Hi again.

Cyril Brulebois <k...@debian.org> (25/02/2012):
> Broken packages (in unstable): arb/non-free openmsx rlvm spring tulip
> The following packages are marked as bad on the tracker[1]:
>  - arb/non-free, missing libmotif-dev on other platforms, so not
>    binNMU'd.

Building non-free issue: #661280

>  - openmsx: binNMU FTBFS


>  - rlvm: sid-only

BinNMU'd on all platforms but powerpc, where it FTBFS: #638271

>  - spring: binNMU FTBFS


>  - tulip: binNMU FTBFS, sid-only


> So I've hinted arb/non-free, openmsx, and spring for removal so that
> the transition can happen. Since outdated binaries were still around,
> I “simulated” a britney dry run by “forcing” glew in, which seemed to
> work fine.
> Hopefully tomorrow morning's (10:00Z) run should see packages migrate.
> I'll make sure all the above-mentioned packages have bugs filed against
> them, and I'll see what needs to be done to remove old glew binaries
> from testing.

Done, and old glew binaries are gone. ben file moved away accordingly.

Closing this bug report.


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