> - we probably need to get some feedback from DebConf team, they already
> discuss[1] it, maybe somebody will be willing to comment in this thread.
>  Two specific questions for DebConf team: are you happy with Kanboard or
> might you use another solution for 2019?  Do you see a possibility of
> running a shared instance of it or do you really want your instance to
> be DebConf only?

I've been using KanBoard for a while now, both for DebConf and for my
job. I'm also the one doing most of the admin work for the
kanban.debian.net instance at the moment.

I can't speak for the DC19 folks, but I like KanBoard a lot. The main
developer is doing a lot of work and KanBoard keeps improving. The
available plugins are nice too. Overall, it seems like a mature project.

We are currently in the process of migrating the kanban.debian.net
instance to DSA infrastructure. DSA has been very responsive and the
only reason this has not been done yet is that I don't have a lot of
spare time these days.

At the moment, this instance is hosted on the personal server of an
ex-dc17 team member, and thus not suitable for massive usage.

Once migrated to DSA infra, I have plans to make it available to the
whole Debian project. I have to talk with DSA about it, but as I see it,
the easiest path would be to use the Gitlab plugin and to let people
authenticate using their salsa.debian.org account.

If I had to give an ETA on this, I would say it should be done in 3
months? My university semester will be over and I should be a DD by
then, making it easier for DSA to give me access to a VM.

Hope that helps,


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