On 31.05.2017 20:58, Stefano Rivera wrote:
> It's been a while, but I found some time and energy at PyCon, to work
> our SVN->Git migration.
> I started with our DPMT migration script, pulled out the git-dpm bits,
> and fixed the obvious issues I saw.
> Here's what the migration currently looks like [0].
> [0]: https://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/users/stefanor/python-apps/
> This is after several rounds of migration, and fixes to both the SVN
> repo, and the migration script. Below are the notes I made during the
> rounds of migration. I haven't re-reviewed every package, after fixing
> it, only a couple of spot checks. The first round was ta revision 13997,
> and the final one (published at [0]) was at revision 14089.
> And this is the migration script:
> https://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/users/stefanor/dpmt-migration.git/
> Does that look reasonable? Should we do this?
> SR


pybtex has been moved to Debian Science.

BTW, the fix of #833469 from svn-buildpackage (copy .asc file together with 
tar) is
needed to avoid problems with the error message 
from Lintian 2.5.52.


4096R/DF5182C8 (sten...@debian.org)

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