Crie seus programas sem ser programador - GERADOR DE SISTEMAS

2017-01-10 Thread Gerador de sistemas

Crie seus programas sem precisar ser um programador com o novo LOGIC LINE. O 
Logic Line tem 18 anos de mercado.

Com o Logic Line, qualquer sistema ou programa pode ser criado sem limites, até 
100 vezes mais fácil e rápido do que em uma ferramenta convencional.

Para adquirir o Logic Line por apenas R$ 399 (com 70% de desconto), entre em 
contato com a gente:

Por email:

Por WhatsApp:

Por Skype:

Veja algumas vantagens:

- Novo Logic Line com ainda mais facilidade de uso.
- O Logic Line é uma linguagem visual e interativa, de forma que você não 
utiliza nenhuma outra linguagem com ele. Basta
aprender os recursos do Logic Line para desenvolver qualquer sistema. O Logic 
Line gera os .EXE(executáveis) dos sistemas
- O Logic Line roda em qualquer computador do mercado, em qualquer plataforma, 
assim como todos os sistemas criados com ele.
- Todos os sistemas feitos com o Logic Line rodam automaticamente em rede, 
sendo que também existem comandos específicos no Logic Line
para a manipulação dos sistemas em rede.
- Os executáveis(.EXE) dos sistemas gerados pelo Logic Line são de propriedade 
do usuário do Logic Line. Por isso, você pode
distribuir e comercializar livremente os sistemas desenvolvidos, sem precisar 
pagar nada.
- Com o Logic Line, você pode se comunicar com qualquer outra aplicação, 
através da importação e exportação de arquivos texto,
em qualquer formato, bem como importação e exportação em outras bases.
- Base de dados aberta.
- Cada sistema pode ter até 64.000 arquivos. Cada arquivo pode ter até 4 
BILHÕES de registros, sem perda de performance.
- Qualquer combinação de relacionamento de arquivos pode ser feita utilizando o 
Logic Line, sem limitações.
- O Logic Line possui dezenas de recursos multimídia para os sistemas, como 
fotos, vídeos, músicas e outros, inclusive ligados aos bancos de dados.
- O Logic Line possui alteração automática de base de dados no cliente final em 
caso de alteração de estrutura dos dados, sem precisar desenvolver programas
de conversão de dados.
- Não há necessidade de reindexação dos arquivos em caso de queda de luz ou 
outros problemas, porque a tecnologia dos arquivos de dados mantém os índices
no mesmo arquivo físico dos dados, com total garantia de integridade.
- O Logic Line possui criação visual de janelas, inputs, botões, gráficos 
estatísticos (linha, barra, pizza, área, etc), molduras, consultas por listas
(browses) e muitos outros objetos. Ele também possui criação rápida e visual de 
relatórios e etiquetas, bem como de qualquer outro processamento no sistema.
- O Logic Line traz a possibilidade de criação de novos recursos, com 
combinação infinita dos recursos existentes.
- O Logic Line permite a comunicação com qualquer hardware externo,
como impressoras fiscais, leitores e impressoras de código de barra, etc. 
- O Logic Line permite a chamada de programas externos por dentro dos
sistemas desenvolvidos, tornando as aplicações ainda mais abrangentes.
- Muitos outros recursos.

Para adquirir o Logic Line por apenas R$ 399 (com 70% de desconto), entre em 
contato com a gente:

Por email:

Por WhatsApp:

Por Skype:

Abraços dos amigos da

Corbett Software
LOGIC LINE - 18 anos

Re: Uploading linux (4.9.2-1)

2017-01-10 Thread Santiago Vila
On Tue, Jan 10, 2017 at 06:23:27PM +, Ben Hutchings wrote:
> On Tue, 2017-01-10 at 18:05 +, Santiago Vila wrote:
> > On Tue, Jan 10, 2017 at 05:04:50PM +, Ben Hutchings wrote:
> > > I intend to upload linux version 4.9.2-1 to unstable tomorrow
> > > (Wednesday).  As this is a new upstream version, there is of course an
> > > ABI bump.
> > 
> > Hi.
> > 
> > (Sorry if this is already reported, last time I looked at the bug page it 
> > was not)
> > 
> > Is there any chance to remove the leading .0 from the binary package names?
> > 
> > I know it's mostly harmless, but it's misleading anyway to have 
> > linux-image-4.8.0-2-amd64
> > to really contain 4.8.11 and not 4.8.0, and if it's done for compatibility 
> > reasons,
> > we have done it for a lot of time already for tools to adapt.
> The package names need to match kernel release strings:
> - reportbug maps 'kernel' to linux-image-$(uname -r) and this must be
>   a real, not virtual package
> - module-assistant can auto-install linux-headers-$(uname -r) when
>   building for the current kernel release
> And kernel release strings with only 2 dotted components may break
> software in subtle or severe ways that are hard to diagnose.  The
> previous time we tried this, we got #742226 and #745984.

So, could you make, for example, uname -r to be "4.9.x-1-amd64"
(and by "x" I mean a real "x", not a figure).

I guess that if you override the kernel version so that it's 4.8.0
even if it's really 4.8.11 and nothing bad happens, you could also use
an arbitrary string after the second dot.

If we really have to use two dots, linux-image-4.8.x-2-amd64 would be
a better name than linux-image-4.8.0-2-amd64 for the binary package.

> If we change this again it will be at the start of a release cycle, not
> the end.

Ok, I understand this (I also have had bugs like that for which the
cure was worse than the disease).


Re: Bug#850887: Decide proper solution for binutils' mips* bug

2017-01-10 Thread Sam Hartman

I'd really appreciate comments from debian-release on this issue.
Would debian-release like us to take this up?
If so, I have a proposal for how to fast-track this situation, but I am
only comfortable doing that if the release team is involved.

Processed: cloning 828546, retitle -1 to sipxtapi: Please migrate to openssl1.1 in buster ..., tagging -1 ...

2017-01-10 Thread Debian Bug Tracking System
Processing commands for

> # Split bug so we can properly track issues
> clone 828546 -1
Bug #828546 [src:sipxtapi] sipxtapi: FTBFS with openssl 1.1.0
Bug 828546 cloned as bug 850898
827061 was blocked by: 835798 844906 828397 828334 828543 828253 835786 828434 
844907 844311 828609 844534 828611 828419 828303 828436 828462 828352 828448 
835785 828568 828534 828599 828530 828333 828281 828398 828291 844345 828572 
828415 844870 828465 828606 828368 828463 828240 828431 841635 828380 828502 
828531 828593 844931 828442 828521 828514 828139 828246 828417 828496 828617 
828517 828480 828279 828274 828532 828596 828330 828487 828467 828233 828469 
828449 828445 828501 828316 828339 844845 828553 835794 828533 828283 828453 
828256 828258 828318 828287 828605 828618 828381 828472 835789 828512 845030 
828255 828461 828278 828358 848681 828515 844301 828230 828583 828552 828393 
844948 828528 848680 828262 828439 828459 828305 828264 828395 828277 828598 
828416 835811 846113 828525 828452 828402 828608 828083 835585 828401 828479 
835796 828235 828326 828411 828550 828540 809271 828535 828272 844503 844904 
828584 828244 828619 828231 828288 828285 828455 828259 828345 828257 828490 
843988 828320 828317 828325 828365 828488 828506 828460 828239 828473 828476 
828322 828561 828559 828127 828302 828314 828391 828423 828549 828503 828403 
828234 835790 828564 828362 828444 828342 845106 828310 828612 850881 828446 
828565 828558 828363 828466 828491 828581 828548 828589 828518 828574 844018 
828569 828243 828296 828508 828343 829465 828263 850882 828576 828251 828602 
828385 828351 844234 828590 828361 844947 828428 828349 828242 828388 835804 
844909 844213 828588 828613 828468 828492 828571 843682 828545 828527 828335 
828356 828422 828346 828458 828443 844836 828268 828369 828082 828421 828298 
828348 828551 828276 828474 828250 828594 844366 828404 828537 828430 828482 
828360 844926 828603 828570 828414 828547 828344 828354 828614 828523 828424 
828311 828307 828284 828516 828261 844877 828405 828542 828315 844949 828573 
828341 828437 845729 828338 828497 828555 828539 828386 844936 828293 828493 
828306 828267 828248 828591 828432 828308 828355 828420 844271 828610 828440 
844951 828229 828399 828554 828280 828504 828271 828337 835797 844815 828510 
828586 828269 822380 828418 828359 828331 828304 828286 828486 828336 828270 
844663 828580 828406 828383 843871 828438 828238 827068 844945 808669 850880 
837960 828389 844833 828519 828382 828489 828607 828500 844928 828592 844347 
844254 845016 828275 828601 828495 828350 828524 835800 828249 828367 828485 
828300 828429 835549 836419 828494 828505 828254 828294 814600 828237 828595 
828379 828313 828454 828538 828373 828447 828450 828372 828297 828301 828324 
828265 828407 828575 828295 828390 828507 828400 828536 843532 828377 828378 
828347 828366 828370 828409 828387 828615 835793 828426 828563 828228 828579 
828556 828412 828392 828282 828321 828587 828374 828499 828309 828396 835799 
844800 828290 828578 843852 828511 828289 828464 828582 828562 828478 828410 
850883 828544 828384 828376 828260 828484 828433 828427 828529 828241 844916 
828597 829452 828470 828394 828364 844664 844975 846769 828232 828620 828600 
828328 828526 828604 828577 844920 828292 828546 828357 844838 828451 828375 
828585 828616 828567 844706 828371 828456 828435 828340 828457 828566 828323 
828319 828252 828509 828541
827061 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 827061: 850898
> retitle -1 sipxtapi: Please migrate to openssl1.1 in buster
Bug #850898 [src:sipxtapi] sipxtapi: FTBFS with openssl 1.1.0
Changed Bug title to 'sipxtapi: Please migrate to openssl1.1 in buster' from 
'sipxtapi: FTBFS with openssl 1.1.0'.
> unblock 827061 with -1
Bug #827061 [] transition: openssl
827061 was blocked by: 828283 844870 844347 828479 828282 828303 828251 828358 
844909 828277 828348 828415 835797 844928 844534 828444 828420 835799 828265 
828572 828343 844800 848680 828300 844311 808669 828243 828318 828432 828333 
828542 828271 828365 828591 828268 828476 828360 828260 828402 828487 828345 
828535 828579 828570 828575 828604 828503 828446 828385 828234 836419 828564 
828583 828454 828347 828328 828586 850880 828289 845030 844706 828458 828317 
828464 828447 828606 828264 828489 844877 828566 828399 828451 844936 843871 
828387 828417 828462 828240 844664 828287 828450 828341 828512 828492 828436 
828602 828378 828389 828529 828322 828376 828473 828416 828500 828552 828388 
828304 828601 828320 828588 841635 828335 828246 828486 828448 828544 828285 
828258 828453 846113 828497 828573 844345 828559 844833 828525 828139 828620 
828411 828354 844838 828459 828259 828404 828502 844907 828585 828315 828533 
828470 828255 828242 828424 828288 828460 844213 828278 828323 828549 835549 
828578 828461 828597 828419 828536 828319 828431 828331 828530 828305 828418 
828336 828369 828541 828490 828596 844366 828612 828284 828383 828339 828280 

Processed: unblock 827061 with 848680

2017-01-10 Thread Debian Bug Tracking System
Processing commands for

> unblock 827061 with 848680
Bug #827061 [] transition: openssl
827061 was blocked by: 828307 835796 828252 828452 828443 844949 828311 843852 
828338 845729 828350 828600 844836 828248 844926 844271 835804 828434 828532 
828547 828421 828403 828384 828272 828313 828302 828540 828238 828518 828352 
828429 828309 828393 828426 828325 828442 828373 828589 828468 828274 827068 
828528 828439 828534 828515 828396 828280 828615 828551 828455 828296 829465 
828294 828386 844945 828449 828499 828467 828506 828344 844951 828463 828382 
828336 828418 828305 828431 828530 828331 828490 828596 828541 828369 828612 
844366 828339 828284 828383 835549 828323 828549 828278 844213 828288 828460 
828597 828578 828461 828319 828536 828419 828259 828502 828404 828459 844838 
828354 828315 828585 844907 828470 828533 828424 828242 828255 846113 828544 
828453 828258 828285 828448 844345 828573 828497 828525 844833 828559 828411 
828139 828620 828500 828416 828473 828601 828388 828304 828552 841635 828588 
828320 828486 828246 828335 828512 828287 828341 828450 828436 828492 828389 
828378 828602 828376 828529 828322 828451 828399 828387 843871 844936 844664 
828240 828462 828417 844706 845030 828606 828464 828447 828317 828458 828489 
844877 828264 828566 828503 828575 828604 828570 828579 828535 828385 828446 
828564 828583 836419 828234 828289 850880 828328 828586 828347 828454 828542 
828271 828591 828365 828476 828268 828345 828487 828402 828260 828360 835799 
828444 828420 844534 828572 828265 844800 828343 828333 828318 828432 828243 
808669 844311 848680 828300 844347 844870 828283 844909 828277 828251 828358 
828303 828479 828282 828348 844928 835797 828415 828379 848681 828521 828576 
828524 828395 809271 828390 828445 828610 828082 828514 828565 844018 828611 
843682 845016 828405 844254 828556 828349 828297 828469 828504 828298 828545 
828281 828326 828391 844916 828523 828398 835790 828400 828590 828337 828495 
828356 828607 828233 828253 828324 828465 835786 828587 835800 828241 828366 
828401 828474 828493 828457 828508 828609 844234 828539 844947 843532 828256 
828517 828362 835811 828563 828359 828275 828392 828562 828368 828598 844931 
828381 828412 828516 828568 828423 844301 828494 835793 828618 828440 828308 
828582 828229 828496 835785 828270 828435 828561 828546 828346 828569 828291 
828603 828507 828370 845106 828430 828595 846769 828127 828619 828608 814600 
828367 828232 828292 828250 828422 828371 828433 828558 828478 828230 828554 
828261 828472 828501 828456 828377 844975 828617 844815 828231 828254 828306 
850882 828584 828548 828228 828295 835798 828267 828438 828428 828527 828613 
828257 828577 828484 828531 828409 828279 828526 828083 828599 828592 828276 
828237 828543 828519 828410 835794 828580 828310 828372 828466 844948 828269 
844904 828571 828342 835789 828505 828491 828594 828364 828414 828437 828293 
844906 835585 828509 837960 828244 828488 828581 828407 828380 828239 828314 
828538 828355 844663 844845 828397 828316 828363 850883 844503 828351 828614 
828482 828593 828510 828301 828574 828605 843988 828555 828511 828290 829452 
828286 828485 828567 828321 828406 828263 828394 844920 828340 828361 828553 
828334 822380 828330 828427 828480 828374 828375 828262 828235 828249 850881 
828357 828537 828616 828550
827061 was not blocking any bugs.
Removed blocking bug(s) of 827061: 848680
> thanks
Stopping processing here.

Please contact me if you need assistance.
Debian Bug Tracking System
Contact with problems

Processed: cloning 828519, retitle -1 to qca2: Please migrate to openssl1.1 in buster, unblock 827061 with -1 ...

2017-01-10 Thread Debian Bug Tracking System
Processing commands for

> # Split bug so we can properly track issues
> clone 828519 -1
Bug #828519 [src:qca2] qca2: FTBFS with openssl 1.1.0
Bug 828519 cloned as bug 850897
827061 was blocked by: 828262 845016 828620 828486 828259 828263 828507 828416 
828301 828453 828577 828530 828300 828279 828571 828310 828563 828606 828422 
828258 844845 828605 828603 844815 828333 828510 828250 828345 828584 828394 
835800 828269 828409 828385 828418 828551 828357 828284 828512 828487 828410 
828230 828561 828434 814600 843532 844345 844833 844836 844018 835799 828585 
844234 822380 828308 844949 828495 828451 844663 809271 828375 828244 828392 
828588 828504 828538 844945 828558 828431 828581 844503 835797 828519 828296 
848680 828582 828235 828460 828549 835794 828518 835786 828472 828127 828492 
828358 828374 828467 828237 828493 828482 828241 828488 828387 844936 844301 
828231 844213 828406 828544 835785 828500 828525 828336 828553 844664 828570 
828474 828294 828468 828366 828248 828455 828567 828411 829465 828503 828264 
835793 828594 828497 828412 846769 828346 844931 828485 828578 828253 828423 
844534 828527 828489 828285 828469 828608 828536 828350 828521 828607 828338 
828442 828322 828444 828531 828543 828290 844948 828325 828232 828598 828331 
828274 850881 828281 828454 828600 828326 828516 828545 828586 828435 828447 
828364 828355 828344 828421 828564 828466 828615 828612 828450 828457 828371 
828514 828295 828360 828593 828307 836419 835798 828462 828377 828365 828379 
828362 828315 841635 828548 828429 828306 828318 828324 844366 844975 828539 
828430 835790 828251 844926 828459 828478 844928 828398 828601 828082 828268 
828316 828554 828407 828479 828303 828599 828461 828508 828347 844920 837960 
828405 828255 828587 828403 828568 828376 828616 828540 828341 828286 828378 
828383 828349 828597 828343 828592 828249 828602 828456 828517 828276 828260 
828529 844706 828404 828334 828575 844904 850883 828437 808669 843871 828463 
828562 828337 828458 828289 828369 828380 828476 828352 848681 828574 828261 
828363 828565 828381 828275 828402 844838 828257 835796 828384 828433 828265 
828420 828580 828617 828618 828319 828396 828596 828239 828452 828277 835585 
828288 835804 828604 828473 828254 828401 828391 828595 828528 828256 828395 
844907 828314 828579 828445 844254 828611 828382 828280 828388 828228 828233 
835811 828330 828609 850880 828282 828515 845030 844947 828242 844916 844951 
843988 828446 828298 828339 828555 844311 828523 828397 828389 828320 828509 
828234 828438 828424 828305 828240 828613 844347 828589 828556 828526 828448 
828291 828499 828505 828335 828393 828426 828502 828470 828340 828415 845106 
827068 829452 828428 835549 844906 835789 828321 828537 828083 828436 828348 
828541 828417 828372 828328 844909 828439 828501 828443 828432 844877 828494 
828414 828573 828590 828368 828229 828449 828534 828246 828464 828427 828283 
828354 828386 828390 828304 828351 828614 828293 828370 828292 828610 828311 
828572 828317 828576 844800 828323 828267 828400 828532 828373 828496 828361 
843852 828270 828547 844870 828566 828524 828440 828550 828367 828619 845729 
828552 828139 828302 828297 828287 828559 828490 828271 828591 828238 828511 
828491 828484 828252 828419 846113 828359 828309 828542 828533 828546 828272 
828243 828506 828313 828569 844271 828356 843682 828278 828583 828342 828535 
828480 828399 850882 828465
827061 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 827061: 850897
> retitle -1 qca2: Please migrate to openssl1.1 in buster
Bug #850897 [src:qca2] qca2: FTBFS with openssl 1.1.0
Changed Bug title to 'qca2: Please migrate to openssl1.1 in buster' from 'qca2: 
FTBFS with openssl 1.1.0'.
> unblock 827061 with -1
Bug #827061 [] transition: openssl
827061 was blocked by: 828309 828499 844800 828290 828396 835799 828392 828321 
828282 828374 828587 828556 828228 828579 828412 835793 828426 828615 828387 
828409 828370 828563 828366 828347 828378 828377 828400 843532 828536 828507 
828575 828407 828390 828295 828324 828265 828301 828372 828297 828450 828454 
828313 828379 828447 828538 828373 828237 828595 814600 828294 828505 828254 
828509 828541 828319 828252 828457 828340 828323 828566 844706 828435 828456 
828371 828375 828451 844838 828567 828585 828616 828357 828546 828577 844920 
828292 828526 828604 828620 828232 828328 828600 828364 844664 846769 844975 
829452 828597 828470 828394 828241 828529 828427 828433 844916 828376 828384 
828484 828260 828410 828562 828478 828544 850883 828289 828582 828464 828578 
828511 843852 828591 828248 844271 828610 828432 828420 828355 828308 828267 
828306 828493 828555 828293 844936 828386 828539 845729 828497 828338 828341 
828437 828315 828542 844949 828573 844877 828405 828284 828516 828261 828311 
828307 828614 828523 828424 828344 828354 828414 828570 828547 828360 828482 
828603 844926 828404 844366 828594 828430 828537 828551 828276 828474 828250 
828300 836419 828494 

Processed (with 1 error): tagging 848680, unblock 827061 with 827061

2017-01-10 Thread Debian Bug Tracking System
Processing commands for

> # Not a blocker for stretch - that was handled in #828440
> tags 848680 + sid buster
Bug #848680 [src:moonshot-gss-eap] Adapt to work with openssl 1.1
Added tag(s) buster and sid.
> unblock 827061 with 827061
Bug #827061 [] transition: openssl
Failed to set blocking bugs of 827061: It is nonsensical for a bug to block 
itself (or a merged partner): 827061.

> thanks
Stopping processing here.

Please contact me if you need assistance.
Debian Bug Tracking System
Contact with problems

Processed: unblock 827061 with 828332 828425

2017-01-10 Thread Debian Bug Tracking System
Processing commands for

> # These packages are not in testing any more
> unblock 827061 with 828332 828425
Bug #827061 [] transition: openssl
827061 was blocked by: 835796 828543 828294 828500 828289 828426 828392 835798 
828284 844836 828539 828491 809271 835786 828429 808669 828402 828325 828351 
828370 828279 828577 828318 827068 828571 828608 835811 828445 828422 828416 
836419 828298 828461 844877 828333 850882 828427 844301 828515 835794 828274 
828448 835793 828580 828281 828264 835800 828366 828261 828616 844800 828474 
828584 828467 828569 828414 828472 835585 828578 828439 828519 835549 828240 
844916 843852 828453 828487 828587 828382 828358 844931 844904 828230 828436 
845030 828314 828511 828233 828371 828342 828510 828468 841635 828549 828292 
828313 828248 828473 828538 828493 828484 844503 828283 844920 828406 828532 
828593 828278 828343 828531 844706 828246 828239 828495 828393 828311 828563 
828583 828556 828567 828373 828419 828267 828308 828512 828592 828527 828346 
828269 828497 828602 828588 828576 829452 844271 828255 828386 828564 828296 
828501 845729 828232 828535 828339 828451 844234 828377 828470 828369 828506 
828381 828537 844909 828503 828309 828570 835789 828568 828516 828614 850880 
828443 828554 844833 828324 844928 828586 828372 828403 828412 828256 828404 
828533 828400 828546 828268 828514 814600 828417 828331 828287 828479 828486 
828607 828502 829465 828252 828304 828275 828330 828476 846113 828585 828596 
828430 828565 843532 828317 828552 844975 845106 844254 828606 844936 828407 
828620 845016 828613 828581 828507 828361 828340 828376 828347 828595 828611 
828434 828420 828395 844311 844664 828459 828305 828572 828257 828598 828310 
828263 828335 828446 828350 828410 835785 828589 828610 837960 844018 828265 
828437 828254 844345 828605 828542 828409 828547 828249 828380 828405 828452 
828272 828355 828396 828529 828523 828415 828603 828251 828341 828391 828387 
844815 828488 828612 828383 828332 828322 828357 828447 828290 844926 828505 
844845 828374 828466 828457 835804 828306 828398 828291 844534 828320 828449 
828442 828328 822380 828524 828615 828234 828528 828360 828545 828288 828388 
828490 828561 828574 828365 828242 828423 844906 828504 828525 828326 828521 
828241 828303 828253 828270 850881 835799 828364 828229 828594 828518 828277 
828450 828243 828482 828300 828566 828302 828553 828082 828250 828462 843988 
848681 835790 828454 828316 828582 828485 828573 843682 828356 828540 828431 
828259 828228 828375 828338 828401 828463 828127 828262 828321 828548 844213 
828551 828385 850883 828492 828558 828456 828235 828389 828508 848680 844947 
828597 828444 828469 828368 828323 828619 828541 828559 828384 828534 844838 
828600 828238 828319 828397 828379 828411 828478 828399 828544 828575 828260 
828390 828421 828526 828301 828282 828394 828550 828460 828349 844870 828438 
828378 844366 828609 828432 828354 844347 828344 828363 828337 828433 828244 
844948 828237 844949 828352 828293 828297 828307 843871 828617 828496 828591 
828424 828499 828494 828286 828315 828271 828509 828258 846769 844951 828334 
828599 828418 828555 828480 828280 828464 828348 828579 828367 828295 828530 
828336 828425 828458 828536 828362 828345 828440 828601 828517 828562 844907 
828489 828618 828590 828083 835797 844945 828139 828428 828465 828455 828604 
828276 828231 844663 828285 828435 828359
827061 was not blocking any bugs.
Removed blocking bug(s) of 827061: 828425 and 828332
> thanks
Stopping processing here.

Please contact me if you need assistance.
Debian Bug Tracking System
Contact with problems

Processed: cloning 828308, retitle -1 to gdcm: Please migrate to openssl1.1 in buster, unblock 827061 with -1 ...

2017-01-10 Thread Debian Bug Tracking System
Processing commands for

> # Split bug so we can properly track issues
> clone 828308 -1
Bug #828308 [src:gdcm] missing include for 'X509_STORE_CTX cert_ctx'
Bug 828308 cloned as bug 850896
827061 was blocked by: 828449 828607 828529 828307 828606 828382 828550 828527 
828379 828278 828537 828285 828461 850880 828304 828565 828286 828511 828345 
828275 835790 828325 835798 828518 828423 828533 828371 828400 828595 828427 
828385 828579 828613 828453 836419 828505 828387 828302 828270 828530 828525 
828485 835785 828295 822380 828287 828357 828568 841635 828618 828464 844366 
808669 828478 828573 828316 828317 844920 828472 828585 828454 828297 828429 
828559 828538 828440 828612 828428 829465 828271 843682 850882 828600 828229 
828355 828553 828442 828389 843852 828276 828494 828292 843532 828305 828404 
828381 828578 828314 828488 828310 828436 828401 828604 828139 844845 828279 
828335 828528 828574 828425 845729 828562 828368 828384 828320 828418 828515 
844664 828586 846769 835793 814600 844663 828339 828230 828577 828452 828594 
828334 845016 844948 828280 844836 844936 828583 828283 828293 828504 828319 
828489 828268 828492 844838 828396 844947 828591 828596 835804 828414 809271 
828306 828231 828532 828277 828360 828451 844904 828459 828264 828549 828364 
828272 828544 844870 828506 828531 828490 828393 828592 828281 828521 828599 
835796 828534 828598 844833 827068 828284 828359 828616 844949 828234 828398 
828465 828246 828432 828499 828580 828321 828290 828431 828342 828237 828437 
828377 828457 828375 828260 828512 828474 828265 837960 828617 828348 828235 
828443 828500 828346 828361 828446 828415 828340 828336 828519 844706 828601 
828253 828450 828254 828558 828420 828313 828374 828468 828467 835789 828430 
835549 828309 828555 828486 828330 828548 828256 828369 844271 828303 828479 
828356 828383 828571 844534 828463 828455 844951 828233 828466 828536 828493 
828347 828611 828608 828243 828419 828378 828244 828587 828399 828365 828232 
828341 828402 828524 844926 844254 845030 828406 828470 844815 828593 828556 
844906 828491 828552 828460 843988 828263 828439 828582 844213 828614 828372 
828240 828261 828497 828563 828417 844907 844345 828523 828358 828338 828535 
828127 828376 828503 828267 828388 828589 828326 828447 828610 828323 844301 
844916 828352 828564 828547 828298 828407 828426 828238 828421 828438 828507 
828496 828448 828300 828083 828367 844018 828249 828539 828397 844234 828551 
828542 828301 828315 828403 828444 828495 828239 828362 828288 828324 844928 
828386 828248 828257 828410 828422 844931 844347 835811 828311 835797 828332 
835794 828615 828433 828250 845106 828572 835800 828509 828228 828337 828516 
828252 828487 828409 828391 828546 828296 850881 828588 828259 828570 828282 
828343 828251 828575 835585 828482 828603 844800 828354 828566 828445 828609 
828540 828462 828366 850883 843871 828405 828351 828274 828328 828476 828435 
828561 828543 846113 828456 828255 828363 828394 828469 835786 828502 828484 
828576 835799 828349 844975 828269 828514 828344 844877 828508 828390 828308 
828294 844945 828416 828619 828581 828480 828333 828569 828373 828242 828554 
828082 828380 828517 828501 828541 828258 828590 828597 828620 828458 828473 
828567 828395 828424 828584 828331 828370 828412 828392 828602 828350 828318 
828434 844311 828291 828241 844909 828322 848680 828289 828411 828605 828262 
829452 844503 828526 828510 828545 848681
827061 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 827061: 850896
> retitle -1 gdcm: Please migrate to openssl1.1 in buster
Bug #850896 [src:gdcm] missing include for 'X509_STORE_CTX cert_ctx'
Changed Bug title to 'gdcm: Please migrate to openssl1.1 in buster' from 
'missing include for 'X509_STORE_CTX cert_ctx''.
> unblock 827061 with -1
Bug #827061 [] transition: openssl
827061 was blocked by: 828345 828601 828440 828536 828362 828425 828336 828530 
828295 828458 828083 844907 828489 828590 828618 828517 828562 828465 828455 
828139 828428 835797 844945 828359 828435 828231 828276 844663 828285 828604 
843871 828617 828297 828307 844949 828237 828293 828352 844948 828499 828496 
828424 828591 828258 846769 828599 844951 828334 828509 828315 828286 828494 
828271 828579 828367 828464 828348 828480 828418 828555 828280 828301 828421 
828526 828575 828544 828260 828390 828399 828349 828438 844870 828550 828460 
828282 828394 828344 844347 828354 828378 828609 844366 828432 828244 828363 
828433 828337 828368 828469 828323 828597 828444 844947 828389 828508 848680 
828534 828559 828384 828619 828541 828319 828379 828397 828600 844838 828238 
828478 828411 848681 835790 828454 828462 843988 828250 828082 828431 828228 
828259 828573 843682 828540 828356 828582 828316 828485 828321 828127 828463 
828262 828375 828338 828401 828456 828235 828558 828492 844213 828551 850883 
828385 828548 828365 828561 828574 828242 828490 828288 828545 828388 828528 
828234 828360 828521 828241 828525 828326 

Processed: cloning 828244, retitle -1 to bacula: Please migrate to openssl1.1 in buster, unblock 827061 with -1 ...

2017-01-10 Thread Debian Bug Tracking System
Processing commands for

> # Split bug so we can properly track issues
> clone 828244 -1
Bug #828244 [src:bacula] bacula: FTBFS with openssl 1.1.0
Bug 828244 cloned as bug 850895
827061 was blocked by: 845729 828386 828285 828396 828375 828511 828139 828525 
828313 828549 827068 828547 828234 828127 835585 828374 828464 828600 828284 
828279 828554 828448 828533 828620 828504 828580 828351 828472 828356 828559 
828262 835796 828452 835794 828469 828463 844663 828531 844936 828336 828566 
828474 828435 828298 828319 828532 828518 828438 828344 828584 828249 828589 
828371 828578 828348 828315 828455 828459 828488 828238 828335 828322 828506 
828404 828453 828347 828562 828496 828487 828546 828424 828389 828616 828529 
828495 828258 828364 828366 828524 828476 828418 828433 828287 828536 828268 
828398 844947 828393 828447 828318 828446 828269 845106 828365 828458 828561 
828544 828434 844949 828423 836419 835797 844366 828564 844534 828308 828286 
844254 844904 828591 844345 844706 808669 828443 828261 828302 828432 828372 
828409 835799 844928 828427 828602 828383 828515 828231 828548 828528 828414 
828395 828556 844311 835793 828615 828527 828300 828585 828294 828586 828465 
828328 828281 844906 828460 828480 828306 828345 828320 828563 843532 828470 
828333 828330 828280 828482 828265 850881 844301 828451 828492 828436 828382 
828257 828510 844836 828441 828082 828521 844815 828309 828388 828590 846769 
828310 828572 828422 828384 828246 828410 828355 828341 828431 828601 828272 
828292 828442 828311 828321 828305 828334 828340 828516 828361 828241 828397 
846113 828428 828267 822380 828462 828405 828254 828233 835786 828507 828229 
828583 828541 835790 828573 844845 835800 828610 828517 828252 828325 835804 
828582 828501 844870 828594 835789 828535 828494 828445 828307 828605 828332 
850880 841635 828237 828250 828523 844347 828419 828263 828289 828537 828411 
828611 844926 828387 828553 828609 828295 828530 848680 828567 828505 828604 
828346 828491 828244 843852 828363 828415 828592 828558 850882 828242 828430 
828587 828352 828260 828593 828486 828538 828317 828288 844975 844800 828304 
828439 828274 828619 809271 828255 828479 828380 828599 828248 828239 835549 
828449 844833 828293 844948 828568 828613 828450 828342 828276 828473 844018 
828270 828454 828502 828569 828338 828456 828588 843871 828467 828484 828576 
828552 828574 828489 828425 828440 828617 828350 843988 828406 828362 828235 
828595 828466 828282 828369 828271 828256 828596 828394 828519 828326 828420 
828232 828493 828551 828368 844920 828500 844271 828253 828391 828429 828468 
828571 828370 828354 828579 845030 828402 828575 828314 828444 828545 845016 
828251 814600 828503 828490 828550 828324 828243 835811 828570 828337 835785 
828485 828392 843682 828614 835798 828376 844213 828083 828291 828343 828437 
828539 828360 828606 828377 828534 828607 844931 828283 828278 828297 828367 
828290 828426 828400 828540 828461 828358 844916 837960 828301 828618 828390 
828603 828457 828581 828508 828512 844503 828497 828403 828612 828339 828349 
828359 829452 828379 828323 828421 828230 828598 828264 828407 848681 828597 
828412 828296 828357 844234 844838 828259 828275 828303 828373 844907 828316 
828542 828509 829465 828378 828478 828577 828240 844909 828514 828385 844877 
828543 828401 850883 828499 828381 828417 828526 844951 828399 828565 828555 
828608 844945 828416 828228 828277 828331 844664
827061 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 827061: 850895
> retitle -1 bacula: Please migrate to openssl1.1 in buster
Bug #850895 [src:bacula] bacula: FTBFS with openssl 1.1.0
Changed Bug title to 'bacula: Please migrate to openssl1.1 in buster' from 
'bacula: FTBFS with openssl 1.1.0'.
> unblock 827061 with -1
Bug #827061 [] transition: openssl
827061 was blocked by: 828310 828326 828271 828318 835798 828482 844845 844870 
835789 828549 828351 828417 828469 828599 828372 828447 828431 828516 828577 
828494 828439 828532 828290 828348 828335 844706 828537 828486 828581 828612 
828234 828306 828246 828539 828620 828265 845030 828550 828253 828394 828608 
828526 828500 809271 844975 846769 828280 828428 828276 828285 828444 828450 
828432 828562 843871 828573 828338 844345 828139 828583 828235 828304 828462 
828545 828603 828321 828574 828233 828407 828384 828546 850880 828427 828476 
844931 844951 844836 828232 844949 828518 844838 829452 828368 828559 828297 
828397 828499 828248 828325 828314 828590 828441 828488 828255 828551 844907 
828361 828602 828467 843988 828268 828399 828466 828083 828548 828460 828305 
828543 828480 828596 828617 828387 828357 828451 828382 828358 828434 828279 
844213 828359 828479 828380 844271 828250 828464 828272 828319 828585 828332 
844311 844909 828454 828453 844234 828586 828510 828291 828352 835585 828405 
828610 828296 814600 828364 828282 828289 828519 828391 828363 828311 828598 
828288 828588 828237 828446 828412 850881 828336 828615 828390 828256 

Processed: unblock 827061 with 828441

2017-01-10 Thread Debian Bug Tracking System
Processing commands for

> # The moonshot-trust-router pkg is not in testing any more
> unblock 827061 with 828441
Bug #827061 [] transition: openssl
827061 was blocked by: 828264 828614 828257 822380 828376 828505 828386 828395 
835797 828267 828344 828616 828315 828308 828243 828320 828385 828231 828379 
850882 828485 828613 828496 844947 828374 828238 841635 844503 828542 828438 
828597 828419 828283 828563 828618 828251 828339 828354 828331 828578 828443 
828429 828370 828423 828389 828502 828278 828298 828459 828555 845016 844018 
828259 828316 828425 828534 828436 828424 843532 828487 828497 828416 828369 
844815 828292 828415 828503 828445 828433 828504 828558 828366 828406 844904 
828404 828287 828281 844945 828593 828568 828365 828571 828506 828536 828470 
828524 828437 835794 843852 828517 828388 828398 828430 828440 828547 828607 
828619 828421 828512 844347 828449 828523 844366 828567 828229 828303 828561 
828341 828554 828570 828350 828553 844928 828400 828300 828393 828295 828367 
835796 828082 828442 843682 848681 828313 828509 828484 828240 828540 828474 
828528 828541 828605 828461 828611 844926 828343 835790 844254 828508 828591 
835786 828346 835549 808669 828356 828355 828342 828275 828527 829465 828472 
828373 828242 846113 828566 828411 828490 828334 828228 828452 828525 828606 
828409 835793 828552 828262 828465 828601 828375 844920 828349 828324 828426 
828535 828340 828457 828328 828261 844800 828521 828575 828594 828362 828501 
844877 828456 828463 828403 828371 828252 828495 828533 828377 828360 828244 
828230 828473 850883 828592 845106 828589 828127 844833 828544 835804 828455 
828600 828284 828294 828530 828584 828381 828378 828309 828582 828347 835800 
828323 828492 828515 828293 828511 844936 828587 844916 828392 827068 828322 
828556 828491 828435 844948 828239 828580 828529 835799 828270 828269 828302 
828422 828595 828410 828609 828345 828317 828468 828564 828507 828418 844534 
844906 835811 835785 828301 828420 828493 828569 828274 828565 828277 836419 
828286 828538 837960 828263 848680 845729 828383 828604 828254 828448 828307 
828258 844301 828576 828402 828458 828337 828260 828249 828396 828579 828330 
828333 844664 828489 828572 828401 828514 828531 828478 828241 844663 828288 
828588 828237 828311 828598 828336 828414 828256 828390 828615 850881 828412 
828446 828296 828610 835585 828405 828289 828391 828363 828519 814600 828364 
828282 844311 844909 828454 828332 828291 828352 828453 844234 828510 828586 
828272 828464 828319 828585 828359 828479 844213 828250 828380 844271 828451 
828357 828382 828358 828279 828434 828387 828596 828617 828480 828543 828548 
828399 828466 828083 828305 828460 828602 828551 828361 844907 843988 828268 
828467 828590 828441 828314 828325 828488 828255 828559 844838 828368 829452 
828518 828397 828297 844949 828248 828499 828427 828476 844931 844951 828232 
844836 828321 828574 828603 828545 828384 850880 828546 828233 828407 828139 
828462 828304 828583 828235 843871 828562 828573 828450 828432 844345 828338 
846769 844975 828280 828285 828444 828276 828428 828608 828526 828394 828253 
828550 809271 828500 828306 828246 828234 845030 828539 828620 828265 844706 
828335 828581 828612 828537 828486 828431 828516 828577 828447 828348 828290 
828532 828494 828439 828351 835789 828549 828372 828599 828417 828469 828271 
828310 828326 844845 844870 835798 828482 828318
827061 was not blocking any bugs.
Removed blocking bug(s) of 827061: 828441
> thanks
Stopping processing here.

Please contact me if you need assistance.
Debian Bug Tracking System
Contact with problems

Processed: cloning 828410, retitle -1 to libradsec: Please migrate to openssl1.1 in buster ..., tagging -1 ...

2017-01-10 Thread Debian Bug Tracking System
Processing commands for

> # Split bug so we can properly track issues
> clone 828410 -1
Bug #828410 {Done: Sam Hartman } [src:libradsec] 
libradsec: FTBFS with openssl 1.1.0
Bug 828410 cloned as bug 850894
827061 was blocked by: 828255 828489 844347 828371 828447 828596 828544 835797 
828479 828574 846769 828307 844845 828411 828297 828548 828418 828275 828228 
828599 828507 828562 828386 828516 844906 828451 828325 828319 828409 828500 
844800 835790 828330 835794 828527 828561 828511 844838 828580 828438 828350 
828230 828564 828608 828310 828242 828570 828554 828555 828375 828490 828139 
828082 828328 828388 828547 828248 828421 828373 828445 828620 828459 848680 
828551 828397 828268 828439 828563 844931 828359 828433 844949 828612 828494 
844926 828456 822380 828368 828592 828508 828586 828383 828083 828540 828233 
828316 844366 828532 844534 828241 828499 828435 828584 828256 828582 828427 
828577 828536 828450 835785 828240 828269 828455 828280 814600 828243 850882 
828295 828370 828542 828448 828595 845016 828392 828263 828474 828339 828283 
828401 828343 828470 828604 828293 844663 828363 828300 829452 828385 828537 
828403 828257 828366 828437 828234 828480 844916 828576 850881 828575 828594 
828262 828419 845729 828313 828278 828272 828503 828571 828407 828239 828294 
844947 845030 828518 844907 828309 829465 828365 845106 828505 828473 828589 
828291 844271 828321 828258 828251 828244 828261 828277 828253 828591 828355 
828581 828543 844213 828598 828541 828395 828361 844815 835798 828553 809271 
828468 828362 828486 828558 835789 843532 828317 828556 828340 837960 828525 
844904 828237 828231 844975 828404 828501 844936 828229 846113 844945 828619 
844018 828615 828579 828292 828449 828460 828298 828305 828605 828347 828492 
828304 828444 828324 828250 828281 828423 844503 841635 828461 828390 828436 
844909 828583 828613 828590 828335 828609 828495 828534 828336 828529 828530 
828452 844664 828454 844706 828287 828416 828389 844870 828284 844301 828396 
828593 828382 828346 828602 828546 828270 828465 828509 828348 828566 828467 
828426 828374 828260 828521 828424 828246 828318 828617 844951 828360 828417 
844234 828276 828394 828493 828331 828431 828387 828606 828302 828422 828573 
828308 828457 828607 827068 828559 828356 828504 828616 828603 828358 828600 
828430 850880 828377 828514 828415 828311 843852 850883 828399 828440 828565 
828552 828420 828349 828290 828332 828443 828402 828367 828326 844920 828400 
828549 828405 828485 843682 828428 828127 828610 828484 844928 828279 828524 
843988 848681 828372 828446 828497 828466 828441 828469 828303 828618 828425 
828338 828286 828288 828515 828306 828588 828462 828380 828496 828406 828376 
835800 828369 828597 844948 828393 828491 828526 828254 844311 835811 828352 
828502 828271 828487 828611 828488 828314 828398 828517 828519 828289 828533 
828379 828345 828614 828354 828463 828337 828259 828535 828410 828482 844877 
828528 835585 828265 835796 828478 828344 828364 828464 828539 828442 828512 
835793 828322 844833 828506 828232 828458 835799 828568 828252 828578 835549 
828323 828238 828453 828282 828274 828545 828587 828414 828523 828429 828301 
828432 828357 828510 828249 828351 828320 828285 808669 828585 828434 828531 
828333 828334 835786 828391 828267 828538 828569 835804 828601 828235 844836 
828567 836419 828341 828315 828342 828378 828412 828472 828550 828572 844345 
828384 844254 828296 828476 843871 828381 828264
827061 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 827061: 850894
> retitle -1 libradsec: Please migrate to openssl1.1 in buster
Bug #850894 {Done: Sam Hartman } [src:libradsec] 
libradsec: FTBFS with openssl 1.1.0
Changed Bug title to 'libradsec: Please migrate to openssl1.1 in buster' from 
'libradsec: FTBFS with openssl 1.1.0'.
> unblock 827061 with -1
Bug #827061 [] transition: openssl
827061 was blocked by: 837960 828426 828358 844916 828461 828400 828540 828297 
828278 828290 828367 828534 828283 844931 828607 828349 828339 828612 828403 
828497 844503 828508 828512 828457 828603 828581 828301 828618 828390 843682 
828614 850894 828392 828485 835785 828243 828324 828337 828570 835811 828251 
828550 828503 828490 814600 828377 828606 828360 828539 844213 828376 835798 
828437 828083 828343 828291 828543 828240 844909 828478 828577 828385 844877 
828514 828509 828542 829465 828378 828277 828331 828228 844664 828608 828555 
844945 828416 828399 844951 828565 828499 850883 828401 828526 828381 828417 
828357 828296 848681 828597 828412 828264 828230 828598 828421 828323 828407 
828359 828379 829452 844907 828316 828275 828373 828303 828259 844234 844838 
828538 828593 828486 828317 828352 828260 828430 828587 828242 850882 844833 
828449 828293 828380 828599 828479 828255 835549 828239 828248 828274 828619 
828439 828304 844975 844800 809271 828288 828387 828411 844926 828611 828537 
828419 828263 828289 828592 828558 

Processed: unblock 827061 with 828273

2017-01-10 Thread Debian Bug Tracking System
Processing commands for

> # The cpp-netlib pkg is not in testing any more
> unblock 827061 with 828273
Bug #827061 [] transition: openssl
827061 was blocked by: 828244 828083 828279 844845 828534 828367 828405 828620 
828321 844018 828591 828577 829465 829452 828472 828611 828593 828338 828243 
828284 828386 828411 828268 828496 844347 828380 828293 845030 828527 828311 
828548 844254 828419 828460 828340 828507 828397 828283 828349 828313 828614 
828501 828287 828613 828479 844926 828308 828602 828508 828366 837960 844838 
828233 846769 828271 828407 828416 844870 828330 828586 828276 828421 828373 
835811 845016 828280 828600 835786 836419 828465 835797 828495 828444 828588 
828573 828457 828390 844833 828518 828594 828281 828261 828592 828610 828453 
828452 828432 850883 828601 828250 828229 828394 828355 828264 828572 844936 
828297 828301 828406 828449 828331 828354 828563 828269 828546 828241 828320 
844975 848680 835789 828265 828433 828514 808669 844904 828596 844920 828420 
828262 828552 828306 828438 828346 828445 828248 828275 828434 828310 828372 
828255 835793 828599 828585 828517 828286 828612 828510 828440 828559 828555 
828303 828428 828616 828581 828529 835800 828300 828528 828486 828374 844909 
828463 828442 828492 828566 828598 828487 844664 844907 835796 844931 828235 
828532 828549 828252 828345 828470 828533 844503 828415 828545 848681 828296 
828504 828541 828562 828234 828328 828515 828575 835549 828370 828379 828619 
828454 828418 828307 828361 828558 828318 841635 828582 828494 828396 828431 
828388 844836 828556 828580 828608 828323 828395 844945 843682 828451 828375 
828480 828554 828578 828521 828341 828258 828511 844928 828249 828384 828238 
844949 828414 828315 828499 828369 828427 828553 845729 844947 828503 828231 
828609 828531 828497 828242 828326 828516 844877 828462 828237 828589 828491 
828618 844301 828282 828322 828539 828393 828240 844366 828232 850881 828398 
828403 828368 828525 828473 828254 828363 828325 828292 828551 828544 828335 
828376 828348 828304 844916 828540 828425 844663 828343 844345 844213 828339 
828285 828443 828399 835785 828564 828228 828316 828524 828561 828538 844906 
844234 828352 828446 828537 828587 828350 828410 843871 828569 828458 828404 
844800 828459 828500 850882 828253 828412 828450 828484 827068 828469 846113 
828467 828490 828542 828319 828502 828288 828359 828127 828436 828597 828314 
828466 828278 828526 828082 828478 828439 828536 828590 828505 828482 843852 
828360 828424 828377 828383 828568 828579 835585 844951 828302 828574 835790 
835799 828543 828441 835804 828583 828437 828272 850880 844271 828267 828461 
835798 828512 828605 828257 828260 828468 844815 828246 828535 828506 828239 
828256 828337 828277 835794 828273 828426 814600 828291 828565 828435 828409 
828364 828447 828570 828617 828604 828356 828139 828476 828351 844706 828344 
844311 828402 828230 828317 828392 828567 828493 828519 828615 828607 828259 
845106 828378 828263 828298 828530 828400 828603 828547 828488 828456 828387 
828523 828309 828324 828381 828448 822380 828333 828429 809271 828362 828606 
828550 828489 828385 828347 828430 828401 828422 843532 828595 828474 828455 
828576 828391 828417 844534 828423 828336 828332 828371 828289 844948 828464 
828294 828485 843988 828389 828584 828334 828274 828295 828357 828251 828382 
828509 828270 828290 828305 828365 828342 828571 828358
827061 was not blocking any bugs.
Removed blocking bug(s) of 827061: 828273
> thanks
Stopping processing here.

Please contact me if you need assistance.
Debian Bug Tracking System
Contact with problems

Processed: unblock 827061 with 828520

2017-01-10 Thread Debian Bug Tracking System
Processing commands for

> # The qpid-cpp pkg is not in testing any more
> unblock 827061 with 828520
Bug #827061 [] transition: openssl
827061 was blocked by: 828589 828538 844926 828620 828308 828349 828524 828397 
828269 828506 835785 828361 848681 828517 828284 828507 828346 844706 828467 
828235 828528 828377 844916 828504 828417 828469 828566 828454 828422 844945 
828523 828302 828494 828246 835793 828396 828445 828340 844845 828491 844909 
828443 828487 844877 828599 828294 828404 828554 828278 828581 828334 828425 
828542 828583 828240 828535 828082 828545 822380 828596 828326 844503 835549 
828242 828474 844838 828328 828478 828270 828493 828365 828601 828399 828453 
828311 828376 828561 828324 828617 828608 809271 835790 835796 828530 828497 
828516 828410 850880 828378 835789 828436 828411 828495 828234 828423 835799 
828464 828394 828264 828527 828381 828452 844213 828279 828421 828553 828441 
828273 828373 828322 828127 828552 828612 828372 828359 828509 828392 828255 
828330 828244 828351 828433 828390 828586 828358 828580 828307 828325 828248 
828291 835798 828548 828461 828511 828537 828374 828229 844904 828263 828371 
828419 828591 828241 828447 828275 828323 845729 844534 828380 828290 828551 
828357 828267 828541 828480 844366 844870 828310 828237 828283 828466 844663 
828575 828496 828338 828618 846769 828505 828492 828510 828257 828385 828558 
828415 828387 828594 828449 828526 828230 828488 828289 828239 835804 828416 
828295 828567 828515 828243 828611 828499 828305 828619 828306 828369 828588 
835800 828503 828364 828401 828366 828354 828432 828424 844018 828402 828386 
828362 844949 848680 828584 828398 828276 828389 829465 828468 828256 828512 
828444 844815 828549 835786 808669 828274 828285 828388 828403 829452 828574 
828571 844836 828564 828532 828370 828409 846113 828319 843852 844947 828252 
828613 844951 828343 828451 828300 828529 828570 828375 844920 828304 828465 
828265 844664 828251 828368 828336 845030 835811 828456 828271 828484 828602 
828083 828400 828406 828363 828531 828536 828333 828610 828573 828463 850881 
844931 828426 828543 828577 828605 828288 828342 828253 828430 828437 828331 
843682 828281 850882 844271 828315 828448 828576 828592 844928 837960 828429 
828455 828292 828457 828508 828296 828232 814600 828500 828309 828607 828472 
828293 828339 828391 828233 828533 828352 828606 828348 828435 828277 828395 
828521 828578 828439 828470 828544 828482 828431 828321 828249 828301 828418 
828350 828476 828579 828590 828520 828268 828414 828420 828597 850883 828254 
828568 828593 835585 828442 828458 828272 845106 828260 828297 828337 828298 
844907 828540 828587 828231 828405 828259 828303 828320 828450 841635 828250 
836419 835794 828501 828434 828446 828473 828525 844833 828559 828459 828379 
844948 828347 828462 828383 828547 844301 828344 828563 828228 828489 828412 
828604 828262 827068 828539 835797 828261 843988 828546 828585 828514 828572 
828479 828519 828616 828518 828486 828562 844311 828238 828427 828335 828598 
844234 843871 843532 844800 828282 828460 828355 828490 828438 828502 828614 
828582 828603 828609 828316 828356 828332 828600 828595 828139 828367 828382 
828318 844254 828485 828384 828345 845016 828615 828286 828565 828440 828407 
844975 828556 828428 828287 844906 828341 828258 828555 828314 828569 844936 
828360 828534 828550 828313 828280 828393 844347 844345 828317
827061 was not blocking any bugs.
Removed blocking bug(s) of 827061: 828520
> thanks
Stopping processing here.

Please contact me if you need assistance.
Debian Bug Tracking System
Contact with problems

Processed: cloning 828470, retitle -1 to opennebula: Please migrate to openssl1.1 in buster ..., tagging -1 ...

2017-01-10 Thread Debian Bug Tracking System
Processing commands for

> # Split bug so we can properly track issues
> clone 828470 -1
Bug #828470 [src:opennebula] opennebula: FTBFS with openssl 1.1.0
Bug 828470 cloned as bug 850890
827061 was blocked by: 835786 828328 828336 828338 828589 828318 828612 828443 
828606 828390 828343 828320 828316 828608 828564 828576 828325 828269 828354 
846113 828237 828238 828431 828401 828470 828574 828421 828357 844311 828548 
828561 828280 828358 828581 828479 828083 828566 844870 828542 828394 828403 
809271 844706 828516 828525 828605 828406 828560 828240 828250 828304 828512 
828536 828601 828592 844936 844949 828380 828283 828620 828559 844345 814600 
828294 828372 828295 828556 828552 828617 828276 829465 828517 837960 828452 
828349 828577 828520 844815 828285 828256 828228 828229 845106 828326 828573 
828309 828484 828268 828234 828418 848681 828464 828381 828289 828407 844916 
828302 828348 828611 828371 828433 828422 828583 835789 828456 828347 828501 
828489 828251 828565 828367 828598 828527 828439 828493 828273 828600 828437 
844347 835798 845016 828469 844909 828514 828541 828377 828472 828246 828453 
828265 828308 828609 828604 828342 828417 845030 828315 844366 828426 828441 
844836 828529 828356 828272 828241 828337 828244 828587 828359 828468 828547 
828279 828539 828550 843871 828278 844664 835804 828322 828543 828319 850880 
846769 845729 828425 828447 828478 828400 844931 828569 828473 828449 828584 
828500 844951 844663 828594 828555 828528 835796 828585 844926 828139 828330 
828463 828332 828414 828526 828249 844904 828554 828603 828480 828488 828291 
828466 828462 828578 828402 828532 848680 828435 828591 828461 844877 828515 
828290 836419 828293 828314 828323 828615 828607 828519 828399 828486 828404 
828360 828412 828363 828375 828487 828444 850881 828340 828618 844234 828378 
828393 828579 828549 844213 828535 835785 828385 828127 828511 828324 828545 
828454 828445 828558 828538 828429 828252 828345 828298 828521 828614 828292 
835790 828267 828490 828546 828597 828428 828409 828254 844975 828362 835585 
828361 828442 828248 850882 828458 828365 844845 828455 835799 828533 828499 
828258 843852 828388 828257 850883 828575 828297 828595 828368 828491 828567 
828261 828416 828259 828395 828396 828288 828540 844906 835797 828321 844301 
828262 828355 843988 828419 828588 828339 828364 828296 828311 828459 828510 
828465 844928 828341 828239 828382 829452 828570 828460 828420 828508 828544 
844800 844947 828082 828391 828374 835793 828427 828287 828281 828610 828534 
828274 828596 828504 828230 828264 844945 828482 844907 828451 828231 828432 
828373 828457 828232 828537 844271 827068 828415 828580 828300 828405 828551 
822380 828389 828448 828352 844254 828571 828446 844920 828572 828430 828530 
828616 828303 828613 828253 828503 828494 828350 828502 828450 828306 835794 
828496 828423 828307 828344 841635 828271 828387 828436 828440 828310 828275 
828506 828410 828366 828593 828438 844018 828260 843532 828582 844838 844503 
828602 828317 828376 828305 828509 828313 828263 828495 828398 828485 828524 
828563 828370 828384 844948 828392 828590 843682 828331 828333 828411 828243 
828586 828523 828492 828434 828277 808669 828476 828507 828334 828599 835549 
828474 835811 828369 828351 828531 828270 828619 828497 828242 828286 828424 
828233 844833 828301 828282 828518 844534 828255 828235 828553 828386 828397 
828568 835800 828379 828383 828284 828335 828346 828562 828467 828505
827061 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 827061: 850890
> retitle -1 opennebula: Please migrate to openssl1.1 in buster
Bug #850890 [src:opennebula] opennebula: FTBFS with openssl 1.1.0
Changed Bug title to 'opennebula: Please migrate to openssl1.1 in buster' from 
'opennebula: FTBFS with openssl 1.1.0'.
> unblock 827061 with -1
Bug #827061 [] transition: openssl
827061 was blocked by: 828271 828298 828280 828540 828429 844904 828305 828539 
828502 835811 828356 844836 828538 828389 844907 828435 828322 828580 835793 
828614 828448 828444 828374 828492 828363 844931 828545 828390 828231 828314 
844877 828436 828556 828508 828276 828319 828451 828458 828284 828439 828563 
828287 828404 828347 828530 828243 828381 828532 814600 828253 828234 828577 
828558 828579 828290 828469 828525 828553 828457 828400 828362 835790 828543 
828510 828438 828263 828548 828516 828349 828583 828534 843871 828615 828495 
828229 828358 828392 844949 828442 828308 828228 828575 835786 828239 844926 
828337 828238 828407 844311 828470 844920 828394 846769 828453 828372 835797 
828587 828398 828474 828595 846113 828391 828370 828306 844906 828445 827068 
828384 844870 822380 828278 844664 844833 828340 828256 843852 828561 828354 
828567 828251 828388 828277 828359 828252 828528 828344 828386 828527 828323 
828355 828357 828241 828517 828414 828230 828476 828588 828494 828387 828379 
828450 844838 828417 843682 828397 828399 828315 828421 828235 828254 828232 
844234 828571 828619 

Processed: unblock 827061 with 828560

2017-01-10 Thread Debian Bug Tracking System
Processing commands for

> # The stone pkg is not in testing any more
> unblock 827061 with 828560
Bug #827061 [] transition: openssl
827061 was blocked by: 828082 828331 828275 828330 828613 828496 828416 828269 
809271 828233 828487 844909 835789 828620 828461 828511 836419 828339 828317 
828262 828261 828609 828320 828300 843532 828603 828309 835800 828427 828412 
828369 828432 828293 828433 828569 828297 828371 828520 828541 828410 844916 
844928 828589 828616 828434 828351 828536 828273 828465 835549 828460 828586 
828594 828335 828478 828430 828514 828406 828396 828373 828466 828301 828560 
828264 828281 828537 835799 828499 828606 828361 828258 828270 828244 828380 
828348 828500 828462 844975 828420 828507 844213 828574 828562 828419 828342 
844948 844254 828313 828588 828387 828494 844838 828450 828379 828417 843682 
828397 828235 828254 828399 828421 828315 828232 844234 828619 828571 828355 
828357 828241 828517 828414 828230 828476 828340 828561 828256 843852 828277 
828388 828354 828251 828567 828359 828528 828252 828527 828323 828386 828344 
828391 844906 828370 828306 827068 828445 822380 828384 844870 828278 844833 
844664 828228 828308 828239 835786 828575 828407 828238 844926 828337 844920 
828470 844311 828453 828372 828394 846769 828587 835797 828474 828595 828398 
846113 828457 828525 828553 835790 828400 828362 828543 828510 828263 828516 
828548 828438 828534 828583 828349 828229 828358 828495 828615 843871 844949 
828442 828392 828381 828243 814600 828532 828234 828253 828290 828579 828558 
828577 828469 828508 828319 828276 828458 828451 828284 828439 828347 828404 
828287 828563 828530 835793 828580 828322 828614 828374 828444 828448 828492 
844931 828363 828390 828231 828545 828314 828556 844877 828436 828271 828280 
828298 828540 828429 828305 844904 828539 835811 844836 828356 828502 828435 
828538 844907 828389 828484 845729 828610 828490 828600 828509 828333 844347 
835804 828296 828515 828303 828424 828455 828415 845030 828405 828542 828338 
828549 845016 828321 828268 828242 844936 828566 828447 828468 828302 828479 
828497 850883 828452 828366 828612 828409 828618 828488 844301 835785 843988 
828524 835796 828456 828605 844945 828573 828292 828286 828521 828385 828599 
844366 828368 828523 828350 844503 828259 844800 828550 844271 828598 828551 
808669 828428 828403 828383 828425 828139 844947 828272 828336 828265 828255 
828601 844534 828578 828602 844845 828485 828326 828310 828503 835585 828585 
828491 828346 828325 828431 850881 828504 837960 828501 828593 828318 828378 
828446 828257 828531 844815 828591 828423 844018 828411 828482 828473 828395 
828127 828332 835794 850880 828555 828559 828279 828382 828401 828426 828493 
828364 828307 828529 828608 828463 828294 828083 828535 828352 841635 828506 
828604 828260 828311 828568 828289 828581 828274 828376 828441 828526 828365 
828590 828288 828607 828343 828304 848681 828341 828285 828489 835798 828570 
828596 828360 828565 828418 828375 828546 828291 828295 828564 844663 828486 
828250 828367 828422 828248 828393 828283 828512 828611 828443 828334 828459 
850882 828437 828282 828617 828505 828402 828345 845106 848680 828328 828267 
828584 828544 828467 829465 828547 828440 828324 828576 828552 828316 828237 
844706 828519 828377 844345 828582 829452 828518 828249 828246 828464 828597 
828240 828572 844951 828554 828472 828480 828454 828449 828592 828533
827061 was not blocking any bugs.
Removed blocking bug(s) of 827061: 828560
> thanks
Stopping processing here.

Please contact me if you need assistance.
Debian Bug Tracking System
Contact with problems

Processed: cloning 828364, retitle -1 to ruby2.3: Please migrate to openssl1.1 in buster, unblock 827061 with -1 ...

2017-01-10 Thread Debian Bug Tracking System
Processing commands for

> # Split bug so we can properly track issues
> clone 828364 -1
Bug #828364 [src:kdelibs4support] kdelibs4support: FTBFS with openssl 1.1.0
Bug 828364 cloned as bug 850888
827061 was blocked by: 828395 828478 844366 828554 828374 828563 828318 828590 
828482 828379 828586 828614 828340 828390 829465 828505 828370 828380 828467 
828604 828349 828501 828562 828297 828469 828404 828422 828399 828389 828571 
828343 837960 844949 828287 828230 828534 828492 828503 828535 809271 835799 
843532 828293 828308 844311 828558 828598 828530 828579 828259 835798 828301 
828541 828508 828485 844975 828231 828366 828458 828367 828459 828313 828257 
828510 828526 828355 828292 828472 828356 835793 828369 828517 835797 828585 
828273 828529 828619 828455 828597 828432 828354 828618 828402 828371 828346 
828239 850880 828381 828587 828519 828411 828447 828303 844018 828333 828516 
828406 828375 828490 828285 828521 828620 828512 828286 828580 828593 828341 
835790 828549 828610 828238 828338 828083 828552 835786 844347 845016 828449 
846769 828362 828319 828246 828452 828506 828544 828504 844706 828595 828268 
828304 828311 828600 828305 808669 828269 828531 828260 828347 844800 828265 
844928 828536 844916 828445 828288 828296 828298 828398 844877 828424 828359 
828606 828615 828255 850881 828448 828235 841635 828461 828336 828391 843871 
828609 828583 828473 828295 828280 828256 828502 828613 828480 828533 828514 
828446 850883 850882 828352 828497 828537 828427 828495 828414 828546 828515 
844833 828365 828393 843682 835800 828233 828611 828250 828325 828326 828607 
845106 828464 844945 828527 828572 828262 828567 844931 846113 835811 828441 
828279 828407 828342 828281 848680 828261 828416 844345 828450 844936 828316 
828243 828591 828322 828543 828555 828435 828426 828274 828418 828466 828496 
828545 828547 828350 828332 828397 828551 828433 828127 844920 844906 828315 
828436 828457 828328 828330 828460 828488 828277 835549 828434 828582 844904 
828302 828588 828573 828429 828507 845030 828484 828401 828569 828494 828373 
828384 828491 828428 828476 844870 828576 828487 828378 828241 828410 828608 
828335 835785 828479 828264 829452 828561 828339 828331 828423 828258 828348 
828242 828489 828584 828275 828612 828540 844234 828240 828324 828360 828550 
828578 828271 828283 828307 828282 844948 828440 843852 844534 828317 828388 
828430 828553 828602 828345 828431 828575 828363 828539 828309 828263 828412 
828278 828392 827068 828237 828254 828358 828409 828568 828556 828577 828421 
828351 828320 828400 828474 828382 828289 828532 828306 835796 836419 828364 
844838 828564 844254 828270 828229 828518 844907 835794 828394 828451 828601 
822380 828403 843988 828589 828499 828252 828372 844301 828596 848681 828251 
828272 844271 828592 828415 828344 828437 828574 828417 835789 828463 828520 
814600 828387 828321 828232 828314 844845 844663 828538 828511 844836 828249 
828310 828323 828377 828560 828337 828396 844947 828267 828276 828420 844909 
828294 828361 828383 828419 844951 828385 828425 845729 828581 828465 828470 
828439 828253 828284 828234 828542 828376 828599 828334 828444 828456 828565 
828605 844664 828442 828291 828617 828300 828386 828548 828486 828462 828525 
828616 828082 828566 828500 828524 828438 828453 828454 828468 844815 844926 
844213 828290 828570 828248 828594 828357 835585 828368 828559 828603 828493 
828244 835804 828228 828528 828405 828523 828509 828139 844503 828443
827061 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 827061: 850888
> retitle -1 ruby2.3: Please migrate to openssl1.1 in buster
Bug #850888 [src:kdelibs4support] kdelibs4support: FTBFS with openssl 1.1.0
Changed Bug title to 'ruby2.3: Please migrate to openssl1.1 in buster' from 
'kdelibs4support: FTBFS with openssl 1.1.0'.
> unblock 827061 with -1
Bug #827061 [] transition: openssl
827061 was blocked by: 828281 828534 828610 828427 835793 828391 828374 828287 
828082 828508 828544 844947 844800 828373 828432 844907 828482 850888 828451 
828231 828264 828230 828504 828596 844945 828274 843988 828419 828355 828321 
828262 844301 835797 844906 828540 828288 829452 828382 828420 828570 828460 
828341 828239 828311 828465 844928 828510 828459 828339 828588 828364 828296 
850883 828575 828257 828388 843852 828499 828258 835799 828455 828365 844845 
828533 850882 828248 828442 828361 828458 828395 828396 828259 828416 828261 
828567 828297 828491 828368 828595 828298 828345 828538 828429 828252 828445 
828454 828545 828324 828558 844975 828254 828409 835585 828362 828597 828428 
828490 828546 828292 828614 828521 835790 828267 828282 828301 828233 828424 
828286 844833 828619 828497 828242 828335 828284 828383 828379 828467 828505 
828562 828346 835800 828568 828553 828397 828386 828518 844534 828235 828255 
843682 828590 828485 828524 828392 844948 828384 828563 828370 828495 828313 
828263 828398 828509 828376 828305 828369 835811 828474 835549 828531 828270 

Decide proper solution for binutils' mips* bug

2017-01-10 Thread Lisandro Damián Nicanor Pérez Meyer
Package: tech-ctte
Severity: normal

Hi! Before stating the issue at hand I would like to address the fact that
this issue needs a quick solution as many packages are not able to
enter testing and we are near the freeze.

I would like the TC to address a solution for bug #844227. It's a binutils
bug that makes lots of packages FTBFS on mips*.

There are currently two proposed patches upstream, but upstream would like
to find a generic solution before considering accepting them, and encouraged
us to use either of them in the meantime [comment12].


I proposed a patch that exclusively works on mips* to leave aside possible
bugs for other archs, see [patch].


Yes, I happened to miss Matthias' request to not upload the patch due to a bad
spam filter, and I would like to use this opportunity to present once again
my apologies for that.

Problem is that we still have the bug affecting us.
binutils maintainer states in [m149]:

  [..] I'm fine to apply work arounds for port architectures, but not
  for release architectures (I didn't decide on this status).  The binutils 
  plan was announced last June [1], and I plan to stick to it.  At least one 
  the mips toolchain maintainers (out of the five who committed to in the
  architecture qualification process) seems to address RC issues, and 
according to
  the upstream issue, there's work in progress.


While I do totally agree with Matthias that an upstream-approved fix is indeed
the best possible way out of this, in the meantime we have been dealing with
this bug almost two months now, and it's hindering the effort of many other
package maintainers not being able to get their packages into testing on
time for the release.

I would also like to note that I could not fully test my proposed patch 
I can build the package on a porterbox but not use it later to build other
stuff. Of course I'll be more than happy to do this if there is a way for me
to do it.

So my question is: how can we fix this issue? Should we ask binutils 
to apply the patch (or let someone else do it), should we leave this matter
as it is or should we take any other further way of action?

Kinds regards, Lisandro.

-- System Information:
Debian Release: stretch/sid
  APT prefers unstable
  APT policy: (990, 'unstable'), (500, 'unstable-debug'), (500, 'testing-
debug'), (500, 'buildd-unstable'), (500, 'testing'), (500, 'stable'), (1, 
Architecture: amd64 (x86_64)
Foreign Architectures: i386

Kernel: Linux 4.8.0-2-amd64 (SMP w/2 CPU cores)
Locale: LANG=es_AR.UTF-8, LC_CTYPE=es_AR.UTF-8 (charmap=UTF-8)
Shell: /bin/sh linked to /bin/bash
Init: systemd (via /run/systemd/system)

Processed: cloning 828535, retitle -1 to ruby2.3: Please migrate to openssl1.1 in buster, unblock 827061 with -1 ...

2017-01-10 Thread Debian Bug Tracking System
Processing commands for

> # Split bug so we can properly track issues
> clone 828535 -1
Bug #828535 [src:ruby2.3] ruby2.3: FTBFS with openssl 1.1.0
Bug 828535 cloned as bug 850886
827061 was blocked by: 828396 828488 828571 844928 844345 828511 844838 844311 
828326 828552 828574 828355 848680 828548 828263 835794 828385 828467 828491 
828436 828559 828593 828588 844904 828298 828349 828431 828476 828350 828601 
828318 828439 841635 828545 828480 828493 828395 828614 828334 844366 844800 
828457 828592 828599 828262 828333 828376 828083 828339 828432 828547 828259 
828464 828612 846769 845106 828393 828434 828354 835797 828472 844664 828428 
828542 844947 828284 828380 828533 828261 828305 844833 828446 844870 828269 
828581 828301 828454 828474 828616 828296 844948 844936 828417 828534 828521 
828517 828291 828394 828567 828441 828423 828604 850882 828392 828482 828469 
844347 828525 828504 828473 828230 828589 828302 828369 828347 828440 828619 
828372 843871 828374 828495 828606 828381 828576 828609 828342 828568 828289 
844663 844951 828405 828276 828254 828139 828240 828518 828400 828340 828613 
828415 828524 828250 828317 844234 828462 828232 828244 828537 828304 844815 
828468 828267 828453 828543 843988 828535 828412 828331 844945 828598 837960 
835786 828320 828231 828335 828569 828300 828449 828268 843852 828605 850881 
844534 828618 828255 828127 828251 844845 828442 828307 828502 828546 828336 
828564 844213 828357 828463 828323 844906 844931 828600 844301 828505 828519 
835789 828520 828459 828384 828500 835793 828252 809271 828409 828264 828294 
828515 828620 844018 828544 828492 845016 828560 828530 828426 828321 828499 
835800 828541 828452 828558 828595 828310 827068 828445 828489 828551 828580 
828448 828516 828383 828485 828451 828403 828378 828579 828577 828366 828572 
828283 828597 828285 828388 828470 828370 828529 828486 828375 828328 828410 
843532 828461 835549 828578 828590 828610 828344 814600 828435 828538 828512 
828234 828573 828444 828398 845729 828356 828554 828235 828460 828582 846113 
828279 828241 829465 828528 828514 828455 828527 828406 828458 828351 844836 
828510 828303 828286 828429 828584 828563 828260 835796 828390 828368 828501 
828570 828243 828239 828561 828359 828587 828540 828447 828456 828490 828419 
828420 828274 808669 828414 828360 828526 828407 844916 828338 828465 828433 
828313 828503 844926 850880 828314 828345 828319 828258 828315 828438 828566 
828281 828352 828272 828615 828229 828265 828371 828358 828382 850883 828363 
828337 828607 828532 828404 828330 828306 828246 828478 828487 828295 828411 
828509 828497 828242 828585 828280 828290 828277 844271 828332 848681 828257 
828346 828422 843682 828082 828379 828386 828253 828341 828425 828443 828496 
828309 828322 828506 822380 828311 828397 828362 828424 844907 828550 828565 
828282 828608 835799 844975 835804 828297 828325 828430 844706 828228 828238 
828270 828391 828591 828416 835790 828536 828617 845030 828466 828288 828377 
844949 828421 828562 828553 844877 828583 828249 828365 828343 828596 828287 
828233 828611 828556 828367 828450 829452 828427 828273 828248 844503 828256 
828479 828575 828308 828292 828399 828389 828293 844254 828508 828361 828418 
828275 828364 828539 828324 844909 828402 844920 828401 835785 828348 828507 
828373 828437 828549 828387 828271 835798 828531 828494 835811 828603 828555 
828484 828594 836419 828237 828316 835585 828602 828586 828523 828278
827061 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 827061: 850886
> retitle -1 ruby2.3: Please migrate to openssl1.1 in buster
Bug #850886 [src:ruby2.3] ruby2.3: FTBFS with openssl 1.1.0
Changed Bug title to 'ruby2.3: Please migrate to openssl1.1 in buster' from 
'ruby2.3: FTBFS with openssl 1.1.0'.
> unblock 827061 with -1
Bug #827061 [] transition: openssl
827061 was blocked by: 828518 844907 828229 844254 828270 844838 828564 828451 
828394 835794 822380 828601 828403 828252 828589 828499 843988 848681 828596 
844301 828372 844271 828592 828251 828272 828437 828344 828415 828463 828520 
828417 835789 828574 828387 814600 828538 844663 844845 828314 828232 850886 
828321 828249 844836 828511 828560 828377 828323 828310 828337 828420 828276 
828267 844947 828396 828361 844909 828294 828425 828385 844951 828419 828383 
828465 828470 828581 845729 828253 828284 828439 828599 828376 828234 828542 
828565 828456 828444 828334 828617 828300 828442 828291 844664 828605 828486 
828548 828386 828616 828525 828462 828082 828453 828438 828524 828500 828566 
828290 828570 844926 844213 844815 828468 828454 828248 828559 835585 828368 
828594 828357 835804 828244 828493 828603 828523 828405 828528 828228 828443 
844503 828139 828509 828274 828545 828496 828418 828466 828433 828551 828397 
828332 828547 828350 844920 828127 844906 828315 828330 828328 828457 828436 
835549 828277 828488 828460 828582 828434 828302 828588 844904 828429 828573 
828484 845030 828507 828569 828401 828491 

Processed: block 827061 with 850881 850880 850882 850883

2017-01-10 Thread Debian Bug Tracking System
Processing commands for

> block 827061 with 850881 850880 850882 850883
Bug #827061 [] transition: openssl
827061 was blocked by: 828279 828362 828506 828437 828510 828385 828561 828139 
828494 828412 828272 828603 828577 828270 828246 828425 844800 828548 828604 
828365 828261 828488 843532 828596 828284 828499 828479 828609 828324 828338 
828617 828369 828544 828384 844870 828458 828469 828372 828445 835797 828558 
828255 828607 828307 828580 828267 828309 841635 828466 828572 828440 828540 
828315 828303 828396 828286 844833 828501 828370 828492 828593 828230 828518 
828465 828589 828359 828439 828387 828367 828435 828352 844836 828605 828426 
828438 828517 828523 828594 828528 828340 828356 828335 844706 828525 828509 
844904 828556 828424 828608 828484 828386 828294 828302 828470 828457 828546 
844920 828496 828500 828251 828598 828524 828526 828612 844949 828489 828505 
828354 835794 828436 828346 828611 828238 844347 828579 828322 828083 828534 
835585 828584 828394 836419 828357 828410 844366 828399 828487 828564 828232 
828268 828521 828274 829452 828474 828541 828241 828585 828448 828559 843682 
828432 828351 828571 828331 828416 828360 828382 828602 808669 828278 828547 
828429 844928 828451 828576 835798 828520 828461 828248 828254 828454 828319 
828395 835796 828428 828358 828533 835786 828578 846769 828397 828606 828421 
828311 828334 828423 828490 828348 828398 828393 828240 828419 829465 828588 
828497 814600 828444 845016 828379 828502 828495 828305 828405 828601 828363 
828581 828374 828441 828349 828563 828511 835799 835800 828543 828560 828411 
828417 828287 828456 828542 828233 828403 828308 828460 828339 828610 828256 
828583 845729 828427 828420 828243 828271 844936 828304 828486 828373 828389 
843871 828234 844945 828380 828341 828462 828336 828504 828333 828430 828531 
844345 828264 844503 835793 828539 828590 828242 828361 844916 828463 828597 
843988 828082 828473 828323 828249 828537 828318 828619 828332 828464 828342 
828549 844845 844534 828355 848681 828575 828418 828538 835785 828552 828599 
828453 828263 828450 828503 828616 828478 828244 828532 809271 828257 828269 
828275 828296 828614 843852 828392 828285 828282 828512 828446 828371 828239 
845106 828507 848680 828344 828378 844254 828536 828314 828310 828600 828480 
828364 828595 828317 828433 844948 828237 844213 828293 828306 828545 828295 
828289 828377 828301 844018 828402 844271 828615 844907 828259 828482 828566 
828455 828514 827068 828535 828449 828300 828592 828326 828515 828516 828291 
828567 828574 828297 828568 828391 828316 828620 828565 828409 828431 828443 
828406 844931 828472 828368 828530 828491 828569 828468 828618 828260 828442 
844301 828347 828235 828404 846113 828551 828400 828613 835811 828415 844838 
828573 828325 835790 828407 828250 828555 844926 828390 828258 828452 828485 
828229 828277 828281 828231 828313 828459 828290 828366 828401 844951 844663 
828376 844947 828337 828273 844311 828288 828383 828280 828527 828320 828550 
844906 828591 828321 828283 828375 828253 828381 837960 828434 844909 828292 
828422 828298 835804 828493 828582 828127 844815 828252 828388 835789 828330 
828570 828276 828508 845030 828228 828587 844975 828476 828265 828262 828345 
844234 844664 828350 828529 828343 828553 828586 828519 835549 828328 828554 
828414 828447 822380 828467 828562 844877
827061 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 827061: 850882, 850880, 850883, and 850881
> thanks
Stopping processing here.

Please contact me if you need assistance.
Debian Bug Tracking System
Contact with problems

Re: Uploading linux (4.9.2-1)

2017-01-10 Thread Santiago Vila
On Tue, Jan 10, 2017 at 05:04:50PM +, Ben Hutchings wrote:
> I intend to upload linux version 4.9.2-1 to unstable tomorrow
> (Wednesday).  As this is a new upstream version, there is of course an
> ABI bump.


(Sorry if this is already reported, last time I looked at the bug page
I didn't find anything similar).

Is there any chance to remove the leading .0 from the binary package

I know it's mostly harmless, but it's misleading anyway to have
linux-image-4.8.0-2-amd64 to really contain 4.8.11 and not 4.8.0.

If it's done for compatibility reasons with kernel-package, I've heard
that's not anymore the preferred way to build .deb for the kernel.


Re: Uploading linux (4.9.2-1)

2017-01-10 Thread Ben Hutchings
On Tue, 2017-01-10 at 18:05 +, Santiago Vila wrote:
> On Tue, Jan 10, 2017 at 05:04:50PM +, Ben Hutchings wrote:
> > I intend to upload linux version 4.9.2-1 to unstable tomorrow
> > (Wednesday).  As this is a new upstream version, there is of course an
> > ABI bump.
> Hi.
> (Sorry if this is already reported, last time I looked at the bug page it was 
> not)
> Is there any chance to remove the leading .0 from the binary package names?
> I know it's mostly harmless, but it's misleading anyway to have 
> linux-image-4.8.0-2-amd64
> to really contain 4.8.11 and not 4.8.0, and if it's done for compatibility 
> reasons,
> we have done it for a lot of time already for tools to adapt.

The package names need to match kernel release strings:

- reportbug maps 'kernel' to linux-image-$(uname -r) and this must be
  a real, not virtual package
- module-assistant can auto-install linux-headers-$(uname -r) when
  building for the current kernel release

And kernel release strings with only 2 dotted components may break
software in subtle or severe ways that are hard to diagnose.  The
previous time we tried this, we got #742226 and #745984.

If we change this again it will be at the start of a release cycle, not
the end.


Ben Hutchings
Make three consecutive correct guesses and you will be considered an

Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: Uploading linux (4.9.2-1)

2017-01-10 Thread Santiago Vila
On Tue, Jan 10, 2017 at 05:04:50PM +, Ben Hutchings wrote:
> I intend to upload linux version 4.9.2-1 to unstable tomorrow
> (Wednesday).  As this is a new upstream version, there is of course an
> ABI bump.


(Sorry if this is already reported, last time I looked at the bug page it was 

Is there any chance to remove the leading .0 from the binary package names?

I know it's mostly harmless, but it's misleading anyway to have 
to really contain 4.8.11 and not 4.8.0, and if it's done for compatibility 
we have done it for a lot of time already for tools to adapt.


Uploading linux (4.9.2-1)

2017-01-10 Thread Ben Hutchings
I intend to upload linux version 4.9.2-1 to unstable tomorrow
(Wednesday).  As this is a new upstream version, there is of course an
ABI bump.

Some of the notable changes:

  * Compile with gcc-6 on all architectures
  * [arm64] Enable VIRTUALIZATION and KVM.
  * [armel] Drop versatile flavour, which has been broken since version
  * [arm64] Support for several new platforms and devices
  * linux-headers-common: Make these packages architecture-independent by
including headers for all architectures that we build a kernel for
  * [amd64] Remove xen-linux-system- package
  * mm: Enable PAGE_POISONING (Closes: #849450), PAGE_POISONING_NO_SANITY
(except on armel/marvell)
  * [arm64] Revert "arm64/mm: Limit TASK_SIZE_64 ..." and add breaks on
incompatible mozjs

As previously discussed, this should be the last upstream version bump
(aside from stable updates) before stretch.  However, there will
probably be at least one further ABI bump as we adjust the


Ben Hutchings
Make three consecutive correct guesses and you will be considered an

Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Bug#850819: marked as done (unblock: heat/1:7.0.0-2)

2017-01-10 Thread Debian Bug Tracking System
Your message dated Tue, 10 Jan 2017 16:42:00 +
with message-id <>
and subject line Re: Bug#850819: unblock: heat/1:7.0.0-2
has caused the Debian Bug report #850819,
regarding unblock: heat/1:7.0.0-2
to be marked as done.

This means that you claim that the problem has been dealt with.
If this is not the case it is now your responsibility to reopen the
Bug report if necessary, and/or fix the problem forthwith.

(NB: If you are a system administrator and have no idea what this
message is talking about, this may indicate a serious mail system
misconfiguration somewhere. Please contact

Debian Bug Tracking System
Contact with problems
--- Begin Message ---
Severity: normal
Usertags: unblock

Please unblock package heat.

The latest version fixes CVE-2016-9185 and FTBFS with the Sid
newer version of docutils.

Patches may be found here:

Note that it also bumps debhelper to version 10, though I don't
think it is important.

unblock heat/1:7.0.0-2


Thomas Goirand (zigo)
--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
Thomas Goirand:
> Package:
> Severity: normal
> User:
> Usertags: unblock
> Please unblock package heat.
> The latest version fixes CVE-2016-9185 and FTBFS with the Sid
> newer version of docutils.
> Patches may be found here:
> Note that it also bumps debhelper to version 10, though I don't
> think it is important.
> unblock heat/1:7.0.0-2
> Cheers,
> Thomas Goirand (zigo)

Already aged to 5 days.

~Niels--- End Message ---

Bug#850830: jessie-pu: package ikiwiki/3.20141016.4

2017-01-10 Thread Simon McVittie
Severity: normal
Tags: jessie
Usertags: pu

I recently fixed some minor security vulnerabilities in ikiwiki, for
which the Security Team declined to issue a DSA. I'd like to get their
fixes into stable.

If possible I would also like to backport related non-security bug fixes,
and the ability to run the test suite with autopkgtest.

Here is a proposed changelog with justification; diff attached.

Code changes:|2 
 IkiWiki/Plugin/  |2 
 IkiWiki/Plugin/|   11 -
 IkiWiki/Plugin/ |  324 +++---
 IkiWiki/Plugin/ |2 
 IkiWiki/Plugin/ |2 
 IkiWiki/Plugin/  |2 
 IkiWiki/Plugin/  |4 
 debian/changelog  |   55 ++
 ikiwiki-makerepo  |6 

Test changes:
 debian/control|   10 +
 debian/tests/control  |   12 +
 debian/tests/pkg-perl/smoke-env   |1 
 debian/tests/pkg-perl/syntax-skip |4 
 t/basewiki_brokenlinks.t  |   31 ++-
 t/comments.t  |   21 ++
 t/conflicts.t |   19 +-
 t/cvs.t   |   12 -
 t/git-cgi.t   |  317 +
 t/git.t   |   10 +
 t/html.t  |2 
 t/img.t   |   28 ++-
 t/inline.t|   27 ++-
 t/permalink.t |   23 ++
 t/podcast.t   |   31 ++-
 t/relativity.t|   18 +-
 t/template_syntax.t   |2 
 t/templates_documented.t  |6 
 t/trail.t |   33 ++-

> ikiwiki (3.20141016.4) UNRELEASED; urgency=medium
>  [ Simon McVittie ]
>  * Security: force CGI::FormBuilder->field to scalar context where
>necessary, avoiding unintended function argument injection
>analogous to CVE-2014-1572. In ikiwiki this could be used to
>forge commit metadata, but thankfully nothing more serious.

Minor security fix. This accounts for all the diff chunks that change
"$form->field(...)" to "scalar $form->field(...)" - a couple of them
potentially allow metadata forgery. The rest (notably including
the ones around passwords!) don't seem to be exploitable, but are
fixed as defensive programming in case I was wrong.

>  * Backport IkiWiki::Plugin::git from 3.20170110 to fix the following
>bugs, including one minor security vulnerability:

This accounts for IkiWiki/Plugin/

Rather than cherry-picking literally only the security fixes, I'd be
more confident about the result if I can backport the entire git plugin,
which has non-security bug fixes (many of which result from the testing
I did on the security fixes).

The only diff between my currently proposed git plugin and what's in
unstable is that the version in unstable adds a call to IkiWiki::cloak()
to mask email addresses. That function, and the related feature of logging
in with an email address, didn't exist in jessie.

>- Security: try revert operations before approving them. Previously,
>  automatic rename detection could result in a revert writing outside
>  the wiki srcdir or altering a file that the reverting user should not be
>  able to alter, an authorization bypass.
>  (CVE-2016-10026 represents the original vulnerability.)
>  The incomplete fix released in 3.20161219 was not effective for git
>  versions prior to 2.8.0rc0.
>  (CVE-2016-9645 represents that incomplete solution. Debian stable
>  was never vulnerable to this one.)
>- Fix the warnings "cannot chdir to .../ikiwiki-temp-working: No such
>  file or directory" seen in the initial fixes for those security issues
>- If no committer identity is known, set it to
>  "IkiWiki " in .git/config. This resolves commit errors
>  in versions of git that require a non-trivial committer identity.

Several rounds of fixing for some tricky problems with reverting. To get
the error rollback to work correctly, I had to change some global state
(the git directory to work in) into a series of function parameters,
which changed the calling convention for several internal functions.

>- Use git log --no-renames to generate recentchanges, fixing the git
>  test-case with git 2.9 (Closes: #835612)

Could become relevant with a backported git, and it's a tiny change.
I've confirmed that it still works on Debian jessie.

>- Don't issue a warning if the rcsinfo CGI parameter is undefined
>- Do not fail to commit changes with a recent git version
>  and an anonymous 

Bug#850827: unblock: leap-cli/1.9-2

2017-01-10 Thread micah
Severity: normal
Usertags: unblock

Please consider unblocking package leap-cli.

It was a new package that did not transition to testing in time before the
freeze. There is no version in testing.

I realize that the reason for this request is that the package was late to the
well-advertised freeze deadline. I was fully aware of the freeze deadline, and
tried to make it in time, but there were several dependencies that were not
packaged that I had to work through before I could get this uploaded, and those
took longer than I expected (but those dependencies did transition in time to

Thanks for your work on the release, looking forward to stretch!

unblock leap-cli/1.9-2

-- System Information:
Debian Release: stretch/sid
  APT prefers unstable
  APT policy: (500, 'unstable'), (500, 'stable')
Architecture: amd64 (x86_64)
Foreign Architectures: i386

Kernel: Linux 4.8.0-1-amd64 (SMP w/8 CPU cores)
Locale: LANG=en_US.UTF-8, LC_CTYPE=en_US.UTF-8 (charmap=UTF-8)
Shell: /bin/sh linked to /bin/dash
Init: systemd (via /run/systemd/system)

Bug#850819: unblock: heat/1:7.0.0-2

2017-01-10 Thread Thomas Goirand
Severity: normal
Usertags: unblock

Please unblock package heat.

The latest version fixes CVE-2016-9185 and FTBFS with the Sid
newer version of docutils.

Patches may be found here:

Note that it also bumps debhelper to version 10, though I don't
think it is important.

unblock heat/1:7.0.0-2


Thomas Goirand (zigo)

Processed: wand: please update dependency on imagemgick

2017-01-10 Thread Debian Bug Tracking System
Processing control commands:

> block 849218 by -1
Bug #849218 [] transition: imagemagick
849218 was blocked by: 844464 844558 847371 848264 844357 844227 847527
849218 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 849218: 850815

Debian Bug Tracking System
Contact with problems

News of imagemagick

2017-01-10 Thread Bastien ROUCARIES

What are the news of imagemagick transition?

I plan to upload a new version fixing four security bugs and I believe
I should wait the end of transition.

Thanks for the work BTW.


Bug#850801: unblock: win32-loader/0.8.1

2017-01-10 Thread Didier 'OdyX' Raboud
Severity: normal
Usertags: unblock

Please unblock-udeb package win32-loader 0.8.1. as it has some useful
stretch'ification (and is always blocked because of the manual
migration to be done by ftpmasters):

>  * As NSIS doesn't support downloading from https (#819092), and as
>d-i dailies are now on an https-enforced hosts: don't allow branch
>or kernel selection
>  * Replace the Lines screenshot by a recent softWaves screenshot

ftpmaster: please copy debian/tools/win32-loader/unstable into …/testing 

unblock-udeb win32-loader/0.8.1

Cheers, OdyX

Bug#850755: RM: nagios3/3.5.1.dfsg-2.2

2017-01-10 Thread Emilio Pozuelo Monfort
On 10/01/17 07:41, Sebastiaan Couwenberg wrote:
> On 01/09/2017 11:33 PM, Moritz Muehlenhoff wrote:
>> nagios3 was removed from unstable, but for some reason is still in testing,
>> please remove it from there as well.
> It still has reverse dependencies in testing, specifically nagios2mantis
> is listed in the britney output [0] which `dak rm -Rn -s testing
> nagios3` also lists as the only affected package.
> nagios2mantis is scheduled for removal from testing on the 14th, as is
> check-mk but that doesn't have a dependency on nagios3 that keeps it in
> testing.
> Having these packages removed from testing explicitly instead of waiting
> for the autoremoval would be nice, to not have chatter in the bugreport
> able extend the deadline (although that seems unlikely).

Let's wait 4 days in case those bugs get fixed. If the bug gets pinged without a
fix, we can manually remove them.
