Ajuda com tradução para benefício do debian-installer

2004-03-11 Por tôpico Guilherme de S. Pastore
Pessoal (andrelop, especialmente), desculpem o atraso de dois meses, mas eu tava meio afastado quando essa thread começou. Só vi agora, que a maioria dos nomes dos países já estava traduzida. Entretando, sobraram umas fuzzy e umas duas não traduzidas também. Eu arrumei as fuzzies, traduzi o

[wml] distrib/packages.wml

2004-03-11 Por tôpico rodrigo torres
___ ... and the winner is... WEB.DE FreeMail! - Deutschlands beste E-Mail ist zum 39. Mal Testsieger (PC Praxis 03/04) http://f.web.de/?mc=021191#use wml::debian::template title=Pacotes #include $(ENGLISHDIR)/releases/info #use

[wml] News/weekly/2003/27/index.wml

2004-03-11 Por tôpico rodrigo torres
__ Extra-Konto: 2,50 %* Zinsen p. a. ab dem ersten Euro! Nur hier mit 25 Euro-Tankgutschein ExtraPrämie! https://extrakonto.web.de/?mc=021110#use wml::debian::weeklynews::header PUBDATE=2003-07-08 SUMMARY=GNOME, RFC, Menu,

[wml] security/index.wml

2004-03-11 Por tôpico rodrigo torres
___ Ein Grund zum Feiern: Die PC Praxis ermittelt zwischen 10 grossen Mailprovidern WEB.DE FreeMail als Testsieger http://f.web.de/?mc=021190#use wml::debian::template title=Informações sobre Segurança GEN_TIME=yes #use

Tylenol not strong enough?

2004-03-11 Por tôpico Eve Macdonald
Whole$ale Meds on the Web! Buy your personal prescription drugs on the internet and $ave! Weight Loss, Muscle, Pain Relief, Allergies, Men Women's Health, Impotence, Heartburn, Migraines - XANAX - VALIUM - Ambien - Lipitor - Nexium - Paxil - Phentermine - Viagra - Vioxx Check out our Canadian

New translations for Drupal package

2004-03-11 Por tôpico Hilko Bengen
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 Greetings, fellow Debian developers and translators! Sergio Talens-Oliag [EMAIL PROTECTED] and I have been working together to provide a well-maintained and (just as important) current Drupal package. I have gone through the existing maintainer

Re: New translations for Drupal package

2004-03-11 Por tôpico Orzenil.jr
Great news, Hilko! We're working on drupal here in Brazil and we appreciate to help you with debian package maintenance. Since Hugo Espuny left as maintainer we were thinking to help but we are not so familiar to debian development to customize drupal as package. Gerhard Killesreiter (aka