Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist

* Package name    : python3-pytest-fail-slow
  Version         : 0.1.0
  Upstream Author : John Thorvald Wodder II <>
* URL             :
* License         : MIT/X
  Programming Lang: Python
  Description     : pytest plugin for making tests fail that take too long to 

pytest-fail-slow is a pytest plugin for making tests fail that take too
long to run. It adds a --fail-slow DURATION command-line option to pytest that
causes any & all otherwise-passing tests that run for longer than the given
duration to be marked as failures, and it adds a
@pytest.mark.fail_slow(DURATION) marker for making an individual test fail if
it runs for longer than the given duration. If --fail-slow is given and a test
has the @fail_slow() marker, the duration given by the marker takes precedence
for that test.

It will likely be necessary for testing the next (0.17) release of
DataLad package.

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