In data domenica 18 settembre 2016 00:18:41 CEST, Adrian Bunk ha scritto:
> I would like to get an opinion from you as maintainers of KDevelop
> on removal of c-cpp-reference from Debian.
> It seems to be a 15-20 year old reference for KDevelop that comes from 

s/comes/it used to come/

Considering the times the website has changed since that
guide was picked, I really doubt it can be found anywhere else.

> Does it make any sense for KDevelop today?

It seems updated last in KDE 3 times at best, and I I'm pretty sure
recent versions of kdevelop don't even know about it. So no, it does
not make sense, especially ...

> After a quick look at the C part there are tutorial parts that are 
> still useful today, but there are many (including better) tutorials
> available online.

... because of this.

Pino Toscano

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