2016-02-14 19:04 GMT+01:00 Romain Dolbeau <rom...@dolbeau.org>:
> * But there is ongoing work from the great folks over at NetBSD to port
some of those drivers to the EXA infrastructure, see e.g.:
> <https://mail-index.netbsd.org/port-sparc64/2015/11/27/msg002478.html>

I finally got around trying the NetBSD code on Debian/sparc64, and got a
working 24 bit display :-)

Here's the brief recipe:

1) install all the X11 devel packages
2) checkout the NetBSD version of the sunffb driver:
cvs -d "anon...@anoncvs.netbsd.org:/cvsroot" checkout -rHEAD
3) apply the attached patch to the /dist directory to fix some minor
compilation issues
4) ./configure & make
5) copy the binary to the X11 drivers directory:
sudo cp src/.libs/sunffb_drv.so /usr/lib/xorg/modules/drivers/

Then in the xorg.conf file, the device section should look something like:

Section "Device"
    Identifier    "Generic Video Card"
    Driver "sunffb"
    BusId    "SBUS:/SUNW,ffb@1e,0"
    Option "AccelMethod"  "EXA"

For reasons unknown, startx as a regular user doesn't find the device, but
startx as root & xdm both work fine (including login as a regular user in
xdm). They don't even require the BusId line.


Romain Dolbeau

Attachment: ffb.patch
Description: Binary data

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