This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

misterc-guest pushed a commit to annotated tag upstream/1.2.31+dfsg
in repository rsem.

commit fdf75d6c94a51ed3871944c89bf09bd029beb542
Author: Michael R. Crusoe <>
Date:   Sat Jun 4 04:33:45 2016 -0700

    Imported Upstream version 1.2.31+dfsg
 WHAT_IS_NEW               |   7 +
 rsem-calculate-expression |   6 +-
 rsem-gff3-to-gtf          | 344 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------
 rsem-prepare-reference    |   4 +        |  14 +-
 5 files changed, 284 insertions(+), 91 deletions(-)

diff --git a/WHAT_IS_NEW b/WHAT_IS_NEW
index 3f0c1c6..f897484 100644
@@ -1,3 +1,10 @@
+RSEM v1.2.31
+- Rewrote `rsem-gff3-to-gtf` to handle a more general set of GFF3 files 
+- Added safety checks to make sure poly(A) tails are not added to the 
reference when `--star` is set
 RSEM v1.2.30
 - Fixed a bug that can cause SAMtools sort to fail
diff --git a/rsem-calculate-expression b/rsem-calculate-expression
index 808d839..d120bfa 100755
--- a/rsem-calculate-expression
+++ b/rsem-calculate-expression
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ use Pod::Usage;
 use File::Basename;
 use FindBin;
 use lib $FindBin::RealBin;
-use rsem_perl_utils qw(runCommand collectResults showVersionInfo getSAMTOOLS);
+use rsem_perl_utils qw(runCommand collectResults showVersionInfo getSAMTOOLS 
 use Env qw(@PATH);
@@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ pod2usage(-verbose => 2) if ($help == 1);
 if ($is_alignment) {
     pod2usage(-msg => "Invalid number of arguments!", -exitval => 2, -verbose 
=> 2) if (scalar(@ARGV) != 3);
-    pod2usage(-msg => "--bowtie-path, --bowtie-n, --bowtie-e, --bowtie-m, 
--phred33-quals, --phred64-quals, --solexa-quals, --bowtie2, --bowtie2-path, 
--bowtie2-mismatch-rate, --bowtie2-k and --bowtie2-sensitivity-level cannot be 
set if input is SAM/BAM/CRAM format!", -exitval => 2, -verbose => 2) if 
($bowtie_path ne "" || $C != 2 || $E != 99999999 || $maxHits != 200 || $phred33 
|| $phred64 || $solexa || $bowtie2 || $bowtie2_path ne "" || 
$bowtie2_mismatch_rate != 0.1 || $bowtie2_k != 20 [...]
+    pod2usage(-msg => "--bowtie-path, --bowtie-n, --bowtie-e, --bowtie-m, 
--phred33-quals, --phred64-quals, --solexa-quals, --bowtie2, --bowtie2-path, 
--bowtie2-mismatch-rate, --bowtie2-k, --bowtie2-sensitivity-level, --star, 
--star-path, and --star-output-genome-bam cannot be set if input is 
SAM/BAM/CRAM format!", -exitval => 2, -verbose => 2) if ($bowtie_path ne "" || 
$C != 2 || $E != 99999999 || $maxHits != 200 || $phred33 || $phred64 || $solexa 
|| $bowtie2 || $bowtie2_path ne "" || $ [...]
 else {
     pod2usage(-msg => "Invalid number of arguments!", -exitval => 2, -verbose 
=> 2) if (!$paired_end && scalar(@ARGV) != 3 || $paired_end && scalar(@ARGV) != 
@@ -226,6 +226,8 @@ if (((-e "$refName.ta") && !(-e "$")) || (!(-e 
"$refName.ta") && (-e "
 $alleleS = (-e "$refName.ta") && (-e "$");
+pod2usage(-msg => "RSEM reference cannot contain poly(A) tails if you want to 
use STAR aligner!", -exitval => 2, -verbose => 2) if ($star && 
 if ($genGenomeBamF) {
     open(INPUT, "$refName.ti");
     my $line = <INPUT>; chomp($line);
diff --git a/rsem-gff3-to-gtf b/rsem-gff3-to-gtf
index 13c64be..344d869 100755
--- a/rsem-gff3-to-gtf
+++ b/rsem-gff3-to-gtf
@@ -3,103 +3,275 @@
 import os
 import sys
 import argparse
-import re
+from operator import itemgetter
+type_gene = ["gene", "snRNA_gene", "transposable_element_gene", "ncRNA_gene", 
+       "rRNA_gene", "tRNA_gene", "snoRNA_gene", "mt_gene", "miRNA_gene", 
"lincRNA_gene", "RNA", "VD_gene_segment"]
+type_transcript = ["transcript", "primary_transcript", "mRNA", "ncRNA", 
"tRNA", "rRNA", "snRNA", "snoRNA", "miRNA",
+       "pseudogenic_transcript", "lincRNA", "NMD_transcript_variant", 
+       "nc_primary_transcript", "processed_pseudogene", "mRNA_TE_gene"]
+type_exon = ["exon", "CDS", "five_prime_UTR", "three_prime_UTR", "UTR", 
"noncoding_exon", "pseudogenic_exon"]
+# can be either gene or transcript, need special treatment
+type_gene_or_transcript = ["pseudogene", "V_gene_segment", "C_gene_segment", 
"J_gene_segment", "processed_transcript"] 
 class HelpOnErrorParser(argparse.ArgumentParser):
-    def error(self, msg):
-        sys.stderr.write("{0}: error: 
{1}\n\n".format(os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]), msg))
-        self.print_help()
-        sys.exit(-1)
+       def error(self, msg):
+               sys.stderr.write("{0}: error: 
{1}\n\n".format(os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]), msg))
+               self.print_help()
+               sys.exit(-1)
 def my_assert(bool, msg):
-    if not bool:
-        sys.stderr.write(msg + "\n")
-        sys.exit(-1)
-def findTag(tag, attributes):
-    pos = attributes.find(tag + "=")
-    if pos < 0:
-        return None
-    pos += len(tag) + 1
-    rpos = attributes.find(";", pos)
-    if rpos < 0:
-        rpos = len(attributes)
-    return attributes[pos:rpos]
+       if not bool:
+               sys.stderr.write(msg + "\n")
+               try:
+                       os.remove(args.output_GTF_file)
+               except OSError:
+                       pass
+               sys.exit(-1)
+class Feature:
+       # def gen_type_dict():
+       def gen_type_dict(self):
+               my_dict = {}
+               for my_type in type_gene:
+                       my_dict[my_type] = "gene"
+               for my_type in type_transcript:
+                       my_dict[my_type] = "transcript"
+               for my_type in type_exon:
+                       my_dict[my_type] = "exon"
+               for my_type in type_gene_or_transcript:
+                       my_dict[my_type] = "gene_or_transcript"
+               return my_dict
+       # type_dict = gen_type_dict()
+       def __init__(self):
+               self.type_dict = self.gen_type_dict()
+       def parse(self, line, line_no):
+               """ line should be free of leading and trailing spaces """
+               self.line = line
+               self.line_no = line_no
+               fields = line.split('\t')
+               my_assert(len(fields) == 9, "Line {0} does not have 9 
fields:\n{1}".format(self.line_no, self.line))            
+               self.seqid = fields[0]
+               self.source = fields[1]
+               self.original_type = fields[2]
+               self.feature_type = self.type_dict.get(fields[2], None)
+               self.start = int(fields[3])
+               self.end = int(fields[4])
+               self.strand = fields[6]
+               self.attributes = fields[8][:-1] if len(fields[8]) > 0 and 
fields[8][-1] == ';' else fields[8]
+       def parseAttributes(self):
+               self.attribute_dict = {}
+               for attribute in self.attributes.split(';'):
+                       fields = attribute.split('=')
+                       my_assert(len(fields) == 2, "Fail to parse attribute 
{0} of line {1}:\n{2}".format(attribute, self.line_no, self.line))
+                       tag, value = fields
+                       if tag == "Parent":
+                               self.attribute_dict[tag] = value.split(',')
+                       else:
+                               self.attribute_dict[tag] = value
+       def getAttribute(self, tag, required = False):
+               value = self.attribute_dict.get(tag, None)
+               my_assert(not required or value != None, "Line {0} does not 
have attribute {1}:\n{2}".format(self.line_no, tag, self.line))
+               return value
+class Transcript:
+       def __init__(self, tid, feature):
+               self.tid = tid
+               self.tname = self.ttype = None
+               self.gid = self.gname = None
+               self.setT = False # if a transcript feature has been set
+               self.seqid = feature.seqid
+               # self.source = feature.source
+               self.source = None
+               self.strand = feature.strand
+               self.intervals = []
+       def setTranscript(self, feature):
+               my_assert(not self.setT, 
+                       "Transcript {0} appears multiple times! Last occurrence 
is at line {1}:\n{2}".format(self.tid, feature.line_no, feature.line))
+               self.setT = True
+               parents = feature.getAttribute("Parent", True)
+               my_assert(len(parents) == 1, "Transcript {0} at line {1} has 
more than one parents:\n{2}".format(self.tid, feature.line_no, feature.line))
+               self.gid = parents[0]
+               self.tname = feature.getAttribute("Name")
+               self.ttype = feature.original_type
+               self.source = feature.source
+       def addExon(self, feature):
+               self.intervals.append((feature.start, feature.end))
+       def merge(self):
+               self.intervals.sort(key = itemgetter(0))
+               self.results = []
+               cstart, cend = self.intervals[0]
+               for start, end in self.intervals[1:]:
+                       if cend + 1 >= start:
+                               cend = max(cend, end)
+                       else:
+                               self.results.append((cstart, cend))
+                               cstart = start
+                               cend = end
+               self.results.append((cstart, cend))
+       def __iter__(self):
+               self.index = 0
+               return self
+       def next(self):
+               if self.index == len(self.results):
+                       raise StopIteration
+               interval = self.results[self.index]
+               self.index += 1
+               return interval
+def getTranscript(tid, feature):
+       assert tid != None
+       pos = tid2pos.get(tid, None)
+       if pos == None:
+               transcript = Transcript(tid, feature)
+               tid2pos[tid] = len(transcripts)
+               transcripts.append(transcript)
+       else:
+               my_assert(pos >= 0, 
+                       "Line {0} describes an already processed Transcript 
{1}:\n{2}".format(feature.line_no, tid, feature.line))
+               transcript = transcripts[pos]
+               my_assert(transcript.seqid == feature.seqid and 
transcript.strand == feature.strand, 
+                               "Line {0}'s seqid/strand is not consistent with 
other records of transcript {1}:\n{2}".format(
+                                       feature.line_no, tid, feature.line))
+       return transcript
+def flush_out(fout):
+       global transcripts
+       global tid2pos
+       global num_trans
+       global patterns
+       for transcript in transcripts:
+               tid2pos[transcript.tid] = -1
+               if not transcript.setT or len(transcript.intervals) == 0 or 
(len(patterns) > 0 and transcript.ttype not in patterns):
+                       continue
+               my_assert(transcript.gid in gid2gname, 
+                       "Cannot recognize transcript {0}'s parent {1}, a gene 
feature might be missing.".format(transcript.tid, transcript.gid))
+               transcript.gname = gid2gname[transcript.gid]
+               transcript.merge()
+               output_string = 
"{0}\t{1}\texon\t{{0}}\t{{1}}\t.\t{2}\t.\tgene_id \"{3}\"; transcript_id 
+                       transcript.seqid, transcript.source, transcript.strand, 
transcript.gid, transcript.tid)
+               if transcript.gname != None:
+                       output_string += " gene_name 
+               if transcript.tname != None:
+                       output_string += " transcript_name 
+               output_string += "\n"
+               for start, end in transcript:
+                       fout.write(output_string.format(start, end))
+               num_trans += 1
+       transcripts = []
 parser = HelpOnErrorParser(formatter_class = 
argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter, description = "Convert GFF3 files to 
GTF files.")
 parser.add_argument("input_GFF3_file", help = "Input GFF3 file.")
 parser.add_argument("output_GTF_file", help = "Output GTF file.")
-parser.add_argument("--RNA-patterns", help = "Types of RNAs to be extracted.", 
default = "mRNA")
+parser.add_argument("--RNA-patterns", help = "Types of RNAs to be extracted, 
e.g. mRNA,rRNA", metavar = "<patterns>")
+parser.add_argument("--extract-sequences", help = "If GFF3 file contains 
reference sequences, extract them to the specified file", metavar = 
 args = parser.parse_args()
-trans2gene = {} # tid -> gid
-gid2name = {} # gid -> gene name
-tid2name = {} # tid -> transcript name
+patterns = set()
+if args.RNA_patterns != None:
+       patterns = set(args.RNA_patterns.split(','))
-rgx = re.compile("[\t]+")
-rgx2 = re.compile("^(" + "|".join(args.RNA_patterns.split(",")) + ")$")
+line_no = 0
+feature = Feature()
-fin = open(args.input_GFF3_file, "r")
-fout = open(args.output_GTF_file, "w")
+gid2gname = {}
-line_no = 0
+tid2pos = {}
+transcripts = []
+num_trans = 0
+reachFASTA = False
+with open(args.input_GFF3_file) as fin:
+       fout = open(args.output_GTF_file, "w")
+       for line in fin:
+               line = line.strip()
+               line_no += 1
+               if line_no % 100000 == 0:
+                       print("Loaded {} lines".format(line_no))
+               if line.startswith("##FASTA"):
+                       reachFASTA = True
+                       break
+               if line.startswith("###"):
+                       flush_out(fout)
+                       continue
+               if line.startswith("#"):
+                       continue
+               feature.parse(line, line_no)
+               if feature.feature_type == None:
+                       continue
+               feature.parseAttributes()
+               if feature.feature_type == "gene_or_transcript":
+                       parent = feature.getAttribute("Parent")
+                       if parent == None:
+                               feature.feature_type = "gene"
+                       else:
+                               feature.feature_type = "transcript"
+               if feature.feature_type == "gene":
+                       gid = feature.getAttribute("ID", True)
+                       my_assert(gid not in gid2gname, 
+                               "Gene {0} appears multiple times! Last 
occurrence is at line {1}:\n{2}".format(gid, feature.line_no, feature.line))
+                       gid2gname[gid] = feature.getAttribute("Name")
+               elif feature.feature_type == "transcript":
+                       transcript = getTranscript(feature.getAttribute("ID", 
True), feature)
+                       transcript.setTranscript(feature)
+               else:
+                       assert feature.feature_type == "exon"
+                       for parent in feature.getAttribute("Parent", True):
+                               transcript = getTranscript(parent, feature)
+                               transcript.addExon(feature)
+       flush_out(fout)
+       fout.close()
+       print("GTF file is successully generated.")
+       print("There are {0} transcripts contained in the generated GTF 
-for line in fin:
-    line = line.rstrip("\r\n") # remove return characters
-    line_no += 1
-    if line.startswith("##FASTA"):
-        break
-    if line.startswith("#"):
-        if line.startswith("###"):
-            # clear all dictionaries
-            trans2gene = {}
-            gid2name = {}
-            tid2name = {}
-        continue
-    arr = rgx.split(line)
-    my_assert(len(arr) == 9, "Line {0} does not have 9 
fields:\n{1}".format(line_no, line))
-    if arr[2] == "exon":
-        parent = findTag("Parent", arr[8])
-        my_assert(parent != None, "Line {0} does not have a Parent 
tag:\n{1}".format(line_no, line))
-        tids = parent.split(",")
-        for tid in tids:
-            if tid not in trans2gene:
-                continue
-            gid = trans2gene[tid]
-            fout.write("{0}\tgene_id \"{1}\"; transcript_id 
\"{2}\";".format("\t".join(arr[:-1]), gid, tid))
-            name = gid2name.get(gid, None)
-            if name != None:
-                fout.write(" gene_name \"{0}\";".format(name))
-            name = tid2name.get(tid, None)
-            if name != None:
-                fout.write(" transcript_name \"{0}\";".format(name))
-            fout.write("\n")
-    elif arr[2] == "gene":
-        gid = findTag("ID", arr[8])
-        name = findTag("Name", arr[8])
-        my_assert(gid != None, "Line {0} does not have a ID 
tag:\n{1}".format(line_no, line))
-        if name != None:
-            gid2name[gid] = name
-    elif[2]) != None:
-        tid = findTag("ID", arr[8])
-        gid = findTag("Parent", arr[8])
-        name = findTag("Name", arr[8])
-        my_assert(tid != None, "Line {0} does not have a ID 
tag:\n{1}".format(line_no, line))
-        my_assert(gid != None, "Line {0} does not have a Parent 
tag:\n{1}".format(line_no, line))
-        trans2gene[tid] = gid
-        if name != None:
-            tid2name[tid] = name
+       if reachFASTA and args.extract_sequences != None:
+               with open(args.extract_sequences, "w") as fout:
+                       for line in fin:
+                               fout.write(line)
+               print("FASTA file is successfully generated.")
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/rsem-prepare-reference b/rsem-prepare-reference
index 66e0e81..ed21552 100755
--- a/rsem-prepare-reference
+++ b/rsem-prepare-reference
@@ -63,9 +63,11 @@ pod2usage(-msg => "--transcript-to-gene-map and 
--allele-to-gene-map are mutuall
 pod2usage(-msg => "--gtf and --gff3 are mutually exclusive!", -exitval => 2, 
-verbose => 2) if (($gtfF ne "") && ($gff3F ne ""));
 pod2usage(-msg => "--gtf/--gff3 and --allele-to-gene-map are mutually 
exclusive!", -exitval => 2, -verbose => 2) if ((($gtfF ne "") || ($gff3F ne 
"")) && ($alleleMappingF ne ""));
 pod2usage(-msg => "Invalid number of arguments!", -exitval => 2, -verbose => 
2) if (scalar(@ARGV) != 2);
+pod2usage(-msg => "No poly(A) tail should be added if --star is set!", 
-exitval => 2, -verbose => 2) if ($star && $polyA);
 if (!$bowtie && ($bowtie_path ne "")) { print "Warning: If Bowtie is not used, 
no need to set --bowtie-path option!\n"; }
 if (!$bowtie2 && ($bowtie2_path ne "")) { print "Warning: If Bowtie 2 is not 
used, no need to set --bowtie2-path option!\n"; }
+if (!$star && ($star_path ne "")) { print "Warning: If STAR is not used, no 
need to set --star-path option!\n"; }
 my @list = split(/,/, $ARGV[0]);
 my $size = scalar(@list);
@@ -142,6 +144,8 @@ if ($bowtie2) {
 if ($star) {
+    pod2usage(-msg => "Sorry, if you want RSEM run STAR for you, you must 
provide the genome sequence and associated GTF annotation.", -exitval => 2, 
-verbose => 2) if ($gtfF eq "");
     my $out_star_genome_path = dirname($ARGV[1]);
     $command = $star_path . "STAR " .
                         " --runThreadN $star_nthreads " .
diff --git a/ b/
index c6a5d94..783ee26 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -7,9 +7,9 @@ use strict;
 require Exporter;
 our @ISA = qw(Exporter);
 our @EXPORT = qw(runCommand);
-our @EXPORT_OK = qw(runCommand collectResults showVersionInfo getSAMTOOLS);
+our @EXPORT_OK = qw(runCommand collectResults showVersionInfo getSAMTOOLS 
-my $version = "RSEM v1.2.30"; # Update version info here
+my $version = "RSEM v1.2.31"; # Update version info here
 my $samtools = "samtools-1.3"; # If update to another version of SAMtools, 
need to change this
 # command, {err_msg}
@@ -95,7 +95,15 @@ sub showVersionInfo {
 sub getSAMTOOLS {
-    return $samtools
+    return $samtools;
+sub hasPolyA {
+    open(INPUT, $_[0]);
+    my $line = <INPUT>; chomp($line);
+    close(INPUT);
+    my ($fullLen, $totLen) = split(/ /, $line);
+    return $fullLen < $totLen;

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on 

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