Dear Sir/Madam

I obtained your e-mail address from an auto-responder. You are not on a mailing list.

I recently joined an investment program. I can now safely say that I have
found an investment program that pays, pays well and pays on time.

I am now receiving 40% per month on my investment and I also receive 5% of
the funds that people I refer invest. I’ve just entered my forth month and I’ve earned 120% of my investment. I’ve also earned quite a bit from referrals – that’s a bonus I wasn’t counting on.

The company frowns on spamming so I won’t give you the name here. I
want to get the word out to make more referral fees before the memberships are

If you would like to hear more please e-mail me at <[EMAIL PROTECTED] >
and I’ll get back to you right away, you’ll be happy you did.

If you are upset you received this e-mail I’m sorry but don’t worry. This is
the only one I will send.

Thank you,

Cameron MacDonald

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