On 11-05-04 at 05:44am, Jonathan Nieder wrote:
> Jonathan Nieder wrote:
> > Håkon A. Hjortland wrote:
> >> Downgrading liblcms1 from 1.18.dfsg-1.2ubuntu1 to 1.16-7ubuntu1 
> >> also fixes the segfaults for both arch-SPOT.eps and 
> >> transmitter.pdf.
> >
> > Ah, thanks for this (and for pinpointing which pointers are NULL)! 
> > I'll bisect.
> Ok, so I was looking for an upstream repository to sift through but I 
> don't think there is one for lcms1.

Not sure I understand what you mean above: Sure there is upstream source 
for lcms1: http://www.littlecms.com/download.html

> When ghostscript renders arch-SPOT.eps, Device2PCS->CLut16params (as 
> filled by cmsReadICCLut) is all-zeroes with modern liblcms1 and in 
> particular the pointer to its Interp3D method is NULL when cmsEvalLUT 
> calls it.  Håkon did the brave thing and tried omitting the Interp3D 
> call, and it seemed to work okay.
> So it's all a little puzzling.  Hints welcome.

Ghostscript recently added support for LittleCMS 2.x which I hope to 
soon use instead of LittleCMS 1.x.

Thanks to all of you for the valuable work here!

 - Jonas

 * Jonas Smedegaard - idealist & Internet-arkitekt
 * Tlf.: +45 40843136  Website: http://dr.jones.dk/

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