On Sun, Nov 26, 2017 at 11:24 PM, Simon Sobisch wrote:

> I'd like to know if there's something the GnuCOBOL project can do to
> allow the orphaned open-cobol package to be replaced with a new gnucobol
> package and provide updates for it.

I would suggest starting with the existing open-cobol packaging,
upgrading to the latest gnucobol release and renaming the packages to
gnucobol and adding an open-cobol transitional binary package.


The commands to do this would be something like this:

sudo apt install devscripts build-essential pbuilder
apt source open-cobol
cd open-cobol*/
$EDITOR debian/watch
# Change things to the new location
uscan --verbose
uupdate ../open-cobol_2.2.orig.tar.xz
cd ../
rename 's{open-cobol}{gnucobol}' *cobol*2.2*
cd gnucobol*/
find debian/ -iname *open-cobol* | xargs rename 's{open-cobol}{gnucobol}'
grep -ril open-cobol debian/ | grep -v debian/changelog | grep -v
debian/patches | xargs sed -i 's/open-cobol/gnucobol/'
sed '1s/open-cobol/gnucobol/' debian/changelog
dch '  - Using renamed GNU Cobol upstream project'
dch '    - Rename Debian package, add transitional package'
$EDITOR debian/control

Once you have created a new package based on the old one, you can
search for a sponsor, see the link below.

> Note: The package currently has a dependency on libdb, *if* this should
> not be kept for the new package the dependency could be removed (there
> are currently no debian packages for other libraries which can be used
> as a replacement, therefore a part of the GnuCOBOL runtime would be
> disabled [configure option --without-db]).

Debian has libdb 5.3 available:


> If this would help I'm willing to do package work, too - but this would
> need a mentor as I've packaged different software for different package
> managers already, but not for debian.

Please read through this intro:




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