On 11.12.20 10:03, jojo wrote:
I updated a team-maintained package and am looking for an upload sponsor. This one: https://salsa.debian.org/python-team/packages/python3-discogs-client/-/tree/debian/2.3.5-1. I already uploaded the package to my webserver: https://jojo.peek-a-boo.at/E950513F/python-discogs-client_2.3.5-1.dsc

I tried to find a sponsor on the irc channel #debian-python already. I posted it in the channel and have been told to better just add it to the topic of that channel. I didn't do that because I am an irc noob and use the irc bridge on matrix.org to access irc rooms and didn't find a way to do it yet. Just so you know.

I finally found out how to properly edit the topic via my matrix client and just have added python-discogs-client to the RFS list :-)

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