Re: test upgrade, Re: Bug#411657: Transition from sarge-etch for zope packages

2007-02-23 Thread Fabio Tranchitella
* 2007-02-23 11:15,  wrote:
> hi,


> In the next 4 hours I repeatedly tried to use the migration tool of Plone
> to update my Plone site.  It turned out that the new version of
> exUserFolder 0.50 is completely different , so I removed from the
> instance and manually put my old (patched) 0.20 into it ; and it turns
> out that I18NLayer is incompatible with Plone 2.5 (so I deleted all my
> I18NLayer files from the instance - of course, this is unacceptable for a
> "real" upgrade, but at a certain point I was also curious to see if I
> could ever get to a working instance!).

These are all problems related to upstream upgrade paths and there is
nothing which we (as Debian Zope Team) could do. From my experience,
upgrade paths in Plone 2.0 -> 2.5 are quite painful as a lot of background
code changed.

>  --- my failed "semi upgrade"
> I created another instance w/o Etch products
> # dzhandle -z 2.9 make-instance -m manual dida_oldplone
> I copied all my data and personal products ; and I also
> copied all Plone 2.0 products from Sarge into
> /var/var/lib/zope2.9/instance/dida_oldplone/Products
> So my goal was to just upgrade zope2.7 -> zope2.9 ,
> and be able to run my portal in Etch (and leave
> the Plone update to a later moment).
> It failed in a worse way: when I try to access any 
> folder in management mode , I get
> 2007-02-23T09:50:50 ERROR Zope.SiteErrorLog 
> http://localhost:9673/Control_Panel/Products/manage_main
> Traceback (innermost last):
>   Module ZPublisher.Publish, line 115, in publish
>   Module ZPublisher.mapply, line 88, in mapply
>   Module ZPublisher.Publish, line 41, in call_object
>   Module Shared.DC.Scripts.Bindings, line 311, in __call__
>   Module Shared.DC.Scripts.Bindings, line 348, in _bindAndExec
>   Module App.special_dtml, line 176, in _exec
>   Module DocumentTemplate.DT_Let, line 76, in render
>   Module DocumentTemplate.DT_Util, line 196, in eval
>- __traceback_info__: REQUEST
>   Module , line 0, in ?
> NameError: name 'getDefaultSorting' is not defined

Same as before, with a note that this is a known problem: try to remove
ExternalEditor from your products folder, it should fix the portal.


Fabio Tranchitella
Free Software Developer and Consultant
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Description: Digital signature

test upgrade, Re: Bug#411657: Transition from sarge-etch for zope packages

2007-02-23 Thread A Mennucc

as I already told, I have a Etch box (amd64) that I installed
from scratch ; but I still keep my zope server in a Sarge i386 chroot
(using zope 2.7, plone 2.0 (self installed) and other zope products).
since the Etch release is near, and this bug is raising
the question,  I decided to try to port my zope server to Etch.
I do not have time to enter into the details, but I want to 
briefly describe my ordeal, in case it is of help to someone else.

 --- my failed upgrade

in Etch:  I installed zope2.9 and plone and all zope products that
seemed reasonable ; then  (as root)
# dzhandle -z 2.9 make-instance -m all dida
to create an instance ; then I copied from my Sarge chroot all "local"
products (that I downloaded from internet and/or adapted) into
/var/lib/zope2.9/instance/dida/Products/ , similarly for Extensions, ,
and I copied also all the data from /sarge/var/lib/zope.../var into
/var/var/lib/zope2.9/instance/dida/var and edited etc/zope.conf to
taste.  Then I started zope2.9 on my dida instance, and I could access
it in management mode. In the next 4 hours I repeatedly tried to use
the migration tool of Plone to update my Plone site.  It turned out
that the new version of exUserFolder 0.50 is completely different , so
I removed from the instance and manually put my old (patched) 0.20
into it ; and it turns out that I18NLayer is incompatible with Plone 2.5
(so I deleted all my  I18NLayer files from the instance - of course,
this is unacceptable for a "real" upgrade, but at a certain point
I was also curious to see if I could ever get to a working instance!).
Omitting many other hacks and problems, I eventually managed a full
and succesfull run of the Plone migration tool ... to no result!
If I try to access my instance, I get the error you see in attachment.

 --- my failed "semi upgrade"

I created another instance w/o Etch products
# dzhandle -z 2.9 make-instance -m manual dida_oldplone
I copied all my data and personal products ; and I also
copied all Plone 2.0 products from Sarge into
So my goal was to just upgrade zope2.7 -> zope2.9 ,
and be able to run my portal in Etch (and leave
the Plone update to a later moment).
It failed in a worse way: when I try to access any 
folder in management mode , I get
2007-02-23T09:50:50 ERROR Zope.SiteErrorLog 
Traceback (innermost last):
  Module ZPublisher.Publish, line 115, in publish
  Module ZPublisher.mapply, line 88, in mapply
  Module ZPublisher.Publish, line 41, in call_object
  Module Shared.DC.Scripts.Bindings, line 311, in __call__
  Module Shared.DC.Scripts.Bindings, line 348, in _bindAndExec
  Module App.special_dtml, line 176, in _exec
  Module DocumentTemplate.DT_Let, line 76, in render
  Module DocumentTemplate.DT_Util, line 196, in eval
   - __traceback_info__: REQUEST
  Module , line 0, in ?
NameError: name 'getDefaultSorting' is not defined


On Thu, Feb 22, 2007 at 11:11:20AM +0100, debdev wrote:
> Consider also as an example Plone: it may be the case that an old
> version of Plone is incompatible with zope2.9 (I am not sure of this,
> but lets pretend, for sake of example) ; so the upgrade path is
> 0) stop zope2.7
> 1) upgrade Plone to a newer version
> 2) start zope2.7
> 3) enter into the administrative interface and fire the
>   "plone migration tool" to upgrade the instance to the newer Plone
> 4) stop zope2.7 and remove it
> 5) apt-get install zope2.9
> 6) start zope2.9 and test that the Plone site is working fine

so I have to correct my fictious example: in my first upgrade,
I could start zope2.9 (in management mode) and I could operate in it;
whereas what I could not possibly achieve is that the migration
tool of Plone would transform my portal so that it would work
with Plone 2.5
Title: Zope on http://localhost:9673




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