
as Jacques Lavignotte <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> and Jens Schuessler
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> posted in their mails at 7th of March 2003 i have
exactly the same alert message using chkrootkit:

Checking `lkm'... You have 1 process hidden for readdir command
You have 1 process hidden for ps command
Warning: Possible LKM Trojan installed

Sometimes I get 2 or 3 processes, sometimes NONE

is there a plausible reason why there could be a hidden prozess?
hidden even for root? even if LKM is not installed? i did not find
any possible reason. i only know that i can also "reproduce" the
alert by installing debian on a brand new harddisk. i used debian
woody 3.0 with kernel 2.2 CD Image of 11th of december 2002.

greetings icon

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