Bug#954115: RFP: capturer -- Easily capture stdout/stderr of the current process and subprocesses

2020-03-16 Thread Sandro Tosi
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist


this is a dependency of the test suite of humanfriendly.


Re: 2Removal: handling circular dependencies

2020-03-16 Thread Rebecca N. Palmer

On 16/03/2020 06:28, Sandro Tosi wrote:

Hey Rebecca, do you have an updated list of these cycles?

Warning: this is based on open py2removal bugs, *not* actual package 

2 crossfire crossfire-maps
2 sugar sugar-pippy-activity
2 rabbyt snowballz
4 python-pysnmp4 pysmi python-pysnmp4-apps python-pysnmp4-mibs
78 mercurial mercurial-extension-utils mercurial-keyring setuptools-scm 
automat twisted incremental pytest chardet beautifulsoup4 lxml html5lib 
soupsieve sphinx alabaster pycairo pygobject-2 pygobject keyrings.alt 
python-keyring dbus-python pygobject pygtk pycurl python-tornado 
python-urllib3 requests python-concurrent.futures pygments 
python-docutils enum34 python-cryptography pyopenssl 
python-service-identity python-hypothesis pyhamcrest python-attrs 
python-packaging python-importlib-metadata python-pluggy python-dateutil 
pymacs python-mode pyrex python-numpy cython pystemmer python-debian 
python-apt entrypoints pexpect pillow pytest-expect python-atomicwrites 
python-babel python-cffi python-flaky python-iso8601 python-py six 
more-itertools python-zipp python-genty python-mock python-pbr 
python-linecache2 python-traceback2 unittest2 contextlib2 
python-funcsigs python-virtualenv python-pathlib2 singledispatch 
python-typing python-tz wcwidth pillow-python2 backports.functools-lru-cache

2 apr apr-util
3 python2.7 python-defaults python-stdlib-extensions