[LCFC] wml://vote/2017/platforms/index.wml

2017-05-01 Por tema Santi Moreno
Aquí va.

#use wml::debian::template title="Programas de los candidatos a Líder de 
Proyecto" BARETITLE="true"
#use wml::debian::votebar
#include "$(ENGLISHDIR)/vote/style.inc"
#use wml::debian::translation-check translation="1.2" maintainer="Santi Moreno"

  A continuación se muestran los programas electorales de cada uno
  de los candidatos a las elecciones a Líder del Proyecto Debian 2017.

Mehdi Dogguy
Chris Lamb

Validation failed

2017-05-01 Por tema Debian Webmaster
*** Errors validating
/srv/www.debian.org/www/international/l10n/po/en_GB.es.html: ***
Line 118, character 351:  "128513" is not a character number in the
document character set
Line 309, character 337:  "128513" is not a character number in the
document character set
Line 1315, character 241:  "128513" is not a character number in the
document character set

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