
I think it would be a great idea to have a tutorial on Debian Med on the BC2 or 
ISMB. I also would love to see something "hands-on", because knowing the wealth 
of software packages that are readily available and also having the intention 
to participate in the packaging itself is one thing. Actually "making" packages 
is obviously another. 
Personally, the one and only time I was confronted with that during my training 
was due to good will of Laszlo Kajan, who put a lot of effort into a practical 
course at the university. I still benefit from this, but I did not make it to 
actually apply this knowledge. 


-----Original Message-----
From: Steffen Möller [mailto:steffen_moel...@gmx.de] 
Sent: Mittwoch, 30. November 2016 16:04
To: Debian Med Project List
Subject: Shall we develop a Debian Med Tutorial? Fwd: [BC2-conference] Call for 
workshop and tutorial proposals open now.


much like many of you I just received this invitation to come up with a 
tutorial and/or workshop for the Basel (Switzerland) conference. The ISMB (next 
time in Prague (CZ) if I recall correctly) I expect to send the same around any 
minute or I already missed it as they typically have deadlines in December.

Question: Shall we? I am not so much after explaining how to prepare a Debian 
package but we should demonstrate the amazing wealth of software packages that 
are readily available to be installed and workflows that can be addressed with 
them. A key message could be that the principles explained in this tutorial one 
would be platform independent as VirtualBox does a decent job and also ready 
for clouds with Amazon and others. With respect to workflows I would then go 
and explain just any that is also covered by the Common Workflow Language 

Just ping me whoever is up for it. It is quite a bit of work and not so very 
rewarding, scientifically. We shall expect to be offered to write a book, which 
I would very much like to be something towards a "bioinformatics recipies" 
book. This kind of avoids the term "workflow".



-------- Forwarded Message --------







Dear colleagues,


The [BC]2 Basel Computational Biology Conference 2017 will feature a *one-day 
workshop / tutorial session on Tuesday, September 12, 2017* as part of the 
official conference program.


The purpose of *workshops* is to provide participants with an informal setting 
to discuss the cutting edge of a research field. A workshop could e.g. provide 
an interesting perspective on technical issues, exchange research ideas, and 
share practical experiences on some focused or emerging topics in 


The purpose of the *tutorial* program is to provide participants with lectures 
or practical training covering topics relevant to the bioinformatics field. 
Tutorials should offer an opportunity to learn about new areas of 
bioinformatics research, to get an introduction to important established 
concepts, or to develop advanced technical skills.


This call is an invitation for scientists and professionals working in the 
fields of bioinformatics and computational biology to submit proposals for 
high-quality workshops and tutorials for the [BC]2 conference. For more 
information, please see:


·         Workshops: https://www.bc2.ch/2017/open-calls/call-workshops/

·         Tutorials: https://www.bc2.ch/2017/open-calls/call-tutorials/


We are looking forward to receiving your proposals *before* *15 January 2017*.


*Marc Robinson-Rechavi* (scientific program chair), University of Lausanne & 
SIB *Erik van Nimwegen* (scientific program chair), Biozentrum University of 
Basel & SIB *Torsten Schwede* (conference series chair), Biozentrum University 
of Basel & SIB



The 13th [BC]^2 Basel Computational Biology Conference is the key computational 
biology event in Switzerland in 2017 - uniting scientists working in a broad 
range of disciplines, including bioinformatics, computational biology, biology, 
medicine, and systems biology. [BC]^2 is the annual scientific symposium of the 
SIB Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics, organized in collaboration with the 
Biozentrum University of Basel and SystemsX.ch, and will take place 12-15 
2017 at the Congress Center Basel. For more information, please visit 







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