June Debian (E)LTS Monthly Report for Scarlett Moore

2023-06-29 Thread Scarlett Moore
Hash: SHA512

Here is my public monthly report.

Thanks to our sponsors for making this possible, and to Freexian for
handling the offering.


- - golang-yaml.v2
 - buster:
   - CVE-2021-4235
   - CVE-2022-3064
  - Add upstream patch with style fixes for CVE-2022-3064 so
 that we are in line with upstream code if there happens to
 be another security update.
 -  Verified the i386 test is broken prior to to these patches and the 
completely unrelated to the code changes and the upload can continue.

Ready to upload but out of LTS time - will upload in July after the US 

- - qt4-x11
 - buster:
 -  CVE-2023-34410
 -  CVE-2023-32573
 -  CVE-2021-45930
 -  CVE-2021-3481
Patches and local testing done.

 -  CVE-2023-32763 Attempted to backport upstream patch for qt 5.15.15 but the
code changes from qt4 -> qt5 has changed too dramatically and the fix uses
private overflow functions that do not exist in qt4. I am reaching out to some
qt connections I have for help and to see if it is even possible to backport.

 - stretch:
  -  CVE-2023-34410
  -  CVE-2023-32573
Patches and local testing done.
Also affected by
  -  CVE-2023-32763 - see above


 - jessie:
  -  CVE-2023-34410
  -  CVE-2023-32573
  -  CVE-2021-45930
  -  CVE-2021-3481
Patches and local testing done.


I am awaiting feedback for CVE-2023-32763 before uploading. If anyone here has
QT experience and would like to take a look, please don't hesitate to reach

 Spent some free time familiarizing myself with django and package tracker

Team monthly meeting



(early) monthly report

2019-02-18 Thread Antoine Beaupré
Hi all,

Here's my early LTS report. The TL;DR: is:

 * website work
 * python-gpg
 * golang
 * libarchive
 * netmask
 * libreoffice
 * enigmail

# Website work

I again worked on the website this month, doing one more mass import
([MR 53][]) which was finally merged by Holger Levsen, after I [fixed
an issue with PGP signatures][] showing up on the website.

[fixed an issue with PGP signatures]: 

I also polished the misnamed "audit" script that checks for missing
announcements on the website and published it as [MR 1][] on the
"cron" project of the webmaster team. It's still a "work in progress"
because it is still too noisy: there are a few DLAs missing already
and we haven't published the latest DLAs on the website.

[MR 1]: https://salsa.debian.org/webmaster-team/cron/merge_requests/1
[MR 53]: https://salsa.debian.org/webmaster-team/webwml/merge_requests/53

The remaining work here is to automate the import of new announcements
on the website ([bug #859123][]). I've done what is hopefully the
[last mass import][] and updated the workflow in the wiki.

Finally, I have also done a bit of [cleanup][] on the website that
was necessary after the mass import which also required [rewrite
rules][] at the server level. Hopefully, I will have this fairly well
wrapped up for whoever picks this up next.

[rewrite rules]: https://salsa.debian.org/anarcat/dsa-puppet/merge_requests/1
[cleanup]: https://salsa.debian.org/webmaster-team/webwml/merge_requests/55
[last mass import]: 
[bug #859123]: https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=859123

# Python GPG concerns

Following a new vulnerability (CVE-2019-6690) disclosed in the
python-gnupg library, I have [expressed concerns][] at the security
reliability of the project in future updates, refering to wider issues
identified by Isis Lovecroft in [this post][]. 

I suggested we should simply drop security support for the project,
citing it didn't have many reverse dependencies. But it seems that
wasn't practical and the [response][] was that it was actually
possible to keep on maintaining it an such an update was issued for

[this post]: https://blog.patternsinthevoid.net/pretty-bad-protocolpeople.html
[expressed concerns]: https://lists.debian.org/87r2cj4kg2@curie.anarc.at

# Golang concerns

Similarly, I have [expressed more concerns][] about the maintenance of
Golang packages following the disclosure of a vulnerability
(CVE-2019-6486) regarding elliptic curve implementations in the core
Golang libraries. An update (DLA-1664-1) was issued for the core, but
because Golang is statically compiled, I was worried the update wasn't
sufficient: we also needed to upload updates for any build dependency
using the affected code as well.

[expressed more concerns]: 

Holger asked the golang team for help and i also asked on
irc. Apparently, all the non-dev packages (with some exceptions) were
binNMU'd in stretch but the process needs to be clarified.

I also wondered if this maintenance problem could be resolved in the
long term by switching to dynamic linking. Ubuntu tried to switch to
dynamic linking but abandoned the effort, so it seems Golang will be
quite difficult to maintain for security updates in the forseeable

# Libarchive updates

I have reproduced the problem described in CVE-2019-120 and
CVE-2019-119 in jessie. I published a fix as [DLA-1668-1][]. I had
to build the update without sbuild's overlay system (in a tar chroot)
otherwise the cpio tests fail.

[DLA-1668-1]: https://lists.debian.org/20190207192754.ga14...@curie.anarc.at

# Netmask updates

This one was minimal: a patch was [sent by the maintainer][] so I only
wrote and sent [DLA 1665-1][]. Interestingly, I didn't have access to
the `.changes` file which made writing the DLA a little harder, as my
workflow normally involves calling `gen-DLA --save` with the .changes
file which autopopulates a template. I learned that `.changes` files
are normally archived on `coccia.debian.org` (specifically in
`/srv/ftp-master.debian.org/queue/done/`), but not in the case of
security uploads.

[DLA 1665-1]: https://lists.debian.org/20190206222753.ga28...@curie.anarc.at
[sent by the maintainer]: 

# Libreoffice

I once again tried to tackle an issue (CVE-2018-16858) with
Libreoffice. The [last time][] I tried to work on LibreOffice, the
test suite was failing and the linker was *crashing* after hours of
compilation and I never got anywhere. But that was wheezy, so I
figured jessie might be in better shape.

[last time]: 

I quickly got into trouble with sbuild: I ran ou

Re: monthly report

2018-12-21 Thread Antoine Beaupré
[Ugh. Sorry about that last email, the markup was terrible - I
copy-pasted from Emacs' markdown mode which ellipsises links... Here's a
better formatted one.]

## Enigmail / GnuPG 2.1 backport

I've spent a significant amount of time working on the Enigmail
backport for a third consecutive month. I first [published][] a
straightforward backport of GnuPG 2.1 depending on the libraries
available in jessie-backports last month, but then I actually [rebuilt
the dependencies as well][] and sent a "HEADS UP" to the mailing list,
which finally got peoples' attention.

[rebuilt the dependencies as well]: 
[published]: https://lists.debian.org/87r2fqnja0@curie.anarc.at

There are many changes bundled in that possible update: GnuPG actually
depends on about half a dozen other libraries, mostly specific to
GnuPG, but in some cases used by third party software as well. The
most problematic one is [libgcrypt20][] which Emilio Pozuelo
Monfort [said][] included tens of thousands of lines of change. So
even though I tested the change against cryptsetup, gpgme, libotr,
mutt and Enigmail itself, there are concerns that other dependencies
that merit more testing as well.

[libgcrypt20]: https://tracker.debian.org/libgcrypt20
[said]: https://lists.debian.org/6a8835ce-f54d-faa6-2689-aeb91b1b6...@debian.org

This caused many to raise the idea of aborting the work and simply
marking Enigmail as unsupported in jessie. But Daniel Kahn Gillmor
[suggested][] this should also imply removing Thunderbird itself from
jessie, as simply removing Enigmail will force people to use the
binaries from Mozilla's add-ons service. Gillmor [explained][] those
builds include a OpenPGP.js implementation of dubious origin, which is
especially problematic considering it deals with sensitive private key

[explained]: https://lists.debian.org/878t0mzlv2@fifthhorseman.net
[suggested]: https://lists.debian.org/87pntxxg6h@fifthhorseman.net

It's unclear which way this will go next. I'm taking a break of this
issue and hope others will be able to test the packges. If we keep on
working on Enigmail, the next step will be to re-enable the `dbg`
packages that were removed in the stretch updates, use dh-autoreconf
correctly, remove some `mingw` pacakges I forgot and [test gcrypt like
crazy][] ([especially the 1.7 update][]). We'd also update to the
latest Enigmail, as it fixes issues that forced the Tails project to
[disable autocrypt][] because of [weird interactions][] that make it
send cleartext (instead of encrypted) mail in some cases.

[weird interactions]: https://redmine.tails.boum.org/code/issues/15923
[disable autocrypt]: https://redmine.tails.boum.org/code/issues/16186
[especially the 1.7 update]: 
[test gcrypt like crazy]: 

## Automatic unclaimer

My [previous report][] yielded an [interesting discussion][] around my
work on the security tracker, specifically the "automatic unclaimer"
designed to unassign issues that are idle for too long. Holger Levsen,
with his new coordinator hat, tested the program and found many bugs
and missing features, which I was happy to implement. After many
patches and back and forth, it seems the program is working well,
although it's ran by hand by the coordinator.

[interesting discussion]: 
[previous report]: https://lists.debian.org/debian-lts/2018/11/msg00090.html

## DLA website publication

I took a look at various issues surrounding the publication of LTS
advisories on the main debian.org website. While normal security
advisories are regularly published on [debian.org/security][] [about
500+ DLAs are missing from the website][], mainly because [DLAs are
not automatically imported][].

[DLAs are not automatically imported]: 
[about 500+ DLAs are missing from the website]: 
[debian.org/security]: https://www.debian.org/security/

As it turns out, there is a script called `parse-dla.pl` that is
designed to handle those entries but for some reason, they are not
imported anymore. So I got to work to import the backlog and make sure
new entries are properly imported.

[Various fixes for parse-dla.pl][] were necessary to properly parse
messages both from the templates generated by `gen-DLA` and the
existing archives correctly. then I tested the result with two
existing advisories, which resulted in two MR on the webml repo: [add
data for DLA-1561][] and [add dla-1580 advisory][]. I requested and
was granted access to the repo, and eventually merged my own MRs after
a review from Levsen.

[add dla-1580 advisory]: 
[add data for DLA-1561]: 

monthly report

2018-12-21 Thread Antoine Beaupré

This is my monthly report, published on the mailing list as I haven't
found time to do my personal report on my blog in over a month now...

## Enigmail / GnuPG 2.1 backport

I've spent a significant amount of time working on the Enigmail
backport for a third consecutive month. I first 
[published](https://lists.debian.org/87r2fqnja0@curie.anarc.at) a
straightforward backport of GnuPG 2.1 depending on the libraries
available in jessie-backports last month, but then I actually [rebuilt
the dependencies as 
well](https://lists.debian.org/87zht94219@curie.anarc.at) and sent a "HEADS 
UP" to the mailing
list, which finally got peoples' attention.

There are many changes bundled in that possible update: GnuPG actually
depends on about half a dozen other libraries, mostly specific to
GnuPG, but in some cases used by third party software as well. The
most problematic one is [[!debpkg libgcrypt20]] which Emilio Pozuelo
 included tens of thousands of lines of change. So
even though I tested the change against cryptsetup, gpgme, libotr,
mutt and Enigmail itself, there are concerns that other dependencies
that merit more testing as well.

This caused many to raise the idea of aborting the work and simply
marking Enigmail as unsupported in jessie. But Daniel Kahn Gillmor
[suggested](https://lists.debian.org/87pntxxg6h@fifthhorseman.net) this 
should also imply removing Thunderbird itself from
jessie, as simply removing Enigmail will force people to use the
binaries from Mozilla's add-ons service. Gillmor 
[explained](https://lists.debian.org/878t0mzlv2@fifthhorseman.net) those
builds include a OpenPGP.js implementation of dubious origin, which is
especially problematic considering it deals with sensitive private key

It's unclear which way this will go next. I'm taking a break of this
issue and hope others will be able to test the packges. If we keep on
working on Enigmail, the next step will be to re-enable the `dbg`
packages that were removed in the stretch updates, use dh-autoreconf
correctly, remove some `mingw` pacakges I forgot and [test gcrypt like
 ([especially the 1.7 
update](https://lists.debian.org/20181220130018.ga5...@argenau.bebt.de)). We'd 
also update to the
latest Enigmail, as it fixes issues that forced the Tails project to
[disable autocrypt](https://redmine.tails.boum.org/code/issues/16186) because 
of [weird interactions](https://redmine.tails.boum.org/code/issues/15923) that 
make it
send cleartext (instead of encrypted) mail in some cases.

## Automatic unclaimer

My [previous report][] yielded an [interesting 
discussion](https://lists.debian.org/debian-lts/2018/11/msg00097.html) around
my work on the security tracker, specifically the "automatic
unclaimer" designed to unassign issues that are idle for too
long. Holger Levsen, with his new coordinator hat, tested the program
and found many bugs and missing features, which I was happy to
implement. After many patches and back and forth, it seems the program
is working well, although it's ran by hand by the coordinator.

[previous report]: https://lists.debian.org/debian-lts/2018/11/msg00090.html

## DLA website publication

I took a look at various issues surrounding the publication of LTS
advisories on the main debian.org website. While normal security
advisories are regularly published on 
[debian.org/security](https://www.debian.org/security/) [about
500+ DLAs are missing from the 
website](https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=859122), mainly 
because [DLAs are
not automatically 

As it turns out, there is a script called `parse-dla.pl` that is
designed to handle those entries but for some reason, they are not
imported anymore. So I got to work to import the backlog and make sure
new entries are properly imported.

[Various fixes for 
were necessary to properly parse
messages both from the templates generated by `gen-DLA` and the
existing archives correctly. then I tested the result with two
existing advisories, which resulted in two MR on the webml repo: [add
data for 
DLA-1561](https://salsa.debian.org/webmaster-team/webwml/merge_requests/41) and 
[add dla-1580 
advisory](https://salsa.debian.org/webmaster-team/webwml/merge_requests/42). I 
requested and
was granted access to the repo, and eventually merged my own MRs after
a review from Levsen.

I eventually used the following procedure to test importing the entire

rsync -vPa master.debian.org:/home/debian/lists/debian-lts-announce .
cd debian-lts-announce
xz -d \*.xz
cat \* > ../giant.mbox
mbox2maildir ../giant.mbox debian-lts-announce