On Wed, 12 Dec 2001, Jim Penny wrote:

> I would not care to be the fellow who had a mission critical application,
> who 'upgraded', and found his site no longer working, with no way of
> backing up to a working configuration.
While I agree with you in general (I wonder if it is worth a bug
report or if you should volunteer to package zope2.3 which could
coexist with zope) I have to say that somebody who does an upgrade
of a mission critical box without testing it on a test plattform
is not worth its money.

> For example, I serve technical drawings to essentially everyone in my
> company.  Loss of this would cost thousands of US dollars a day,
> particularly as we no longer have a way to duplicate oversize drawings.
> (It would also cause me much grief :-( .)
Well the money for a simple testing machine would be peenuts, wouldn't it?

> Upgrade compatiblity problems  would be particularly a problem for
> 2.3 users in that when 2.4 comes from unstable to testing, no 2.3
> .deb will be available, at all.  2.1 users could always go back to
> the potato package.  2.2 users, well, I hope things went well for them.
Mission critical machines should run under stable (potato).

Kind regards


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