Please update debconf PO translation for the package debconf 1.5.7

2006-10-10 ϑεμα Chirsitan Perrier
Hi, You are noted as the last translator of the debconf translation for the debconf package itself. This package is part of Debian Installer level 5 and this call for updates is part of the final polishing actions to prepare the release of Debian (planned in December). You will now have

Please update debconf PO translation for the package debconf 1.5.7

2006-10-10 ϑεμα Christian Perrier
Hi, You are noted as the last translator of the program translation for the debconf Debian package. This package is part of Debian Installer level 5 and this call for updates is part of the final polishing actions to prepare the release of Debian (planned in December). You will now have quite