Report for new developer applicant Kartik Mistry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

1. Identification & Background
   Check with keyid 0xD1028C8D Mistry:

ID check passed, key signed by at least 6 existing developers.

   Output from

Syncing Debian Keyrings with rsync from
Receiving and checking key
gpg: requesting key D1028C8D from hkp server
pub   1024D/D1028C8D 2005-11-28
      Key fingerprint = 190A 8C76 0774 3E31 3060  3836 A118 3F8E D102 8C8D
uid                  Kartik Mistry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
sig!         C0143D2D 2007-12-06  Christian Perrier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
sig!         6A9F3C38 2007-12-06  Ramakrishnan M <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
sig!         29499F61 2007-12-07  Sam Hocevar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
sig!3        D1028C8D 2007-11-21  Kartik Mistry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
uid                  Kartik Mistry (kart_) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
sig!         5416E5B8 2006-11-26  Kapil Hari Paranjape <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
sig!         EE6DC66A 2005-12-02  Jaldhar H. Vyas (Debian GNU/Linux) <[EMAIL 
sig!         228A3AE4 2006-11-27  John Leuner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
sig!3        D1028C8D 2007-02-03  Kartik Mistry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
sig!3        D1028C8D 2007-02-03  Kartik Mistry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
sig!3        D1028C8D 2005-11-28  Kartik Mistry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
sig!         C0143D2D 2007-12-06  Christian Perrier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
sig!         6A9F3C38 2007-12-06  Ramakrishnan M <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
sig!         29499F61 2007-12-07  Sam Hocevar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
uid                  [jpeg image of size 2393]
sig!3        D1028C8D 2007-09-09  Kartik Mistry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
sig!         C0143D2D 2007-12-06  Christian Perrier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
sig!         6A9F3C38 2007-12-06  Ramakrishnan M <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
sig!         29499F61 2007-12-07  Sam Hocevar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
sub   2048g/D33A5CF6 2005-11-28
sig!         D1028C8D 2007-09-09  Kartik Mistry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

36 signatures not checked due to missing keys
Let's test if its a version 4 or greater key
Key is ok
Check for key expire stuff
Key has no expiration date set, nothing to check.

   Applicant writes:

  | I was born in small city Palanpur, which in Gujarat state of India.
  | I have completed graduation in Physics and have masters in computer
  | application.
  | I came in touch with GNU/Linux when I got pre-installed PC with Redhat
  | Linux 7.0 in college. I was surprised and amazed to see power of Linux!
  | Then, with I took challenge to do localization of Gnome (and other) in
  | my native language - Gujarati (gu) along with other team members of
  | as part of our college syllabus.
  | Since, We have built Live CD runs as Gujarati as default desktop, I
  | started to use Debian as my main distro since end of 2004. I also
  | started contributing in localization of D-I last year and finally
  | adopted ayttm and xosview as my first packages to give back something I can.
  | I found that I can give more time to Debian. So, I took more
  | responsibility of more packages - focusing on Indic related packages and
  | packages that from Indian contributor (but not limited to this).
  | My current areas of focus are: i18n, Indic packages, accessibility and
  | general packaging. I will be happy to give my contribution in these
  | areas as always.

2. Philosophy and Procedures
   Kartik Mistry has acquired a good understanding of Debian's philosophy and
   procedures and answered all my questions about the social contract,
   DFSG, BTS, etc. in a good way. Kartik Mistry committed to uphold the SC and 
   in his Debian work and accepts the DMUP.

3. Tasks and Skills
   Kartik Mistry has developed a good understanding of the technical side of 
   Kartik Mistry is maintainer of 31 packages in main[1] and 1 package in 
   All (21) packages I checked are in correct shape.
   Kartik Mistry also improved his technical skills so as to answer
   my other questions regarding T&S and provided patches for RC bugs.

[1] aspell-gu, aspell-ml, ayttm, bake, blast, chmlib, festival,
festival-doc, festival-hi, festival-mr, fontypython, freetalk,
gnome-specimen, gtkdiskfree, kphotobymail, ldtp, ldtp-doc, libyahoo2,
mpy-svn-stats, pygtkmvc, pyslide, recoll, scanmem, sitecopy,
speech-tools, tagtool, tepache, uni2ascii, xchm, xmountains, xosview

4. Recommendation
   I recommend to accept Kartik Mistry as a Debian Developer.
   Account: kartik
   Forward-Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Mohammed Adnène Trojette

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: Digital signature

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