Hi mentors,

I'm in the process of preparing new packaging for GNS3.

Currently source package gns3 produces one binary package also named
gns3. The newer version of the software has been split into a separate
gui/server (separate source packages).

For the new packaging I prose the following:
 Source      : Binaries
 gns3-server : gns3-server
 gns3-gui    : gns3-gui, gns3 (metapackage depending on gui/server)

This creates a clash between the two gns3 binary packages. Therefore
what I propose is to modify the packaging of the old version to create a
gns3-legacy binary package, to give users the option of using the older
version should they wish to do so.

But at the same time providing an upgrade path from gns3 0.8.x to 1.x
(using the new gns3 metapackage).

Does this seem sane?



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