
I'd like to request that kobold be added to the python-modules group on
Alioth. I'll have sqlobject integrated to the svn repository tonight.


-------- Mensagem encaminhada --------
De: Fabio Tranchitella <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Para: Gustavo Noronha Silva <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Assunto: Re: Bug#375751: sqlobject: should use the parse method when
using pkg_resources.Requirement
Data: Mon, 03 Jul 2006 09:17:33 +0200

[snip by kov]
> And, have you considered joining the python-modules team?
> http://python-modules.alioth.debian.org/

Yes, but no time yet to request it. Could you please add me (my alioth
account is kobold)? We can start with sqlobject, and then I'll migrate
my python packages to it when I'll have my notebook back.


Gustavo Noronha Silva <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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