brazil recently, and has long been able to reach people with 
scaled down Debian technology all over the world.
I'm wondering if there is some way to provide a "hook" or a way for some of 
these ten to twenty year old systems to remain functional for those who may not 
otherwise have a way, other than to run insecure, out of date systems.  If 
there is a way, even a "side project", I hope that the Debian community can 
help a few of these derivative distributions assist people worldwide to have 
access to modern technology, even from systems that are barely "modern" any 
Thanks for your consideration.

Brian Masinick
masinick at yahoo dot com

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