I can't see any way for the release team to approve the unblock scim for
the following reasons:

0: it's a new upstream release which is deemed a "significant change"

1: the packaging system has changed to compat 9, another significant

2: new binary packages have been introduced, a further "significant

3: there is no RC bug fixed in scim itself by this upload

4: the RC bug which does exist (#687401) is, in my estimation,
artificial because there appears to be no functional reason for the
change in the build-dependency other than to work with a -dev package
which was converted to MultiArch unnecessarily. (There is no
specification for how to manage -dev packages for MultiArch currently,
only shared libraries and changing only the shared library would not
have caused problems with the reverse dependencies.) scim-anthy *could*
build against the version of scim already in testing if the special
handling for the multiarch'd libscim-dev package was removed from
debian/rules. So this upload doesn't fix the RC bug, it merely matches
what the RC buggy package was instructed to expect in order to meet the
changes in the scim package.

I have gone through the debdiff between the version of scim in wheezy
and the version in sid and I can't see how this meets the Wheezy Freeze
Policy [0] either. It fails Rule #1 - there are no bug fixes directly
within scim other than one RC bug introduced by the new upstream version
itself (#679724). It fails Rule #5 with three different levels of
significant changes. The new upstream release contains very large
amounts of new code, adding support for libraries and systems not
previously support by scim. A release freeze is *not* the time to test
such large changes within Debian.

I've checked through the one remaining option of using the versions in
Squeeze too. I've tried to build the version of scim-anthy in Squeeze
within Wheezy but it fails due to GTK3 issues (libscim-dev in Wheezy
requires libgtk3-dev. This raises a separate issue that some reverse
dependencies of libscim8c2a which is built from scim are linked against
libgtk2.0-0 when libscim8c2a itself is linked against libgtk-3-0 - a
situation which the Gtk maintainers warn will cause seg faults. This
arises partially because libscim-dev Depends on both libgtk2.0-dev and
libgtk-3-dev which itself is wrong.)

One of the packages affected by this is scim-prime but although there is
a fix in unstable, the NMU for scim-prime is *also* unsuitable for an
unblock due to substantial changes to the package including 3.0 quilt,
removal of dpatch and rewriting all of the existing patches. scim-prime
will also need to be removed from wheezy.

This rules out the slim option of rolling back to a point before all
these changes started by introducing an epoch based on the current scim
and scim-anthy packages in squeeze and reintroducing those through
unstable with suitable unblocks.

The only solution which I can see is that scim-anthy and scim-prime have
to be removed from testing and then introduced via wheezy-backports once
that becomes available. This will allow users to upgrade and receive the
extra hooks for gir*, gtk3 & Qt related packages. scim would not be
unblocked and would also have to be updated via backports.

[0] http://release.debian.org/wheezy/freeze_policy.html


Neil Williams

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