Processing commands for [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

> reassign 16443 dpkg-iwj
Bug#16443: dpkg-genchanges can't handle multi-architectures / and closes
Bug reassigned from package `dpkg-dev' to `dpkg-iwj'.

> severity 17775 wishlist
Bug#17775: Autocompilation of Packages
Severity set to `wishlist'.

> reassign 35078 dpkg-iwj
Bug#35078: dpkg-scanpackages warning buglet
Bug reassigned from package `dpkg-dev' to `dpkg-iwj'.

> reassign 24613 dpkg-iwj
Bug#24613: FIXED in NMU [was: dpkg-dev has unspecified dependency]
Bug#22115: dpkg-dev: dpkg-dev should depend on perl and should be moved to 
section devel
Bug reassigned from package `dpkg-dev' to `dpkg-iwj'.

> close 41794
Bug#41794: dpkg-buildpackage PGP key lookup
Bug closed, ack sent to submitter - they'd better know why !

> reassign 16415 dpkg-iwj
Bug#16415: dpkg-dev: dpkg-source fooled by removal of a line beginning "--" in 
a patch
Bug reassigned from package `dpkg-dev' to `dpkg-iwj'.

> reassign 15761 dpkg-iwj
Bug#15761: hamm's dpkg-dev has unwarranted problems under bo
Bug#11246: dpkg-source bug?
Bug#11385: dpkg-dev: dpkg-dev should depend on patch >= 2.2
Bug#12440: dpkg-dev: patch: **** can't find .dpkg-orig
Bug reassigned from package `dpkg-dev' to `dpkg-iwj'.

> reassign 4524 dpkg-iwj
Bug#4524: doesn't show file name in error msg
Bug reassigned from package `dpkg-dev' to `dpkg-iwj'.

> close 4525
Bug#4525: NOT A BUG [was: dpkg-buildpackage assumes file protections and shoots 
self in foot]
Bug#18288: dpkg-dev: dpkg-gencontrol should always generate DEBIAN/control with 
644 perms
Bug#19144: dpkg-dev: dpkg-buildpackage and umask settings
Bug closed, ack sent to submitter - they'd better know why !

> reassign 5355 dpkg-iwj
Bug#5355: dpkg-source loses revision in .tar.gz
Bug reassigned from package `dpkg-dev' to `dpkg-iwj'.

> close 7399
Bug#7399: dpkg-dev : request to include debian-keyring README 
Bug closed, ack sent to submitter - they'd better know why !

> close 20909
Bug#20909: We have two Debian keyrings in our packages.
Bug closed, ack sent to submitter - they'd better know why !

> close 6134
Bug#6134: dpkg-dev: file `developer-keys.pgp' is incomplete
Bug closed, ack sent to submitter - they'd better know why !

> reassign 11154 dpkg-iwj
Bug#11154: dpkg-genchanges fails
Bug reassigned from package `dpkg-dev' to `dpkg-iwj'.

> merge 39348 12505
Bug#12505: /usr/doc/dpkg/{internals,index}.html identical
Bug#39348: dpkg-dev: index.html and internals.html are the same file
Mismatch - only  in same state can be merged:
Values for `severity' don't match:
 #12505 has `';
 #39348 has `normal'

> reassign 20909 dpkg-iwj
Bug#20909: We have two Debian keyrings in our packages.
Bug reassigned from package `dpkg-dev' to `dpkg-iwj'.

> close 10405
Bug#10405: NOT A BUG [was: inconsistent docs]
Bug closed, ack sent to submitter - they'd better know why !

> reassign 4681 dpkg-iwj
Bug#4681: Fixed in NMU [was: dpkg-buildpackage -r broken]
Bug reassigned from package `dpkg-dev' to `dpkg-iwj'.

> reassign 23342 dpkg-iwj
Bug#23342: FIXED in NMU [was: overlap with dpkg: /usr/doc/dpkg/packaging.html]
Bug reassigned from package `dpkg-dev' to `dpkg-iwj'.

> reassign 5044 dpkg-iwj
Bug#5044: dpkg-buildpackage and dpkg-source don't agree on what's       
required in a package
Bug reassigned from package `dpkg-dev' to `dpkg-iwj'.

> reassign 11093 dpkg
Bug#11093: dpkg-dev: Missing manpage
Bug reassigned from package `dpkg-dev' to `dpkg'.

> severity 11093 wishlist
Bug#11093: dpkg-dev: Missing manpage
Severity set to `wishlist'.

> merge 11093 39490
Bug#11093: dpkg-dev: Missing manpage
Bug#39490: dpkg: dpkg-divert(1) manpage missing
Mismatch - only  in same state can be merged:
Values for `severity' don't match:
 #11093 has `wishlist';
 #39490 has `normal'

> merge 11093
Unknown command or malformed arguments to command.

> close 10091
Bug#10091: dpkg-buildpackage order of operations
Bug closed, ack sent to submitter - they'd better know why !

> reassign 34610 debian-policy
Bug#34610: unsuffixed shared libraries
Bug reassigned from package `dpkg-dev' to `debian-policy'.

> close 15288
Bug#15288: dpkg-dev: alternative dpkg-buildpackage order
Bug closed, ack sent to submitter - they'd better know why !

> reassign 10175 dpkg-iwj
Bug#10175: FIXED in NMU [was: dpkg-dev: cosmetic problem (?) in 
Bug reassigned from package `dpkg-dev' to `dpkg-iwj'.

> reassign 21581 dpkg-iwj
Bug#21581: FIXED in NMU [was: dpkg-dev: must replace dpkg]
Bug reassigned from package `dpkg-dev' to `dpkg-iwj'.

> reassign 24621 dpkg-iwj
Bug#24621: dpkg-dev: dpkg-name should handle new sections properly
Bug reassigned from package `dpkg-dev' to `dpkg-iwj'.

> reassign 20776 dpkg-iwj
Bug#20776: dpkg-dev: dpkg-dev does not use emacsen-commen method of installing 
.el files
Bug reassigned from package `dpkg-dev' to `dpkg-iwj'.

> reassign 21186 dpkg-iwj
Bug#21186: FIXED in NMU [was: dpkg-dev has a file also provided in dpkg]
Bug reassigned from package `dpkg-dev' to `dpkg-iwj'.

> close 13220
Bug#13220: New script: dpkg-geninfo: generates 'md5sums' and 'du'
Bug closed, ack sent to submitter - they'd better know why !

> close 25764
Bug#25764: dpkg: NMUs never include orig.tar.gz
Bug closed, ack sent to submitter - they'd better know why !

> reassign 10825 dpkg-iwj
Bug#10825: Fixed in NMU [was: dpkg-shlibdeps looks for wrong output from
Bug reassigned from package `dpkg-dev' to `dpkg-iwj'.

> reassign 14341 dpkg-iwj
Bug#14341: dpkg-genchanges files-to-be-present logic wrong
Bug#20192: dpkg-genchanges files-to-be-present logic wrong
Bug reassigned from package `dpkg-dev' to `dpkg-iwj'.

> reassign 12260 dpkg-iwj
Bug#12260: perl cannot be unpacked
Bug reassigned from package `dpkg-dev' to `dpkg-iwj'.

> reassign 35961 dpkg-iwj
Bug#35961: Segmentation fault in dpkg-dev, when $LC* and $LANGUAGE are default
Bug reassigned from package `dpkg-dev' to `dpkg-iwj'.

> close 47227
Bug#47227: Fix symlink dpkg-dev -> dpkg
Bug closed, ack sent to submitter - they'd better know why !

> close 26512
Bug#26512: Fixes to make dpkg-gencontrol and dpkg-shlibdeps work over NFS
Bug closed, ack sent to submitter - they'd better know why !

> reassign 24714 dpkg-iwj
Bug#24714: dpkg-genchanges requires all packages listed in controlfile be   
Bug reassigned from package `dpkg-dev' to `dpkg-iwj'.

> reassign 37860 kernel-package
Bug#37860: dpkg-dev: package kernel-image-2.2.9 not in control info
Bug reassigned from package `dpkg-dev' to `kernel-package'.

> reassign 7399 debian-keyring
Bug#7399: dpkg-dev : request to include debian-keyring README 
Bug reassigned from package `dpkg-dev' to `debian-keyring'.

> reassign 13283 dpkg-iwj
Bug#13283: dpkg-buildpackage produces an i386 change file for an all (arch) 
Bug reassigned from package `dpkg-dev' to `dpkg-iwj'.

> stop
Stopping processing here.

Please contact me if you need assistance.

Darren Benham
(administrator, Debian Bugs database)

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