symlinks package non-free?

2004-09-24 Thread Martin Dickopp

The source of the symlinks package consists of a makefile, a manual
page, a C file, and an lsm file.  None of the three former contains a
header with copyright and/or license information.  The latter contains
the following lines:

  CopyPolicy1  =(c) Mark Lord, freely distributable
  CopyPolicy2  =

Even if the lack of license information in the source code is not
considered a problem, there is no permission to modify the code, so
IMHO the program is non-free.

What should I do now?  Report a bug against symlinks?


   ,--.  ,= ,-_-. =.
  / ,- )Martin Dickopp, Dresden, Germany((_/)o o(\_))
  \ `-'`-'(. .)`-'
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Re: symlinks package non-free?

2004-09-24 Thread MJ Ray
On 2004-09-24 17:28:29 +0100 Martin Dickopp 

What should I do now?  Report a bug against symlinks?

Probably, yes, but I suggest starting licence needs clarification 
bug rather than this is non-free you evil people as it's just not 
clear what freely distributable means.

MJR/slefMy Opinion Only and not of any group I know
 Creative copyleft computing - village 6+7 Oct