I sent this message two days ago to nm-committee, but in any case, I
think it should be re-sent to a public list. Front-desk, please
comment on it (whether you approve it or not).


I'd like to resubmit my advocacy for William Vera to start his NM

I have long known William, although he used to live in a very distant
part of the country and we had met only briefly. I sent an advocacy
message on May 2010, but it was not accepted as I had explicitly
stated I had not yet worked technically with him.

He has now relocated to Mexico City, and has been staying at myy house
for the past two weeks. We have talked extensively about his work as a
maintainer since 2005, his work in the forensics and testing-security
teams, and his role in building local Debian communities.

I want to submit again my advocacy for him to start his NM work. I am
confident he has enough experience to start the process, and I am sure
he will be a good gain for our project.


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