1. Identification & Account Data
   First name:      Tzafrir 
   Middle name:     __
   Last name:       Cohen
   Key fingerprint = 2BBB A14D DD49 D5F3 8C10  5F01 C40A D676 437D 328B
   Account:         tzafrir
   Forward email:   tzaf...@cohens.org.il

   ID check passed, key signed by 1 existing developer:

Syncing Debian Keyrings with rsync from keyring.debian.org
Receiving and checking key
pub   1024D/437D328B 2004-11-09
      Key fingerprint = 2BBB A14D DD49 D5F3 8C10  5F01 C40A D676 437D 328B
uid                  Tzafrir Cohen <tzaf...@cohens.org.il>
sig!         99E81DA0 2005-08-06  Lior Kaplan <kaplanl...@gmail.com>
sig!3        437D328B 2004-11-09  Tzafrir Cohen <tzaf...@cohens.org.il>
sig!3        437D328B 2004-11-09  Tzafrir Cohen <tzaf...@cohens.org.il>
uid       [ revoked] Tzafrir Cohen <tzaf...@dira.dyndns.org>
sig!3        437D328B 2004-11-09  Tzafrir Cohen <tzaf...@cohens.org.il>
sig!3        437D328B 2004-11-09  Tzafrir Cohen <tzaf...@cohens.org.il>
rev!         437D328B 2008-07-31  Tzafrir Cohen <tzaf...@cohens.org.il>
uid       [ revoked] Tzafrir Cohen (Key3) <tzaf...@technion.ac.il>
sig!3        437D328B 2004-11-09  Tzafrir Cohen <tzaf...@cohens.org.il>
sig!3        437D328B 2004-11-09  Tzafrir Cohen <tzaf...@cohens.org.il>
rev!         437D328B 2008-07-31  Tzafrir Cohen <tzaf...@cohens.org.il>
sub   1024g/1DECC62A 2004-11-09
sig!         437D328B 2004-11-09  Tzafrir Cohen <tzaf...@cohens.org.il>

Let's test if its a version 4 or greater key
Key is ok
Check for key expire stuff
Key has no expiration date set, nothing to check.

2. Background
   Applicant writes:

My name is Tzafrir Cohen, from Israel, born at 1975.

I started using Linux at 1999 because I wanted software I could legally 
and safely use with a decent price. I've been involved with the local 
Linux community since. I started using Debian at 2001 and as my home 
desktop at 2002. 

At 2004 I moved to a new company that makes Asterisk/Zaptel hardware. 
As of 2005 I started working on the packages of Asterisk and Zaptel 
Initially in a separate fork and later on with the Debian pkg-voip team. 
It also involves preparing a DebianLive-based CD that is included with 
the product.

3. Philosophy and Procedures
   Tzafrir has a good understanding of Debian's philosophy and procedures
   and answered all my questions about the social contract,
   DFSG, BTS, etc. in a good way. Tzafrir committed to uphold the SC and DFSG
   in his Debian work and accepts the DMUP.

4. Tasks and Skills
   Tzafrir has a good understanding of the technical side of Debian.
   Tzafrir is a member of the voip team and works on several packages,
   including asterisk.
   All packages are in pretty good shape, especially considering the complexity
   of the packages and the team environment.
   Tzafrir also answered my other questions regarding T&S without problems
   and has submitted numerous patches for RC bugs over the last few years.

5. Recommendation
   Tzafrir comes highly recommended by DDs he works with on the voip team.

   I recommend accepting Tzafrif Cohen as a Debian Developer.


Patrick Ouellette                 p...@flying-gecko.net
ne...@arrl.net                    Amateur Radio: NE4PO 

What kind of change have you been in the world today?

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: Digital signature

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