Dear Mentors,

I have been looking for information on how to handle the submodule of a project 
that is not or cannot be packaged for Debian. Say a project I want to package 
has the submodule registered at externals/foo/bar. For whatever reason Bar 
doesn't exist in the repositories. How do I handle this as a packager?

To give an actual example of what I mean, the upstream yuzu repository 
( has a submodule at externals/sirit. The yuzu 
package moves this into the top directory with a rule in debian/rules that 
creates a symbolic link in externals/.

As yuzu is the only real example I can find of this situation, I was wondering 
if there are any other ways to handle this. More importantly, if there are 
other ways how would they be handled on the Salsa side i.e. a package 
repository with upstream/ and debian/ branches?

Any insight would be greatly appreciated.


David James

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