Hello ,

My name is Teresa Danuta I am a financial consultant , I got your contact details in my search for a reliable and neutral company or individual to partner with for profitable Return on Investment (ROI). I know that this mail might come to you as surprise because we neither know each other nor has ever met but accept it with an open and positive mind.

We want to partner with you to receive and place an investment funds into viable business ventures in your country that can guarantee a good Return on Investment (ROI) which will be under your control and management.

We have obtained certificate of Incumbancy and Certificate of Good  Standing for AMIC which are enclosed herewith. We shall firm up our approach on opening of account once I have obtained necessary clarrification of Name of the Bank and Depository of IGE Resources, issuer of shares. I expect to have this information available beginning of Feb.

Details of the investment and funding will be furnished to you when I receive your positive response which will also facilitate face to face meeting with the investor.

Yours Sincerely,

Teresa Danuta

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