Package: sponsorship-requests
Severity: normal

Package: sponsorship-requests
Severity: normal

Dear mentors,

I am looking for a sponsor for my package "scala-mode-el":

 * Package name    : scala-mode-el
   Version         : 1:1.1.0-1
   Upstream Author : Heikki Vesalainen <>
 * URL             :
 * License         : GPL-3+, SCALA-LICENSE
 * Vcs             :
   Section         : editors

It builds those binary packages:

  scala-mode-el - transitional dummy package, scala-mode-el to elpa-scala-mode
  elpa-scala-mode - Emacs major mode for editing scala source code

To access further information about this package, please visit the following 

Alternatively, one can download the package with dget using this command:

  dget -x

Changes since the last upload:

 scala-mode-el (1:1.1.0-1) unstable; urgency=medium
   [ Sławomir Wójcik ]
   * Adopt package; this package is now maintained by the Debian Emacsen team.
     (Closes: #766441)
   * control: updated binary name to elpa-scala-mode, repositories addresses,
     maintainer/uploaders, standards version, long description and
   * Updated rules to use dh_elpa, added necessary elpa and elpa-test files
   * Added watch file
   * Updated docs file
   * Added source format
   * Added NEWS file
   * Removed emacsen-install, emacsen-remove and emacsen-startup files which
     were no longer necessary due to migration to dh_elpa
   [ Sławomir Wójcik and Nicholas D Steeves]
   * New upstream version 1.1.0.
   * Migrate to debhelper-compat 13.
   * Update copyright file to reflect new upstream source, and migrate to a
     machine-readable copyright file.
   * Add gbp.conf.
   * Declare Standards-Version 4.5.1.
   [ Nicholas D Steeves ]
   * Add Breaks, Replaces, and Provides to elpa-scala-mode to ensure smooth
   * Add epoch to version, so that apt will upgrade existing users from
     20111005-2.1 to 1.1.0-1.
   * Declare Rules-Requires-Root: no.
   * Declare dummy transitional package scala-mode-el as Section: oldlibs so
     that deborphan will suggest its removal.
   * elpa-test: Fix autopkgtests by setting autopkgtest_keep, thus retaining
     the files that contain scala-mode's tests.
   * Add myself to Uploaders.


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