On 29.06.2017 05:19, Scott Kitterman wrote:
> On Friday, June 23, 2017 02:09:34 PM Scott Kitterman wrote:
>> On Saturday, June 17, 2017 04:20:27 AM Scott Kitterman wrote:
>>> Python3.6 is already in Unstable and I expect to see it in Testing soon
>>> after Stretch is released.
>>> I've just now uploaded a version of python3-defaults to Experimental that
>>> adds python3.6 as as supported (but not default) python3.  If you have
>>> binary extensions packaged, please start testing with this version to make
>>> sure your package builds correctly with both python3.5 and python3.6 as
>>> supported.
>>> As a reminder (and for anyone new) we'll do the transition to python3.6 in
>>> three stages:
>>>  - Add python3.6 as supported and rebuild all binary extensions to support
>>> both python3.5 and python3.6
>>>  - Switch to python3.6 as default
>>>  - Drop python3.5 from supported and rebuild again to remove python3.5
>>> support.
>> Unless I've missed something, I've not heard back from anyone indicating
>> significant issues that would warrant not taking the first step in this plan
>> (I'm aware astropy may have some problems, but that's it).
>> My plan is to ask the release team for a transition tracker and start the
>> first part of this in Unstable once they've agreed.  If anyone thinks this
>> is premature, please let me know.
> Unless I brown bagged the upload somehow, this is started now.
> https://release.debian.org/transitions/html/python3.6.html

The defaults change to 3.6 is now available in unstable, pending issues can be
seen here:


 - cantor: fixed in experimental
 - libkolab: fixed in experimental
 - python-escript: #878496, test failures on 32bit
 - pyside: multiple RC issues
 - s3ql: #877204, test failures
 - yt: #873511, fixed in new upstream


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