Hi all,

The wiki[1] and delegation[2] refers to the Outreach "team" as only the

Personally, I like the idea of using the word "team" for the broader
community of mentors too, given that everybody is doing a lot of work
and providing valuable contributions to this effort.

This means the text on the wiki and delegation may need to be tweaked. 
Should the admins just be called admins?  Or do we want to have another
name, for example, in the DebConf world, the admins are called DebConf
chairs.  What words fit best?  I realize some people may see this as
bike shedding but as we have to edit the wiki and delegation text in a
few days, now is the time to throw in any suggestions you have.

Here are a few that came to mind already:

- Debian Outreach Admin Team
- Debian Outreach Coordinators
- Debian Outreach Chairs
- Debian Outreach Program Managers
- keeping the status quo, "Debian Outreach Team"



1. https://wiki.debian.org/Teams/Outreach
2. https://lists.debian.org/debian-devel-announce/2015/04/msg00004.html

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