Pyvorbis and ogg comments

2002-01-10 Thread Aquarius
Does anyone know how to set comments in ogg files using the libvorbis
bindings? I can set a comment non-permanently (the VorbisComment object
works like a dictionary), but I can't work out how to actually *save*
those comments that I've set...

I asked Chris Cheney, the maintainer, and he didn't know; upstream seem
to not be answering mails, so I'm a bit baffled.


(funny that, aquarius=water=boats=sailors=popeye=[EMAIL PROTECTED] ;))
 - Aiken, afe

Re: Status report on python2 transition

2001-07-05 Thread Aquarius
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED] you wrote:
 I just browsed /usr/bin and /usr/sbin, and indeed there are plenty of
 scripts that use #!/usr/bin/env python. If we consider the possibility
 that somebody installs non-compatible Python versions in the path, then
 these are bugs in that packages. Thanks for pointing this out!
 I guess we really, really need a Debian Python policy that mentions all
 these things.

Especially since #!/usr/bin/env python is recommended in the Python
FAQ (section 4.63 -- Is
it bad to use in general, or just bad to use on Debian systems?


There have to be people like me, so people like you can look so clever.
   -- Max Jaeger, Fatherland