I looked at 2.7.0, there's another ABI break: it looks like Sls* symbols
were moved to Sparse*. I've nearly finished cleaning up what I did, the
main problem is the soversions, it looks like upstream is assuming
soversion == release version.

On 13 October 2016 at 14:32, James Tocknell <aragi...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I emailed upstream about a year ago (http://sundials.2283335.n4.
> nabble.com/Packaging-sundials-for-debian-td4653658.html), and I sent them
> the patches directly, but never heard back from them. I've got no idea
> about upstream's release schedule or future plans, the 2.7 release came as
> a complete surprise to me. I get the impression sundialsTB may be gone for
> a while (as while it hasn't changed for 7 years, I don't see much change in
> the higher level interface of sundials, apart from the new runga-kutta
> solver, which sundialsTB doesn't support, so maybe there's bugs which
> haven't been mentioned on the mailing list?), but that just speculation,
> and they could just as well be working on a 2.7.1 release which only
> updated sundialsTB.
> I ignored the tests, I've had no problems building scikits.odes on top of
> sundials, and I'm not inclined to trust examples where results may vary
> based on optimisation, as opposed to real tests (this could be something
> worth asking upstream about).
> What's your plan on the organisation of the packages, my idea (which I
> haven't started on, I'm very open to opinions on this) was to have a
> package per DSO (which makes more sense if we add support for the other
> parallelisation method sundials now has), a libsundials-dev which has the
> things for each of the solvers, but not the serial/parallel/openmp stuff,
> and which depends on a separate libsundials-{serial/parallel/openmp/etc.}-dev?
> I can also see advantages for splitting out separate packages for each of
> the solvers, or for a single dev package, but I thought that this would
> involve the least change. OTOH, there's nothing in Debian which depends on
> sundials, and it's isn't that popular, so that may not be a strong argument.
> James
> On 11 October 2016 at 18:27, Dima Kogan <dko...@debian.org> wrote:
>> James Tocknell <aragi...@gmail.com> writes:
>> > I do plan on finishing it, but was going to wait till after the freeze
>> > to push it to the archive, as it involved dropping octave-sundials,
>> > which now seems like a moot point given upstream's decision to drop
>> > the matlab interface from the release.
>> >
>> > I've pushed the latest stuff to
>> > https://github.com/aragilar/debian-packaging-sundials (which I uploaded
>> > originally as someone was trying to install sundials to use
>> scikits.odes),
>> > but it is a mess. Also, it looks like upstream has finally made it easy
>> to
>> > download tarballs (it used to require providing an email), so the watch
>> > file from my work is no longer valid.
>> OK. I think it makes sense to not touch it until the freeze so that
>> octave-sundials can remain. Afterwards, it would be good to get the
>> latest code pushed. Upstream says they'll reinstate sundialsTB at some
>> point, so we can aim to push the code then. Are you talking to upstream?
>> Do you have any sense when they aim to get the sundialsTB back?
>> My code lives here:
>>   ssh://git.debian.org/git/debian-science/packages/sundials.git
>> The 'stash' branch contains a patch with all the not-yet-sorted-out
>> stuff committed into it.
>> The packages build.
>> The symbols, copyright and watch files need updating. It's not obvious
>> which APIs have been broken. Upstream bumped some SONAMEs, but not all
>> of them. However all the DSOs have had symbols removed. I want to build
>> some executables against sundials-2.5.0 and see what can run against the
>> new DSOs.
>> The tests don't pass. This is probably OK, because these are tests
>> written by the previous Debian maintainer, and they probably make false
>> assumptions.
>> I won't get to this again for a few days, but am interested to hear your
>> thoughts.
>> dima
> --
> Don't send me files in proprietary formats (.doc(x), .xls, .ppt etc.). It
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> and it isn't good enough for me either. For more information visit
> http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/no-word-attachments.html.
> Truly great madness cannot be achieved without significant intelligence.
>  - Henrik Tikkanen
> If you're not messing with your sanity, you're not having fun.
>  - James Tocknell
> In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice; In
> practice, there is.

Don't send me files in proprietary formats (.doc(x), .xls, .ppt etc.). It
isn't good enough for Tim Berners-Lee
and it isn't good enough for me either. For more information visit

Truly great madness cannot be achieved without significant intelligence.
 - Henrik Tikkanen

If you're not messing with your sanity, you're not having fun.
 - James Tocknell

In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice; In practice,
there is.

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