Re: Creer un point d'acces wifi

2010-07-24 Thread Le poulpe qui bloppe !
Merci des informations, mais je trouve ca incroyable de rester aussi
dependant d'un hardware.

Bon, je vais donc faire des recherches sur les petites annonces
d'occasion pour trouver un chip atheros alors.
Si vous avez des conseils sur un modele particulier...

Néanmoins, si quelqu'un arrive a faire un point d'acces sous linux
sans passer par madwifi, je suis interessé par la conf, parcequ'un
jour faudra bien arriver a gerrer du wifi sans madwifi :P

Bonne journée

Le 23 juillet 2010 21:05, manuk7 a écrit :

 De mon côté, j'ai bypassé la carte interne du laptop (Intel) pour utiliser
 carte PCMCIA Cisco à base de module Atheros...

 Malheureusement, tous les drivers ne supportent pas (bien) le mode



 j'ai précisement une carte BCM4311 sur mon portable mais je n'ai jamais
 réussi à la passer en mode master. J'utilise aussi b43-fwcutter (qui
 marche plutôt bien pour l'utilisation en tant que client).

 A mon avis il faut t'orienter vers une autre carte wifi.

 Bonne soirée.


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Flashplayer affiche des boites grises [Résolu]

2010-07-24 Thread Courrier Debian
Je suis en SID AMD64 kde4 à jour et j'ai un gros problème à l'affichage 
d'iceweasel des parties de pages ne s'affichent pas ou sont grisées ou 
disparaissent si je passe la souris dessus, ce qui est très pénible, en 
cherchant sur le net et particulièrement dans le forum d'adobe, j'ai trouvé ce 
message qui décrit bien mon problème (en anglais):
Flash Player linux, grey box issue (youtube vids and some applets do not 
la conclusion de ces messages  est la suivante, le problème vient de mauvais 
théme QTCURVE installé avec Kde.
 the problem was not due to KDE, but was actually caused by 
faulty QTCurve (theme) settings from WITHIN KDE. KDE apps weren't affected, 
however GTK ones were (QT and GTK apps were both being themed by QTCurve, 
although only the GTK apps were acting up).
The problem was resolved by loading one of the presets from the QTCurve 
configurator, and then customizing it to taste. . Pour ma part après recherche 
je n'avais pas le thème qtcurve installé après installation de qtcurve tous 
les problèmes ont disparus comme par magie. il semble donc qu'au cours des 
migrations de Kde 4.x à Kde4.4 des thèmes d'affichage sur mon ordinateur ont 
altérés et c'est cela qui crée ce problème.
J'ai écrit ce message pour tous ceux qui risquent de se heurter à ce problème.

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Sauvegardes journalières de VM avec rsy nc

2010-07-24 Thread Thierry B

J'aimerais un conseil car j'aimerais effectuer des sauvegardes
régulières de machines virtuelles tournant sous Xen.

Pour l'instant, je fais des sauvegardes complètes chaque jour depuis mon
dom0 :
rsync  -a --partial --progress --delete $directory_lv_snapshot_mount/

L'incovénient est qu à chaque fois ca fait quand même une grosse
archive, donc je me dis quel'idéal serait de faire par exemple une
sauvegarde complète une fois par semaine et le reste du temps une
sauvegarde de ce qui a été modifié / ajouté / effacé par rapport à la
sauvegarde complète.

L'idéal serait qu'en cas de pb, je puisse restaurer la grosse archive,
et ensuite appliquer les différentes suppressions / modification / ajout
de fichiers par rapport à celle-ci.

Ou bien peut-etre qu'il est plus prudent de faire comme je fais

Merci :-)

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Re: Sauvegardes journaliè res de VM avec rsync

2010-07-24 Thread JF Straeten


On Sat, Jul 24, 2010 at 05:05:16PM +0200, Thierry B wrote:

 L'idéal serait qu'en cas de pb, je puisse restaurer la grosse
 archive, et ensuite appliquer les différentes suppressions /
 modification / ajout de fichiers par rapport à celle-ci.

rsnapshot ?

C'est (IMHO) un très bon outil, relativement facile à configurer.

Son principe est de faire, la première fois, une synchronisation
complète de la machine (ou de ce que tu veux), puis de ne mettre à
jour que ce qui a changé, les fichiers non modifiés étant des liens
durs vers le snapshot précédent.

En termes de place, ça ne consomme que le volume de départ + les
diffs, tout en fournissant un backup complet (grâce aux liens durs) à
chaque exécution (donc même pas besoin de restaurer les diffs à part).

Et, cherry on the cake, il supporte par ailleurs LVM que tu sembles

 Ou bien peut-etre qu'il est plus prudent de faire comme je fais

Je crois que ça reviendrait au même, mais sans consommer autant de




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Re: Sauvegardes journalières de VM avec rsync

2010-07-24 Thread Sam Przyswa

Le 24/07/2010 17:05, Thierry B a écrit :


J'aimerais un conseil car j'aimerais effectuer des sauvegardes
régulières de machines virtuelles tournant sous Xen.

Pour l'instant, je fais des sauvegardes complètes chaque jour depuis mon
dom0 :
rsync  -a --partial --progress --delete $directory_lv_snapshot_mount/

Ben il y a BackupPC ( qui fait ça très 
bien et si il a des bases de données utiliser LVM et faire des snapshots 
des volumes logiques pour garder une cohérence des bases.

Ci cela peut vous aider...


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Re: Sauvegardes journalières de VM avec rsyn c

2010-07-24 Thread Jean-Yves F. Barbier

Le 24/07/2010 17:39, Sam Przyswa a écrit :

Ben il y a BackupPC ( qui fait ça très
bien et si il a des bases de données utiliser LVM et faire des snapshots
des volumes logiques pour garder une cohérence des bases.

Sam a raison: une fois que tu as lu la ptite doc et celle plus abondante
intégrée au fichier de conf, c'est relativement facile à programmer.

Tu gardes l'avantage des backup totaux/incrémentiels (un total le WE
par ex.), et si tu manques vraiment de place, tu passes la compression
de gzip à bzip2 (coeff 9), sachant que les fichiers qui n'ont pas été
modifiés entre 2 backups seront simplement symlinkés (donc plutôt à
ranger dans une partition de type 'news').

Ca marche aussi pour w$ (avec un chtit exe de rsync), interface web
en louchebem, poss de lancer un backup n'importe quand par cette I/F,
poss de restaurer sur une autre machine (ou autre dir) etc.

De tous les pgms de backup que j'ai eu l'occasion de tester (non-dédiés
aux dérouleurs de bandes), ça reste, et de très loin, le meilleur compromis
prise en main/usage/occupation HD/souplesse d'utilisation.

Offer void where prohibited by law.

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Re: Sauvegardes journaliè res de VM avec rsync

2010-07-24 Thread Erwan David
Le Sat 24/07/2010, Jean-Yves F. Barbier disait
 Le 24/07/2010 17:39, Sam Przyswa a écrit :
 Ben il y a BackupPC ( qui fait ça très
 bien et si il a des bases de données utiliser LVM et faire des snapshots
 des volumes logiques pour garder une cohérence des bases.
 Sam a raison: une fois que tu as lu la ptite doc et celle plus abondante
 intégrée au fichier de conf, c'est relativement facile à programmer.
 Tu gardes l'avantage des backup totaux/incrémentiels (un total le WE
 par ex.), et si tu manques vraiment de place, tu passes la compression
 de gzip à bzip2 (coeff 9), sachant que les fichiers qui n'ont pas été
 modifiés entre 2 backups seront simplement symlinkés (donc plutôt à
 ranger dans une partition de type 'news').
 Ca marche aussi pour w$ (avec un chtit exe de rsync), interface web
 en louchebem, poss de lancer un backup n'importe quand par cette I/F,
 poss de restaurer sur une autre machine (ou autre dir) etc.
 De tous les pgms de backup que j'ai eu l'occasion de tester (non-dédiés
 aux dérouleurs de bandes), ça reste, et de très loin, le meilleur compromis
 prise en main/usage/occupation HD/souplesse d'utilisation.

Tu as essayé duplicity (pour comparer) ?


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Re: Sauvegardes journalières de VM avec rsyn c

2010-07-24 Thread Jean-Yves F. Barbier

Le 24/07/2010 18:11, Erwan David a écrit :

Tu as essayé duplicity (pour comparer) ?

C'est du bêta, je ne me vois même pas installer ça pour moi, alors
pour un pote encore moins...

Sans compter que je n'aime pas les systèmes qui font une archive (ou un
fichier-disque): malgré les pgms de récup', les chances de tout perdre
restent relativement élevées.  


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realplayer (format rm)

2010-07-24 Thread Cyrille
J'aimerais visionner une video au format rm
Par défaut, le lecteur video (TOTEM) ne me la lit pas (le codec est manquant 
selon lui et sa recherche automatique n'aboutit pas)
J'ai essayé aussi le site officiel, mais il ne propose qu'une verison i686 (et 
je suis en 64 bit)
Que me conseillez vous ?

(PS j'ai bien mplayer d'installé, il aurait dû me filer ce codec non ?
source :



KERNEL  2.6.26-2-amd64
LENNY avec qq paquets SQUEEZE et SID (preferences / pinning)
GNOME 2.22.3
GNOME totem 2.22.2

[ | ]

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Re: realplayer (format rm)

2010-07-24 Thread Jean-Yves F. Barbier


Le 24/07/2010 19:39, Cyrille a écrit :

J'aimerais visionner une video au format rm
Par défaut, le lecteur video (TOTEM) ne me la lit pas (le codec est manquant 
selon lui et sa recherche automatique n'aboutit pas)
J'ai essayé aussi le site officiel, mais il ne propose qu'une verison i686 (et 
je suis en 64 bit)
Que me conseillez vous ?

It's really quite a simple choice: Life, Death, or Los Angeles.

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Re: realplayer (format rm)

2010-07-24 Thread Cyrille
C'est décliné en 64bit ?
Je viens de leur site mais n'ai vu que des x86.

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Re: Sauvegardes journaliè res de VM avec rsync

2010-07-24 Thread Erwan David
Le Sat 24/07/2010, Jean-Yves F. Barbier disait
 Le 24/07/2010 18:11, Erwan David a écrit :
 Tu as essayé duplicity (pour comparer) ?
 C'est du bêta, je ne me vois même pas installer ça pour moi, alors
 pour un pote encore moins...

C'est du 0.6 mais c'est plus du béta, ça marche bien.
 Sans compter que je n'aime pas les systèmes qui font une archive (ou un
 fichier-disque): malgré les pgms de récup', les chances de tout perdre
 restent relativement élevées.

Mais c'est plus efficace pour la taille.
En plus ça permet de chiffrer la sauvegarde.

Je testerai backuppc pour comparer.


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Re: realplayer (format rm)

2010-07-24 Thread Cyrille

 sèpô jsuis en 32 bits; sinon y'a realplayer qui doit exister
 en 64 mais c'est pas tellement libre.
D'accord sur tous les points, mais je ne trouve que des versions 32BITS 
(realplayer que du x86)
OK pour le coté fermé, mais je voudrais juste visionner (sans trop me prendre 
la tête) une vidéo d'un site qui ne la met qu'en rm g
C'est la 1ere fois que je suis embếté par DEBIAN et ce 64BIT (en fait la 
seconde dps que FLASH n'assure plus le 64BIT, maiss reste gnucash)
Ce qui est space c'esy que mplayer doit lire du rm, non ?

 sèpô jsuis en 32 bits; sinon y'a realplayer qui doit exister
 en 64 mais c'est pas tellement libre.
 Le 24/07/2010 19:44, Cyrille a écrit :
  C'est décliné en 64bit ?
  Je viens de leur site mais n'ai vu que des x86.
 My godda bless, never I see sucha people.
   -- Signor Piozzi, quoted by Cecilia Thrale

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Re: Sauvegardes journalières de VM avec rsyn c

2010-07-24 Thread Jean-Yves F. Barbier

Le 24/07/2010 20:10, Erwan David a écrit :

Le Sat 24/07/2010, Jean-Yves F. Barbier disait

Le 24/07/2010 18:11, Erwan David a écrit :

Tu as essayé duplicity (pour comparer) ?

C'est du bêta, je ne me vois même pas installer ça pour moi, alors
pour un pote encore moins...

C'est du 0.6 mais c'est plus du béta, ça marche bien.

Duplicity is still in Beta. As any software, it may still have a few bugs, but 
will work for normal usage and is in use now for large personal and corporate 

The current stable release is 0.6.08b, released March 11, 2010.

Sans compter que je n'aime pas les systèmes qui font une archive (ou un
fichier-disque): malgré les pgms de récup', les chances de tout perdre
restent relativement élevées.

Mais c'est plus efficace pour la taille.

Faux: un symblink c'est 8 byte, difficile de faire moins.

En plus ça permet de chiffrer la sauvegarde.

Il suffit de chiffrer la partition, déjà c'est plus rapide que gnupg
et ça évite surtout de paumer une clé dont on peut avoir besoin plusieurs
mois plus tard.

Par ailleurs, le chiffrement d'un backup ne vaut que si le serveur d'origine
est strictement protégé (principe du maillon le plus faible): c'est 
bcp plus facile de se barrer avec un zip rempli à partir de l'original.

Donc, pour conclure, chiffrer ça peut servir mais à la condition d'en avoir
vraiment un besoin vital; pour du perso, l'intérêt est limité voire dangereux
pour la raison expliquée ci-avant.

Et je n'ai rien vu dans les docs au sujet de w$ (ce qui est quand même
la préoccupation d'une majorité d'entreprises.)

Egalement, la doc dit très clairement que le tar est compressé après
coup, ce qui revient à mes préoccupations du 1er email: que se passe-t'il
en cas de PB et de non-récupération d'un tar *compressé*?!

Men aren't attracted to me by my mind.  They're attracted by what I
don't mind... -- Gypsy Rose Lee

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Re: Sauvegardes journaliè res de VM avec rsync

2010-07-24 Thread Erwan David
Le Sat 24/07/2010, Jean-Yves F. Barbier disait
 The current stable release is 0.6.08b, released March 11, 2010.
 Sans compter que je n'aime pas les systèmes qui font une archive (ou un
 fichier-disque): malgré les pgms de récup', les chances de tout perdre
 restent relativement élevées.
 Mais c'est plus efficace pour la taille.
 Faux: un symblink c'est 8 byte, difficile de faire moins.

Et si tu as 3 octets de changés dans le fichier, tu dupliques les autres, pas 
avec duplicity.


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Re: Sauvegardes journalières de VM avec rsync

2010-07-24 Thread Thierry B
Le 24/07/2010 17:05, Thierry B a écrit :
 J'aimerais un conseil car j'aimerais effectuer des sauvegardes
 régulières de machines virtuelles tournant sous Xen.
 Pour l'instant, je fais des sauvegardes complètes chaque jour depuis mon
 dom0 :
 rsync  -a --partial --progress --delete $directory_lv_snapshot_mount/
 L'incovénient est qu à chaque fois ca fait quand même une grosse
 archive, donc je me dis quel'idéal serait de faire par exemple une
 sauvegarde complète une fois par semaine et le reste du temps une
 sauvegarde de ce qui a été modifié / ajouté / effacé par rapport à la
 sauvegarde complète.
 L'idéal serait qu'en cas de pb, je puisse restaurer la grosse archive,
 et ensuite appliquer les différentes suppressions / modification / ajout
 de fichiers par rapport à celle-ci.
 Ou bien peut-etre qu'il est plus prudent de faire comme je fais
 Merci :-)

Merci, pour vos réponses :-)

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Swap al principio o al final del disco duro?

2010-07-24 Thread Francisco Javier
Hola a todos.

Tengo una curiosidad sobre donde colocar el swap. Una gente me han dicho que
mejor ponerlo en la parte final del disco duro, para que no incordie, otros
me dicen que mejor ponerlo al principio, porque es más rápido que la parte
del final de disco duro. Otros me dicen que da igual, que lo que se gana por
un lado de pierde por el otro. Yo tengo un disco duro nuevo, se tipo SATA-2,
y quisiera saber por qué es mejor ponerlo al principio o al final del disco

Un saludo y muchas gracias.

Francisco Javier Serrador

Re: Swap al principio o al final del disco duro?

2010-07-24 Thread Camaleón
El Sat, 24 Jul 2010 11:34:58 +0200, Francisco Javier escribió:

 Tengo una curiosidad sobre donde colocar el swap. Una gente me han dicho
 que mejor ponerlo en la parte final del disco duro, para que no
 incordie, otros me dicen que mejor ponerlo al principio, porque es más
 rápido que la parte del final de disco duro. Otros me dicen que da
 igual, que lo que se gana por un lado de pierde por el otro. Yo tengo un
 disco duro nuevo, se tipo SATA-2, y quisiera saber por qué es mejor
 ponerlo al principio o al final del disco duro.

Pues yo lo pongo siempre al principio, pero por manías de orden, más que 

Con el hardware actual y para un uso estándar, no creo que notes ninguna 
diferencia entre ponerlo en un sitio u otro.



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Re: Swap al principio o al final del disco duro?

2010-07-24 Thread Jose Manuel Blanes Pacheco
Hola Francisco:

Depende del uso de memoria que le vayas a dar a tu equipo. Si no vas a lanzar 
procesos que consuman más memoria física de la que dispones, es indiferente, 
pero si vas a hacer un uso mayor de memoria que la física, entonces tu sistema 
usará mucho la memoria virtual (disco) y por tanto yo la pondría en la mitad 
del disco, ya que el tiempo empleado en alcanzar el centro del disco será menor 
si está en el centro que si está en un extremos del mismo. No obstante la 
ganancia no será apreciable, pero si eres un fanático de la optimización, yo lo 
pondría ahí.

On Jul 24, 2010, at 11:34 AM, Francisco Javier wrote:

 Hola a todos.
 Tengo una curiosidad sobre donde colocar el swap. Una gente me han dicho que 
 mejor ponerlo en la parte final del disco duro, para que no incordie, otros 
 me dicen que mejor ponerlo al principio, porque es más rápido que la parte 
 del final de disco duro. Otros me dicen que da igual, que lo que se gana por 
 un lado de pierde por el otro. Yo tengo un disco duro nuevo, se tipo SATA-2, 
 y quisiera saber por qué es mejor ponerlo al principio o al final del disco 
 Un saludo y muchas gracias.
 Francisco Javier Serrador

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Re: Swap al principio o al final del disco duro?

2010-07-24 Thread Hannibal
El sáb, 24-07-2010 a las 11:34 +0200, Francisco Javier escribió:

 Hola a todos.
 Tengo una curiosidad sobre donde colocar el swap. Una gente me han
 dicho que mejor ponerlo en la parte final del disco duro, para que no
 incordie, otros me dicen que mejor ponerlo al principio, porque es más
 rápido que la parte del final de disco duro. Otros me dicen que da
 igual, que lo que se gana por un lado de pierde por el otro. Yo tengo
 un disco duro nuevo, se tipo SATA-2, y quisiera saber por qué es mejor
 ponerlo al principio o al final del disco duro.
 Un saludo y muchas gracias.
 Francisco Javier Serrador

Hola Francisco. Buen día. Tal como dijo Camaleón en su post que nos
ha enviado hace unos minutos, no hay diferencia si colocas la partición
swap al final o en cualquier otro sitio del HD con el hardware de hoy
día. Tiempo atrás he probado esto que preguntas y, por mi humilde
experiencia, y tal como te dije anteriormente, he llegado a la
conclusión de que no hay una posición específica que pueda decirse:
este lugar es mejor que aquel. ¡Saludos!


Re: Swap al principio o al final del disco duro?

2010-07-24 Thread AngelD
El Sat, 24 Jul 2010 11:34:58 +0200
Francisco Javier escribió:

 Hola a todos.
 Tengo una curiosidad sobre donde colocar el swap. Una gente me han
 dicho que mejor ponerlo en la parte final del disco duro, para que no
 incordie, otros me dicen que mejor ponerlo al principio, porque es
 más rápido que la parte del final de disco duro. Otros me dicen que
 da igual, que lo que se gana por un lado de pierde por el otro. Yo
 tengo un disco duro nuevo, se tipo SATA-2, y quisiera saber por qué
 es mejor ponerlo al principio o al final del disco duro.

¡Qué más da!. En mi caso lo creo en un volumen LVM, pero cuando
no usaba LVM lo ponía al final, porque en el principio estaba la
partición '/boot' para que el gestor de arranque no tuviera problemas.

Saludos --- Angel

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Re: Swap al principio o al final del disco duro?

2010-07-24 Thread Iván Sánchez Ortega
On Saturday 24 July 2010 11:34:58 Francisco Javier wrote:
 Tengo una curiosidad sobre donde colocar el swap. [...] y quisiera saber por 
 qué es mejor ponerlo al principio o al final del disco duro.

Cómprate un SSD, que tiene un tiempo fijo de búsqueda, y déjate de 
preocupar :-)

Iván Sánchez Ortega

When you admit that Star Trek has as much to do with plausibly extrapolated 
science as The A-Team has to do with a realistic look at the lives of 
military veterans, life gets easier.
-- John Scalzi

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Re: Swap al principio o al final del disco duro?

2010-07-24 Thread Gonzalo Rivero
El sáb, 24-07-2010 a las 15:25 +0200, Iván Sánchez Ortega escribió:
 On Saturday 24 July 2010 11:34:58 Francisco Javier wrote:
  Tengo una curiosidad sobre donde colocar el swap. [...] y quisiera saber 
  qué es mejor ponerlo al principio o al final del disco duro.
 Cómprate un SSD, que tiene un tiempo fijo de búsqueda, y déjate de 
 preocupar :-)

teniendo en cuenta que la swap viene a hacer las veces de memoria
ram (notar las comillas), yo no le recomiendo un ssd para swap, al
menos en mi compactita (una asus eeepc900) veo que el mayor cuello de
botella es el disco.
Volviendo a la pregunta original, yo tengo los mismos motivos que
camaleón... pero para dejarla al final del disco :D

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Re: Swap al principio o al final del disco duro?

2010-07-24 Thread David Rodriguez
El día 24 de julio de 2010 16:16, Gonzalo Rivero escribió:
 El sáb, 24-07-2010 a las 15:25 +0200, Iván Sánchez Ortega escribió:
 On Saturday 24 July 2010 11:34:58 Francisco Javier wrote:
  Tengo una curiosidad sobre donde colocar el swap. [...] y quisiera saber 
  qué es mejor ponerlo al principio o al final del disco duro.

 Cómprate un SSD, que tiene un tiempo fijo de búsqueda, y déjate de
 preocupar :-)

 teniendo en cuenta que la swap viene a hacer las veces de memoria
 ram (notar las comillas), yo no le recomiendo un ssd para swap, al
 menos en mi compactita (una asus eeepc900) veo que el mayor cuello de
 botella es el disco.
 Volviendo a la pregunta original, yo tengo los mismos motivos que
 camaleón... pero para dejarla al final del disco :D

Coincido totalmente. También tengo una eeepc con lector de tarjetas y
luego de testear el disco rigido, la SSD y un pendrive USB llegue a la
conclusión de que el HDD tiene la mejor performance, luego lo sigue el
USB y por ultimo el lector de tarjetas.

Respondiendo puntualmente la pregunta del hilo:  siempre he utilizado
la swap al final pero solo por una cuestión de orden y por costumbre
de cuando la partición de booteo debía alojarse al principio.


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Re: sqstat

2010-07-24 Thread David Rodriguez
El día 22 de julio de 2010 19:41, islanis escribió:
 hola amigos como puedo implementar un chequeo en tiempo real con el sqstat,
 es decir me hace falta un ayuda o un lugar donde posteen algo de eso me hace
 falta la direccion , porque lo que mas me urge es loq ue se hace en el
 gracias de antemano

Para ver en tiempo real los logs  podes usar squidview o hacer un

$ sudo  tail -f /var/log/squid/access.log
$ sudo tail -f /var/log/squid/cache.log
$ sudo tail -f /var/log/squid/store.log


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Re: Swap al principio o al final del disco duro?

2010-07-24 Thread Marc Aymerich
2010/7/24 David Rodriguez

 El día 24 de julio de 2010 16:16, Gonzalo Rivero escribió:
  El sáb, 24-07-2010 a las 15:25 +0200, Iván Sánchez Ortega escribió:
  On Saturday 24 July 2010 11:34:58 Francisco Javier wrote:
   Tengo una curiosidad sobre donde colocar el swap. [...] y quisiera
 saber por
   qué es mejor ponerlo al principio o al final del disco duro.
  Cómprate un SSD, que tiene un tiempo fijo de búsqueda, y déjate de
  preocupar :-)
  teniendo en cuenta que la swap viene a hacer las veces de memoria
  ram (notar las comillas), yo no le recomiendo un ssd para swap, al
  menos en mi compactita (una asus eeepc900) veo que el mayor cuello de
  botella es el disco.
  Volviendo a la pregunta original, yo tengo los mismos motivos que
  camaleón... pero para dejarla al final del disco :D

 Coincido totalmente. También tengo una eeepc con lector de tarjetas y
 luego de testear el disco rigido, la SSD y un pendrive USB llegue a la
 conclusión de que el HDD tiene la mejor performance, luego lo sigue el
 USB y por ultimo el lector de tarjetas.

 Respondiendo puntualmente la pregunta del hilo:  siempre he utilizado
 la swap al final pero solo por una cuestión de orden y por costumbre
 de cuando la partición de booteo debía alojarse al principio.

Mi portatil tiene ya un par de años pero el almacenamiento es SSD.

# echo 3  /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches
# dd if=Pitch\ Black\(2000\).720P.BRRip.H264.ResourceRG\ by\ Dusty.mp4
4195620+1 records in
4195620+1 records out
2148157865 bytes (2.1 GB) copied, 20.9344 s, 103 MB/s

Creo que no está tan mal, además no tienen ninguna optimización especial, ni
alineación de bloques, ni opciones especiales para ssd en el sistema de

Sin duda el lugar más óptimo para poner la swap es en ninguna parte :)
Compras más memória y listo.


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Re: Swap al principio o al final del disco duro?

2010-07-24 Thread Camaleón
El Sat, 24 Jul 2010 18:33:31 +0200, Marc Aymerich escribió:


 Sin duda el lugar más óptimo para poner la swap es en ninguna parte :)
 Compras más memória y listo.

Necesitas swap si quieres hibernar el equipo. Concretamente, la misma 
cantidad de ram. Así que, la relación inversamente proporcional entre ram/
swap sería que cuanta más ram añadas, más swap necesitas ;-P

Fuera de bromas, yo siempre uso swap, aunque el equipo no la necesite. 
Nunca se sabe...



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Re: Swap al principio o al final del disco duro?

2010-07-24 Thread Antonio Maldonado

On 07/24/2010 07:16 AM, Gonzalo Rivero wrote:

El sáb, 24-07-2010 a las 15:25 +0200, Iván Sánchez Ortega escribió:

On Saturday 24 July 2010 11:34:58 Francisco Javier wrote:

Tengo una curiosidad sobre donde colocar el swap. [...] y quisiera saber por
qué es mejor ponerlo al principio o al final del disco duro.

Cómprate un SSD, que tiene un tiempo fijo de búsqueda, y déjate de
preocupar :-)


teniendo en cuenta que la swap viene a hacer las veces de memoria
ram (notar las comillas), yo no le recomiendo un ssd para swap, al
menos en mi compactita (una asus eeepc900) veo que el mayor cuello de
botella es el disco.
Volviendo a la pregunta original, yo tengo los mismos motivos que
camaleón... pero para dejarla al final del disco :D

si pones swap en un ssd, vete despidiendo de él, el tiempo de vida se 
recorta tremendamente si el sistema lo llega a usar continuamente. De 
hecho, a las instalaciones de maquinaria que hacemos en el trabajo les 
quitamos el swap y quedan sólo con 512 MB de RAM, suficiente para el 

Por otro lado, he probado lo mismo en mi PC, SSD sin swap y con 4 GB de 
RAM, nunca me ha dado ningun problema :)

Para no desvirtuar, Francisco, cualquier optimización que hagas debe ser 
en función a tus requerimientos, si la vas a usar para tu casa, los 
microsegundos que ganes los vas a perder en lo que piensas qué vas a 
hacer con ellos :P


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debian alternatives priorioties

2010-07-24 Thread Πρεκατές Αλέξανδρος
Λόγω ενός προβλήματος να ανοίγω υπερσυνδέσμους μέσα από τον
icedove/thunderbird με τον πλοηγό της επιλογής μου (επέμενε να τους
ανοίγει με konquerer -εχω squeeze kde-) κατέληξα να ψάχνω το σύστημα
alternatives του debian.

Το ενδιαφέρον είναι οι προτεραιότητες που καθορίζουν ποιά εφαρμογή θα
είναι η επιλεγμένη αν δεν την προσδιορίσουμε εμείς.

Στην περίπτωση αυτή οι δημιουργόι ενός πακέτου θα μπορούσαν θεωρητικά να
εμπλακούν σε μια διαμαχη που θα οδηγούσε μαθηματικά σε ολοένα και
αυξανόμενες προτεραιότητες.

Αναρωτιέμαι αν υπάρχει κάποια δικλίδα ασφαλείας ή το θέμα αυτό λύνεται
κατόπιν καλής διάθεσης και συννεόησης.

attachment: aprekates.vcf

Re: Problemas no samba

2010-07-24 Thread Vinícius Batistela

acredito que seja apenas um warning e não um erro que impeça o
funcionamento. Já vi essa mensagem antes, mas não fui atrás para verificar
do que se tratava.

2010/7/23 Anderson Bertling

 Bom dia estou com problemas para configurar o samba, tudo na hora de eu dar
 um testparm ele me retorna:
  Load smb config files from /etc/samba/smb.conf
 rlimit_max: rlimit_max (1024) below minimum Windows limit (16384)

 Verifiquei na internet e muitos falam que basta  add uma linha em


 * - nofile 16384

 tentei isso mas mesmo assim não some a mensagem do testparm

 Alguém já teve esse erro ?

 Desde já fico grato por qualquer ajuda


 Anderson Bertling

Vinícius Batistela
Bacharel em Ciência da Computação
Analista de Suporte

Re: Sites https no Iptables/Squid na porta 80

2010-07-24 Thread Vinícius Batistela
Voce utiliza proxy marcado no browser? o programa do Sefaz não pega
configurações de proxy do IE? Se sim, não adianta excluir do proxy via

2010/7/12 Sandro Wambier

 Quanto ao https, libere no seu squid e firewall a porta 443, e faça um
 teste, libere qualquer endereço no seu squid,

 Em 12 de julho de 2010 20:29, Sandro Wambier 

  Olá Flávio, posta ae o access.log do squid, pra ter certeza que ele não
 ta bloqueando, e assim ir para o firewall.

 Sandro Wambier
 Em 12 de julho de 2010 15:29, Flávio Rodrigues escreveu:

 Olá pessoal!
 Estou com problemas em liberar o acesso em um aplicativo que foi
 instalado para emissão da Nota Fiscal Eletrônica (NFe).

 Aqui usamos Proxy (Squid) autenticado por usuários. Crei uma acl bem no
 inicio do squid.conf liberando totalmente o acesso para o site da Sefaz.

 Também criei regras no meu script de firewall (iptables) para tirar do
 redirecionamento para a porta do proxy do tráfego da minha Lan para a Sefaz
 e vice-versa, ou seja, estou excluindo TODO o tráfego para o site da Sefaz
 (ida e volta) do Squid, mas ainda continua bloqueando o acesso!

 No suporte deles, eles mencionam para liberar também para o endereço
 deles o https na porta 80

 Alguém pode me ajudar nisso?


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Vinícius Batistela
Bacharel em Ciência da Computação
Analista de Suporte

Re: `Open with ...' - Use command too

2010-07-24 Thread Johan Grönqvist

2010-07-23 12:11, Merciadri Luca skrev:

Camaleón wrote:

On Fri, 23 Jul 2010 10:25:15 +0200, Merciadri Luca wrote:

You can browse the full filesystem (from / to lower paths). I have no
problem with that.

Yes, but this is really really tedious as compared to an input box!

Are you aware that pressing ctrl+l (for location, I assume) in that 
dialog box opens an address field (input box) with autocompletion such 
that you can (e.g.) type /usr/bin/ki and make a choice between all 
binaries that start with ki?

(I still agree that your suggestion would be simpler.)



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Symbol , version GLIBC_2.0 not defined in file

2010-07-24 Thread Sthu Deus
Good day.

At boot time I get the following w/ the service not working:

Courier authentication services: authdaemond/usr/sbin/courierlogger: relocation
error: /usr/sbin/courierlogger: symbol , version GLIBC_2.0 not defined
in file with link time reference

How it could happen and what should be done to make it working?

Thank You for Your time.

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Re: Debian cd supporting ext4.

2010-07-24 Thread Sthu Deus
Thank You for Your time and answer, Ron:

 Isn't the Stable kernel too old to have a stable ext4 implementation?

I guess it is, so no other official ways to go?

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Re: Debian cd supporting ext4.

2010-07-24 Thread Sthu Deus
Thank You for Your time and answer, Ron:

 This sure looks like it might be a Live CD:

How I can be sure it is official and by the Debian security team

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Re: Debian cd supporting ext4.

2010-07-24 Thread Sthu Deus
Thank You for Your time and answer, Andrei:

 Yes it is. That's why I suggested the kmuto installer.

Is there any reference fro Debian web site to the kmuto site - I have
found one reference from searching machine but the link was not found on
the Debian site. How I can know that the ISO images that are available
on the developers site are Debian project acknowledged this day?

Sorry for stubbornness on my side.

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Re: dosfslabel finds problem, e2fsck does not

2010-07-24 Thread Andrei Popescu
On Sb, 24 iul 10, 09:18:04, Arthur Marsh wrote:
 xhost +

This is insecure:

Offtopic discussions among Debian users and developers:

Description: Digital signature

Re: Debian cd supporting ext4.

2010-07-24 Thread Andrei Popescu
On Sb, 24 iul 10, 13:50:02, Sthu Deus wrote:
 Thank You for Your time and answer, Andrei:
  Yes it is. That's why I suggested the kmuto installer.
 Is there any reference fro Debian web site to the kmuto site - I have
 found one reference from searching machine but the link was not found on
 the Debian site. How I can know that the ISO images that are available
 on the developers site are Debian project acknowledged this day?

They are not acknowledged. A more official[1] way to install lenny on 
ext4 that I can think of would be to follow the procedure for installing 
unstable from the business-card image[2] and select stable instead of 
unstable. You will also have to install a newer kernel from, which is also not official yet or compile your own 

[1] in quotes, because it involves the alpha installer

There is also the option of creating your ext4 partitions, install with 
debootstrap and then install a newer kernel (from backports or your 

Offtopic discussions among Debian users and developers:

Description: Digital signature

Re: Missing /etc/init.d/functions [SOLVED]

2010-07-24 Thread Bruno Costacurta

/etc/init.d/functions is missing.
How / where to grab it ?


seems like it is a Mandrake file, I don't have that file on my  
Debian Lenny System
/etc/init.d/rc.sysinit Large script, launched directly by init, that sets and
executes all the system initialization functions. It sources configuration
files in /etc/sysconfig/*) where user (and configuration tools) define
various system settings
/etc/init.d/functions General purpose functions used by every system script

Indeed the script I was referring is a not a Debian script.
There is no /etc/init.d/functions file implemented in the Debian distro.

So solved.
Sorry for confusion.


Linux Counter #353844

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Re: Installing Squeeze i386

2010-07-24 Thread Camaleón
On Fri, 23 Jul 2010 17:44:53 -0500, Jordon Bedwell wrote:

 On 7/23/10 4:08 PM, Camaleón wrote:
 On Fri, 23 Jul 2010 13:27:19 -0500, Mark Allums wrote:

 Has anyone noticed that the recent Squeeze i386 installation
 CDs/installers have been in an unusable state?  They can't load
 network drivers, they can't partition with LVM, they can't mount an
 ext3 partition.


 Same here (weekly ISO).

 No network adapter detection neither ext3/ext4/reiserfs/jfs/xfs
 formatting options.

 BTW, netinstall (~180 MiB.) works fine.

 Maybe it's your network cards ~ perhaps a specific model missing
 drivers? I was able to get it to work on both Xen and VMWare Fusion.  We
 don't slipstream our drivers and we were using unmodified kernels.

Dunno but...

1/ I'm installing Squeeze in VM (virtualbox) so network card is a plain 
generic one (Intel gigabit).

2/ Having no ext3/ext4 option for disk formatting is not a good thing.

3/ Netinstall ISO has no problem at all with these two issues.



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Re: Lenny, rsyslog: eliminate mail logging going to both syslog and mail.log

2010-07-24 Thread Tom Furie
On Fri, Jul 23, 2010 at 06:56:59PM -0400, Tom H wrote:
 On Fri, Jul 23, 2010 at 3:48 PM, Stan Hoeppner wrote:
  What do I need to modify in /etc/rsyslog.conf to stop mail system logging 
  going into /var/log/syslog?  Currently it goes to both /var/log/mail.log and
  to /var/log/syslog.
  I'm guessing it might have to do with the leading wildcard here:
  *.*;auth,authpriv.none          -/var/log/syslog
 *.*;!mail.debug;auth,authpriv.none  -/var/log/syslog

That will stop debug level messages from the mail system. If you want to
be sure of getting NO mail messages in syslog, then you could use
mail.none. (The clue is in the authpriv entry.)


The ratio of literacy to illiteracy is a constant, but nowadays the
illiterates can read.
-- Alberto Moravia

Description: Digital signature

Re: dosfslabel finds problem, e2fsck does not

2010-07-24 Thread Arthur Marsh

Andrei Popescu wrote, on 24/07/10 16:29:

On Sb, 24 iul 10, 09:18:04, Arthur Marsh wrote:

xhost +

This is insecure:


Agreed about the  xhost +  being insecure but it took a few tries to 
work out the correct incantation:

$ xhost +SI:localuser:root

The xhost manual page doesn't really say what the SI does, nor does it 
mention localuser only local.

There are some X basics I'm unfamiliar with /-:.


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Re: `Open with ...' - Use command too

2010-07-24 Thread Sjoerd Hardeman
Op 23-07-10 18:26, Erwan David schreef:
 Le Fri 23/07/2010, Sjoerd Hardeman disait
 Merciadri Luca schreef:
 You can browse the full filesystem (from / to lower paths). I
 have no problem with that.
 Yes, but this is really really tedious as compared to an input box!
 True. Yet sending this complaint to this list probably won't solve
 it. Filing a 'wish list'-bug to the gnome-upstream people might.
 gnome or rather the software used by OP. I do not see it is gnome related (and
 kile sounds to me rather kedish than gnomish.)
What about kile? The question of the OP was the Save as... option in
iceweasel/icedove, which indeed opens the gnome save file-box (or
whatever it is named). This box is not so convenient, as the OP has
explained. It is certainly not the KDE Save file-box, as that one does
have the options sought after by the OP. So yes, it's gnome and the
choice by Debian/iceweasel to use the gnome Save file-box.


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Installing Squeeze i386

2010-07-24 Thread Mark Allums

On 7/24/2010 3:54 AM, Camaleón wrote:

On Fri, 23 Jul 2010 17:44:53 -0500, Jordon Bedwell wrote:

On 7/23/10 4:08 PM, Camaleón wrote:

On Fri, 23 Jul 2010 13:27:19 -0500, Mark Allums wrote:

Has anyone noticed that the recent Squeeze i386 installation
CDs/installers have been in an unusable state?  They can't load
network drivers, they can't partition with LVM, they can't mount an
ext3 partition.


Same here (weekly ISO).

No network adapter detection neither ext3/ext4/reiserfs/jfs/xfs
formatting options.

BTW, netinstall (~180 MiB.) works fine.

Maybe it's your network cards ~ perhaps a specific model missing
drivers? I was able to get it to work on both Xen and VMWare Fusion.  We
don't slipstream our drivers and we were using unmodified kernels.

Dunno but...

1/ I'm installing Squeeze in VM (virtualbox) so network card is a plain
generic one (Intel gigabit).

2/ Having no ext3/ext4 option for disk formatting is not a good thing.

3/ Netinstall ISO has no problem at all with these two issues.

Net install is difficult for me, and getting a daily build is both 
futile and impossible.  Futile because the i386 iso has been pants for 
weeks, impossible for the same reason I can't use netinst:  I have 
terrible access to internet, including a data cap.


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Re: Debian cd supporting ext4.

2010-07-24 Thread Wolodja Wentland
On Sat, Jul 24, 2010 at 13:43 +0700, Sthu Deus wrote:
 Thank You for Your time and answer, Ron:
  This sure looks like it might be a Live CD:
 How I can be sure it is official and by the Debian security team

Why don't you just use the images provided by kmuto? They are exactly
what you are looking for. I don't get your resistence ...

so long

  .''`. Wolodja 
 : :'  :
 `. `'` 4096R/CAF14EFC 
   `-   081C B7CD FF04 2BA9 94EA  36B2 8B7F 7D30 CAF1 4EFC

Description: Digital signature

Re: Debian cd supporting ext4.

2010-07-24 Thread Ron Johnson

On 07/24/2010 01:43 AM, Sthu Deus wrote:

Thank You for Your time and answer, Ron:

This sure looks like it might be a Live CD:

How I can be sure it is official and by the Debian security team

What part of This directory provides Debian GNU/Linux Stable 
installer ISO images with a modification by Kenshi Muto to support 
newer hardwares, such as SATA and Ethernet devices. don't you 

Seek truth from facts.

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Re: Installing Squeeze i386

2010-07-24 Thread Camaleón
On Sat, 24 Jul 2010 07:57:52 -0500, Mark Allums wrote:

 On 7/24/2010 3:54 AM, Camaleón wrote:


 3/ Netinstall ISO has no problem at all with these two issues.
 Net install is difficult for me, and getting a daily build is both
 futile and impossible.  Futile because the i386 iso has been pants for
 weeks, impossible for the same reason I can't use netinst:  I have
 terrible access to internet, including a data cap.

Yep, and that leaves squeeze in a kind of limbo (uninstallable state if 
you start from scratch), which is strange, taking that it will be 
released very soon :-?

I finally got installed from net image (not without headheaches -neither 
GRUB legacy nor GRUB2 cannot be installed at all, I dunno why; ReiserFS 
is a bit hidden -one has to load the partman modules on start-) but it 
was harder than I thought.

I think you'll have to wait until someone checks and repairs that CD ISO 

OTOH, I couldn't find any daily CD ISO images for testing, just multi-
arch CD images but seems to be similar to netinst :-?



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Re: Lenny, rsyslog: eliminate mail logging going to both syslog and mail.log

2010-07-24 Thread Tom H
On Sat, Jul 24, 2010 at 5:43 AM, Tom Furie wrote:
 On Fri, Jul 23, 2010 at 06:56:59PM -0400, Tom H wrote:
 On Fri, Jul 23, 2010 at 3:48 PM, Stan Hoeppner 
  What do I need to modify in /etc/rsyslog.conf to stop mail system logging 
  going into /var/log/syslog?  Currently it goes to both /var/log/mail.log 
  to /var/log/syslog.
  I'm guessing it might have to do with the leading wildcard here:
  *.*;auth,authpriv.none          -/var/log/syslog

 *.*;!mail.debug;auth,authpriv.none          -/var/log/syslog

 That will stop debug level messages from the mail system. If you want to
 be sure of getting NO mail messages in syslog, then you could use
 mail.none. (The clue is in the authpriv entry.)

Debug and higher.

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Re: Debian cd supporting ext4.

2010-07-24 Thread Lisi
On Saturday 24 July 2010 07:39:49 Sthu Deus wrote:
 Thank You for Your time and answer, Ron:
  Isn't the Stable kernel too old to have a stable ext4 implementation?

 I guess it is, so no other official ways to go?

If you don't like any of the suggestions, you have four choices:

1) Do nothing, use a filing system which is used in the basic Lenny 
installation and wait for Squeeze to become Stable.

2) Use Squeeze; it is apparently fairly stable now.

3) Try a backported kernel.  But that is no more official than Kenshi Muto's 
installer.  (I am not clear what you mean by official.)

4) Use a different distro which already supports Ext 4.

Or you could still always do as has been suggested several times: use Kenshi 
Muto's installer.


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unwanted repeated messages on Lenny laptop

2010-07-24 Thread hugo vanwoerkom


I did a net-install of Lenny on an Acer laptop.
All went well, took 2hr 23min to install, not bad, found the Telmex 
Infinitum network with DHCP.

I took the defaults so now I am running Gnome.

The connection is thru a 2Wire wireless gateway that I have connected to 
eth0, which you get when you subscribe to Telmex Infinitum, together 
with the warning that they don't support Linux.


Every minute these mesages appears on the active VT (and in syslog), 
which screws up the fullscreen app like mc that you might be running there:

Jul 24 11:26:25 debian NetworkManager: WARN 
nm_device_802_11_wireless_scan(): (wlan0): could not trigger wireless 
scan: Network is down
Jul 24 11:28:25 debian kernel: [78097.517971] input: b43-phy0 as 
Jul 24 11:28:25 debian kernel: [78097.576051] firmware: requesting 
Jul 24 11:28:25 debian kernel: [78097.591077] b43-phy0 ERROR: Firmware 
file b43/ucode5.fw not found or load failed.
Jul 24 11:28:25 debian kernel: [78097.591085] b43-phy0 ERROR: You must 
go to and 
download the latest firmware (version 4).

How can I turn off those messages? Aside from messing with the firmware 
on the laptop, which I am loathe to do because various people still use 
it to access the unmentionable o/s.


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unwanted repeated messages on Lenny laptop

2010-07-24 Thread hugo vanwoerkom


I did a net-install of Lenny on an Acer laptop.
All went well, took 2hr 23min to install, not bad, found the Telmex 
Infinitum network with DHCP.

I took the defaults so now I am running Gnome.

The connection is thru a 2Wire wireless gateway that I have connected to 
eth0, which you get when you subscribe to Telmex Infinitum, together 
with the warning that they don't support Linux.


Every minute these mesages appears on the active VT (and in syslog), 
which screws up the fullscreen app like mc that you might be running there:

Jul 24 11:26:25 debian NetworkManager: WARN 
nm_device_802_11_wireless_scan(): (wlan0): could not trigger wireless 
scan: Network is down
Jul 24 11:28:25 debian kernel: [78097.517971] input: b43-phy0 as 
Jul 24 11:28:25 debian kernel: [78097.576051] firmware: requesting 
Jul 24 11:28:25 debian kernel: [78097.591077] b43-phy0 ERROR: Firmware 
file b43/ucode5.fw not found or load failed.
Jul 24 11:28:25 debian kernel: [78097.591085] b43-phy0 ERROR: You must 
go to and 
download the latest firmware (version 4).

How can I turn off those messages? Aside from messing with the firmware 
on the laptop, which I am loathe to do because various people still use 
it to access the unmentionable o/s.


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Re: unwanted repeated messages on Lenny laptop

2010-07-24 Thread Andrei Popescu
On Sb, 24 iul 10, 11:39:46, hugo vanwoerkom wrote:

 Jul 24 11:28:25 debian kernel: [78097.576051] firmware: requesting
 Jul 24 11:28:25 debian kernel: [78097.591077] b43-phy0 ERROR:
 Firmware file b43/ucode5.fw not found or load failed.
 Jul 24 11:28:25 debian kernel: [78097.591085] b43-phy0 ERROR: You
 must go to and
 download the latest firmware (version 4).

You probably just need to install the package b43-fwcutter (it's in 

 How can I turn off those messages? Aside from messing with the
 firmware on the laptop, which I am loathe to do because various
 people still use it to access the unmentionable o/s.

(why is it unmentionable?)

Firmware here does not mean the BIOS or similar stuff already present in 
some ROMs inside the laptop. They are just some files with binary code 
needed to activate and/or operate certain devices (the wireless card in 
your case).

IIRC in this particular case the firmware files are actually extracted 
from the Windows drivers.

Offtopic discussions among Debian users and developers:

Description: Digital signature

wifi gets disconnected frequently

2010-07-24 Thread Kurian Thayil
Hi All,

I am using Squeeze and my Wifi link in my Laptop (Acer 5583 Series) gets
frequent disconnections, but gets connected after a few seconds. This
happens only with squeeze. While I was using Lenny, it was working fine. So
I installed the non-free driver corresponding to Lenny instead of squeeze
and tried. But the same issue. The Wifi Module is iwl3945 and the message I
get in /var/log/messages while connection/disconnection is given below:

Jul 24 23:13:12 squeeze kernel: [ 6775.084909] Registered led device:
Jul 24 23:13:12 squeeze kernel: [ 6775.084949] Registered led device:
Jul 24 23:13:12 squeeze kernel: [ 6775.084984] Registered led device:
Jul 24 23:13:12 squeeze kernel: [ 6775.085021] Registered led device:
Jul 24 23:13:12 squeeze kernel: [ 6775.093072] ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): wlan0:
link is not ready
Jul 24 23:13:14 squeeze kernel: [ 6776.741328] ADDRCONF(NETDEV_CHANGE):
wlan0: link becomes ready

Let me know if anyone has a clue on how to fix this. Thank you.


Kurian Thayil.

Re: unwanted repeated messages on Lenny laptop

2010-07-24 Thread Klistvud

Dne, 24. 07. 2010 18:51:39 je hugo vanwoerkom napisal(a):

Jul 24 11:28:25 debian kernel: [78097.591085] b43-phy0 ERROR: You  
must go to and  
download the latest firmware (version 4).

How can I turn off those messages? Aside from messing with the  
firmware on the laptop, which I am loathe to do because various  
people still use it to access the unmentionable o/s.

You won't be messing with the firmware on the laptop; despite its  
name, the firmware is just a software file that gets loaded into the  
... uhm ... oh, well, somewhere.

If you're reluctant to do that, you could disable those messages in  
various ways ...
For example, by disabling the wireless card in your BIOS, if such  
option exists.

Or by disabling (or even uninstalling) Network Manager.
Or by configuring your wireless interface in /etc/network/interfaces in  
such a way that NetworkManager won't mess with it (setting it to manual  
or something along the line).
But there are surely many other ways, of which actually loading the  
firmware is certainly not the worst ...

Good luck,

Certifiable Loonix User #481801

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Re: dosfslabel finds problem, e2fsck does not

2010-07-24 Thread Thomas H. George
On Wed, Jul 21, 2010 at 11:42:39PM +0200, Florian Kulzer wrote:
 On Wed, Jul 21, 2010 at 15:53:36 -0400, Thomas H. George wrote:
  On Wed, Jul 21, 2010 at 09:13:59PM +0200, Florian Kulzer wrote:
   On Wed, Jul 21, 2010 at 10:25:30 -0400, Thomas H. George wrote:
On Wed, Jul 21, 2010 at 08:28:59AM +0200, Florian Kulzer wrote:
 On Tue, Jul 20, 2010 at 11:25:42 -0400, Thomas H. George 
  My system, Squeeze, cannot install the latest kernel image 
  dosfslabel finds a problem that prevents the installation 
  of linux-base.
  Trying to resolve this I used e2fsck to check each of the 
  partitions and e2fsck reported all the partitions clean.  
  However, the
  result of running dosfslabel /dev/hda1 results in the 
  following output:
  There are differences between boot sector and its backup.
  Differences: (offset:original/backup)
  I have copied everything on /dev/hda1 and /dev/hda5 on to a backup drive
  and am considering a complete reformat of /dev/hda.
I started by using parted to delete hda5 (logical), hda2 (extended) and
then hda1 (primary). I then used commands of the form 

parted -a opt /dev/hda primary 32.3kB 1999MB

to restore the partitions.  They still did not end on cylinder
boundries.  Deleted the partitions again and tried -a min.  They still
did not end on cylinder boundries.  Deleted the partitions again and
tried -a cylinder.  They still did not end on cylinder boundries.
Deleted the partitions again, switched to fdisk and specified the
partition sizes by cylinders.  They still do not end on cylinder
boundries.  Switched to gparted and made the partition file types ext3.

Rebooted - no problems. Note: The system booting from /dev/hda.  The
script lilo wrote in the mbr has not been effected by the changes listed

Ran dosfslabel /dev/hda1.  The reponse was: Logical sector size
is zero.  Repeated this for each partition on each of my hard drives
with the same result.

Disconnected every usb device attache to my system.

Ran aptitude -f install.  The result:

Reading package lists...
Building dependency tree...
Reading state information...
Reading extended state information...
Initializing package states...
Reading task descriptions...
The following partially installed packages will be configured:
  linux-base linux-image-2.6-amd64 linux-image-2.6.32-5-amd64 
No packages will be installed, upgraded, or removed.
0 packages upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 97 not upgraded.
Need to get 0B of archives. After unpacking 0B will be used.
Setting up linux-base (2.6.32-15) ...
Logical sector size (15624 bytes) is not a multiple of the physical sector size.
dosfslabel failed: 256 at /var/lib/dpkg/info/linux-base.postinst line 1059, 
STDIN line 10.
dpkg: error processing linux-base (--configure):
 subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 9
dpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of linux-image-2.6.32-5-amd64:
 linux-image-2.6.32-5-amd64 depends on linux-base (= 2.6.32-15); however:
  Package linux-base is not configured yet.
dpkg: error processing linux-image-2.6.32-5-amd64 (--configure):
 dependency problems - leaving unconfigured
dpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of linux-image-2.6-amd64:
 linux-image-2.6-amd64 depends on linux-image-2.6.32-5-amd64; however:
  Package linux-image-2.6.32-5-amd64 is not configured yet.
dpkg: error processing linux-image-2.6-amd64 (--configure):
 dependency problems - leaving unconfigured
Errors were encountered while processing:
E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)
A package failed to install.  Trying to recover:
Setting up linux-base (2.6.32-15) ...
Logical sector size (15624 bytes) is not a multiple of the physical sector size.
dosfslabel failed: 256 at /var/lib/dpkg/info/linux-base.postinst line 1059, 
STDIN line 10.
dpkg: error processing linux-base (--configure):
 subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 9
dpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of linux-image-2.6.32-5-amd64:
 linux-image-2.6.32-5-amd64 depends on linux-base (= 2.6.32-15); however:
  Package linux-base is not configured yet.
dpkg: error processing linux-image-2.6.32-5-amd64 (--configure):
 dependency problems - leaving unconfigured
dpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of linux-image-2.6-amd64:
 linux-image-2.6-amd64 depends on linux-image-2.6.32-5-amd64; however:
  Package linux-image-2.6.32-5-amd64 is not configured yet.
dpkg: error processing linux-image-2.6-amd64 (--configure):
 dependency problems - leaving unconfigured
Errors were encountered while processing:
Reading package lists...
Building dependency tree...
Reading state information...

Re: Debian cd supporting ext4.

2010-07-24 Thread Ron Johnson

On 07/24/2010 01:50 AM, Sthu Deus wrote:

Thank You for Your time and answer, Andrei:

Yes it is. That's why I suggested the kmuto installer.

Is there any reference fro Debian web site to the kmuto site - I have
found one reference from searching machine but the link was not found on
the Debian site. How I can know that the ISO images that are available
on the developers site are Debian project acknowledged this day?

Sorry for stubbornness on my side.

You can't have your cake and eat it too.

Modern kernels won't be supported by debian-security.  Deal with it.

Seek truth from facts.

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Re: dosfslabel finds problem, e2fsck does not

2010-07-24 Thread Thomas H. George
On Sat, Jul 24, 2010 at 07:49:58PM +0930, Arthur Marsh wrote:
 Andrei Popescu wrote, on 24/07/10 16:29:
 On Sb, 24 iul 10, 09:18:04, Arthur Marsh wrote:
 xhost +
 This is insecure:
 Agreed about the  xhost +  being insecure but it took a few tries
 to work out the correct incantation:
 $ xhost +SI:localuser:root
 The xhost manual page doesn't really say what the SI does, nor
 does it mention localuser only local.
 There are some X basics I'm unfamiliar with /-:.
I must be incredibly at risk for dangers I didn't even know I should
know.  To run gfdisk I just opened at terminal in X Windows, entered su
and my root password, ran the program and, when finished, entered su

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Trouble compiling generic kernel

2010-07-24 Thread Curt Howland
Hash: SHA1

Hi. Lenny, up to date with security and backports.

I pulled down 2.6.35-rc6.tar.bz2 from, and would like to 
try compiling it to see what's Coming Soon To A Disto Near Me.

Its been about 9 years since the last time I compiled a kernel, but 
I'm having trouble I didn't have then. For some reason, none of 
the make things that I've used in the past are working now:

$ make xconfig
  CHECK   qt
* Unable to find the QT3 installation. Please make sure that
* the QT3 development package is correctly installed and
* either install pkg-config or set the QTDIR environment
* variable to the correct location.
make[1]: *** No rule to make target `scripts/kconfig/.tmp_qtcheck', 
needed by `scripts/kconfig/qconf.o'.  Stop.
make: *** [xconfig] Error 2
$ make menuconfig
 *** Unable to find the ncurses libraries or the
 *** required header files.
 *** 'make menuconfig' requires the ncurses libraries.
 *** Install ncurses (ncurses-devel) and try again.
make[1]: *** [scripts/kconfig/dochecklxdialog] Error 1
make: *** [menuconfig] Error 2
$ make gconfig
* Unable to find the GTK+ installation. Please make sure that
* the GTK+ 2.0 development package is correctly installed...
* You need gtk+-2.0, glib-2.0 and libglade-2.0.
make[1]: *** No rule to make target `scripts/kconfig/.tmp_gtkcheck', 
needed by `scripts/kconfig/gconf.o'.  Stop.
make: *** [gconfig] Error 2

make config did work, but working through everything in text is 
enough to make a sane person INSANE.

I was surprised with the failure of menuconfig, since I have all of 
ncurses installed and the ncurses-devel suggestion isn't a Debian 
package name anyway.


- -- 
Those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end,
for they do so with the approval of their consciences.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


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Re: Trouble compiling generic kernel

2010-07-24 Thread Sven Joachim
On 2010-07-24 22:26 +0200, Curt Howland wrote:

 Hi. Lenny, up to date with security and backports.

 I pulled down 2.6.35-rc6.tar.bz2 from, and would like to 
 try compiling it to see what's Coming Soon To A Disto Near Me.

 Its been about 9 years since the last time I compiled a kernel, but 
 I'm having trouble I didn't have then. For some reason, none of 
 the make things that I've used in the past are working now:

This is due to missing development packages.

 $ make xconfig
   CHECK   qt
 * Unable to find the QT3 installation. Please make sure that
 * the QT3 development package is correctly installed and
 * either install pkg-config or set the QTDIR environment
 * variable to the correct location.
 make[1]: *** No rule to make target `scripts/kconfig/.tmp_qtcheck', 
 needed by `scripts/kconfig/qconf.o'.  Stop.
 make: *** [xconfig] Error 2

This target needs the libqt3-mt-dev package (and possibly others).

 $ make menuconfig
  *** Unable to find the ncurses libraries or the
  *** required header files.
  *** 'make menuconfig' requires the ncurses libraries.
  *** Install ncurses (ncurses-devel) and try again.
 make[1]: *** [scripts/kconfig/dochecklxdialog] Error 1
 make: *** [menuconfig] Error 2

This target needs libncurses5-dev.

 $ make gconfig
 * Unable to find the GTK+ installation. Please make sure that
 * the GTK+ 2.0 development package is correctly installed...
 * You need gtk+-2.0, glib-2.0 and libglade-2.0.
 make[1]: *** No rule to make target `scripts/kconfig/.tmp_gtkcheck', 
 needed by `scripts/kconfig/gconf.o'.  Stop.
 make: *** [gconfig] Error 2

This target needs libglade2-dev (and possibly other packages).

 make config did work, but working through everything in text is 
 enough to make a sane person INSANE.

Yes, this is only for people who are or want to become crazy.

 I was surprised with the failure of menuconfig, since I have all of 
 ncurses installed and the ncurses-devel suggestion isn't a Debian 
 package name anyway.

The -devel namespace comes from Red Hat based distributions, in Debian
development packages always end in -dev and very often begin with lib.


Install libncurses5-dev and use make menuconfig or make nconfig (the
latter is new in 2.6.35).


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Re: Trouble compiling generic kernel

2010-07-24 Thread John Hasler
Curt writes:
 I was surprised with the failure of menuconfig, since I have all of
 ncurses installed and the ncurses-devel suggestion isn't a Debian
 package name anyway.


John Hasler

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unbelievable, #...@%%!! grub breaks for me AGAIN

2010-07-24 Thread briand

I recovered by editing the grub commands using the 'e' command and by some
miracle got the thing to ask me what my boot disk is AFTER booting.
very strange.  here's the best part.  I gave it the same device grub
couldn't find and the system booted just fine. *...@$! grub.

so I'm not sure what I need to provide to have some kind soul help me
with this, so I'll just describe the problem and maybe somebody can
tell me what additional info to provide.

the problem, of course, is that it times out and tells me it can't find
(?) the root filesystem.

I've run update-grub, and it things everything is just hunky dory.
insert cursing here.

here's the menu entry that DOESN'T WORK (the linux line is wrapped) :

insmod part_msdos
insmod ext2
set root='(hd0,msdos2)'
search --no-floppy --fs-uuid --set a948d6b6-8395-49a1-9f0f-21a10ceee9c2
echo'Loading Linux 2.6.32-5-amd64 ...'

linux   /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.32-5-amd64 
root=UUID=a948d6b6-8395-49a1-9f0f-21a10ceee9c2 ro  quiet

echo'Loading initial ramdisk ...'
initrd  /boot/initrd.img-2.6.32-5-amd64

I have checked the uuid's using search from the command line in the booted, 
working system and it agrees with what grub is using.

I _think_, but am not sure, that when I used 'e' to edit the grub commands I 
DELETED the search command and replaced the uuid with /dev/sda2 in the linux 

two things seem odd to me.

1 /dev/sda2 is a linux partition so what's up with insmod part_msdos and why is 
set root (hd0, msdos2) ??

2 why is it insmod'ing ext2 when / is an ext3 filesystem ?

Any help greatly appreciated.  I'm going to have to reboot this thing someday, 
and I'd like to know how to fix this.

more importantly, why does grub not know that it's broken ??!!



p.s. hugs and kisses to whoever added busybox to the failed to find root disk 
recovery.  that's really cool.  helped me get going because I wasn't exactly 
sure which device was root.

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Re: `Open with ...' - Use command too

2010-07-24 Thread Merciadri Luca
Sjoerd Hardeman wrote:
 Op 23-07-10 18:26, Erwan David schreef:
 What about kile? The question of the OP was the Save as... option in
 iceweasel/icedove, which indeed opens the gnome save file-box (or
 whatever it is named). This box is not so convenient, as the OP has
 explained. It is certainly not the KDE Save file-box, as that one does
 have the options sought after by the OP. So yes, it's gnome and the
 choice by Debian/iceweasel to use the gnome Save file-box
Sure, there's no link with Kile! This was only an example. I did not
understand Mr. Erwan David's message.

Merciadri Luca
I use PGP. If there is an incompatibility problem with your mail
client, please contact me.

Do all the good you can, By all the means you can, In all the ways you
can, In all the places you can, At all the times you can, To all the
people you can, As long as ever you can. (John Wesley)

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: `Open with ...' - Use command too

2010-07-24 Thread Merciadri Luca
Johan Grönqvist wrote:
 2010-07-23 12:11, Merciadri Luca skrev:
 Camaleón wrote:
 On Fri, 23 Jul 2010 10:25:15 +0200, Merciadri Luca wrote:

 You can browse the full filesystem (from / to lower paths). I have no
 problem with that.

 Yes, but this is really really tedious as compared to an input box!

 Are you aware that pressing ctrl+l (for location, I assume) in that
 dialog box opens an address field (input box) with autocompletion such
 that you can (e.g.) type /usr/bin/ki and make a choice between all
 binaries that start with ki?
No. I learnt something. Thanks for pointing this out. This might be
useful to other persons as well.
 (I still agree that your suggestion would be simpler.)
Yes, sure.

Merciadri Luca
I use PGP. If there is an incompatibility problem with your mail
client, please contact me.

Pure love and suspicion cannot dwell together: at the door where the
latter enters, the former makes its exit. (Alexandre Dumas)

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Debian cd supporting ext4.

2010-07-24 Thread Florian Kulzer
On Sat, Jul 24, 2010 at 14:21:38 -0500, Ron Johnson wrote:
 On 07/24/2010 01:50 AM, Sthu Deus wrote:
 Thank You for Your time and answer, Andrei:
 Yes it is. That's why I suggested the kmuto installer.
 Is there any reference fro Debian web site to the kmuto site - I have
 found one reference from searching machine but the link was not found on
 the Debian site. How I can know that the ISO images that are available
 on the developers site are Debian project acknowledged this day?
 Sorry for stubbornness on my side.
 You can't have your cake and eat it too.
 Modern kernels won't be supported by debian-security.  Deal with it.

Furthermore, he is asking the wrong question if he wants real security.
If one downloads via an insecure protocol (http, ftp) then it does not
matter if the URL points to, or,
because one is unprotected against a man-in-the-middle attack in any
case. Thinking that searching for a reference to the kmuto installer on has anything to do with security is a dangerous illusion.

The question that should be asked is: How can I verify the checksums of
the kmuto images with cryptographic signatures that can be traced back
to a trusted key from the debian keyring? (Unfortunately I do not know
the answer; I cannot find any signature whatsoever for the checksums.) 

  Florian   |

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Re: dosfslabel finds problem, e2fsck does not

2010-07-24 Thread Florian Kulzer
On Sat, Jul 24, 2010 at 14:04:16 -0400, Thomas H. George wrote:
  On Tue, Jul 20, 2010 at 11:25:42 -0400, Thomas H. George 
   My system, Squeeze, cannot install the latest kernel 
   image because
   dosfslabel finds a problem that prevents the installation 
   of linux-base.
   Trying to resolve this I used e2fsck to check each of the 
   partitions and e2fsck reported all the partitions clean.  
   However, the
   result of running dosfslabel /dev/hda1 results in the 
   following output:
   There are differences between boot sector and its backup.
   Differences: (offset:original/backup)


 I started by using parted to delete hda5 (logical), hda2 (extended) and
 then hda1 (primary). I then used commands of the form 
 parted -a opt /dev/hda primary 32.3kB 1999MB
 to restore the partitions.  They still did not end on cylinder
 boundries.  Deleted the partitions again and tried -a min.  They still
 did not end on cylinder boundries.  Deleted the partitions again and
 tried -a cylinder.  They still did not end on cylinder boundries.
 Deleted the partitions again, switched to fdisk and specified the
 partition sizes by cylinders.  They still do not end on cylinder
 boundries.  Switched to gparted and made the partition file types ext3.
 Rebooted - no problems. Note: The system booting from /dev/hda.  The
 script lilo wrote in the mbr has not been effected by the changes listed
 Ran dosfslabel /dev/hda1.  The reponse was: Logical sector size
 is zero.  Repeated this for each partition on each of my hard drives
 with the same result.

I see the same for my partitions, except for /dev/hda1 where I get Seek
to 60011609600:Invalid argument. It should not really matter, in all
all cases an error is returned, so dosfslabel fails. This does not
surprise me for ext3 partitions; I still think it is a mistake that the
postinst script of linux-base runs dosfslabel on the partition.

 Disconnected every usb device attache to my system.
 Ran aptitude -f install.  The result:


 Setting up linux-base (2.6.32-15) ...
 Logical sector size (15624 bytes) is not a multiple of the physical sector 
 dosfslabel failed: 256 at /var/lib/dpkg/info/linux-base.postinst line 1059, 
 STDIN line 10.
 dpkg: error processing linux-base (--configure):


Erase all references to vfat filesystems (see Virgo Pärna's suggestion)
and to removable devices from your /etc/fstab; make sure that mount
only lists your built-in hard drives. If the installation of linux-base
still fails after that then it is probably time to file a bug against
the package (after carefully checking out the existing reports).

  Florian   |

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Re: Debian cd supporting ext4.

2010-07-24 Thread Boyd Stephen Smith Jr.
On Saturday 24 July 2010 17:21:28 Florian Kulzer wrote:
 Furthermore, he is asking the wrong question if he wants real security.
 If one downloads via an insecure protocol (http, ftp) then it does not
 matter if the URL points to, or,
 because one is unprotected against a man-in-the-middle attack in any

That's not true.

Long ago, the secure-apt project took this issue into account.  The Packages 
file is GPG signed and this signature is verified during each (aptitude 
update), even during installation.  (Although, I have seen some install 
methods subvert this check...)

The Packages file contains multiple cryptographically-secure hashes of each 
binary package available from that archive/repository and (at least) one of 
these hashes is verified after download but before installation.

The Sources file is similarly signed and provides hashes for the source 
packages available from that archive/repository.

The official installation media are each singed and hashed in a 
cryptographically-secure manner, but you have to verify those manually.

 The question that should be asked is: How can I verify the checksums of
 the kmuto images with cryptographic signatures that can be traced back
 to a trusted key from the debian keyring? (Unfortunately I do not know
 the answer; I cannot find any signature whatsoever for the checksums.)

Good question.  I don't know how to verify the installation media.  Assuming 
it uses the standard apt and normal repositories, all the packages installed 
during installation will be verified, and the archive/repository must be 
signed by a GPG key in the installation media's apt keyring.
Boyd Stephen Smith Jr.   ,= ,-_-. =.  ((_/)o o(\_))
ICQ: 514984 YM/AIM: DaTwinkDaddy `-'(. .)`-'\_/

Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

Re: wifi gets disconnected frequently

2010-07-24 Thread Thomas Amm
Am 24.07.2010 19:47, schrieb Kurian Thayil:

 I am using Squeeze and my Wifi link in my Laptop (Acer 5583 Series) gets
 frequent disconnections, but gets connected after a few seconds. This
 happens only with squeeze. While I was using Lenny, it was working fine. So
 I installed the non-free driver corresponding to Lenny instead of squeeze
 and tried. But the same issue. The Wifi Module is iwl3945 and the message I
 get in /var/log/messages while connection/disconnection is given below:
 Jul 24 23:13:12 squeeze kernel: [ 6775.085021] Registered led device:
 Jul 24 23:13:12 squeeze kernel: [ 6775.093072] ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): wlan0:
 link is not ready
 Jul 24 23:13:14 squeeze kernel: [ 6776.741328] ADDRCONF(NETDEV_CHANGE):
 wlan0: link becomes ready

Is there any kind of wireless encryption involved? WPA-supplicant
running in the background? IIRC network-manager activates wpa-supplicant
by default -even if there is no wireless interface- and i remember
having seen similar behaviour caused by wpa-supplicant and TKIP/AES
mismatch between AP and client.

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Problem connecting to VNC server

2010-07-24 Thread Daniel Bareiro
Hi all!

Some time ago I have been using x11vnc and xvncviewer in Debian
GNU/Linux Lenny without problems. But today, after connecting to the
server, I noticed that after moving the mouse and release it, this is
positioned immediately in the upper left corner without giving me time
to operate properly with the mouse.

I was trying tightvncserver and it does not exhibit this problem, but
the idea is to share a session and I have open.

In case it helps, I'm noticing in /var/log/Xorg.0.log that there is a
line saying SetGrabKeysState - enabled after logon in the remote
machine and the next two lines after logoff:

SetClientVersion: 0 9
SetGrabKeysState - disabled

Any idea what could be the problem?

Thanks in advance for your reply.

Fingerprint: BFB3 08D6 B4D1 31B2 72B9  29CE 6696 BF1B 14E6 1D37
Powered by Debian GNU/Linux Lenny - Linux user #188.598

Description: Digital signature

expect does not expect anything

2010-07-24 Thread Dirk
#!/usr/bin/expect -f

spawn rsync -r --progress a
expect assword:
send password\r
expect hostname

why does this script stop while rsync is still transferring?

(hostname is the name of the host in the prompt)

and, yes, it HAS TO BE done using expect... any answer including the word 
keys will not be helpful



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Re: expect does not expect anything

2010-07-24 Thread Mike Bird
On Sat July 24 2010 18:36:47 Dirk wrote:
 #!/usr/bin/expect -f

 spawn rsync -r --progress a
 expect assword:
 send password\r
 expect hostname

 why does this script stop while rsync is still transferring?

 (hostname is the name of the host in the prompt)

 and, yes, it HAS TO BE done using expect... any answer including the word
 keys will not be helpful

From man rsync:

   Some modules on the remote daemon may require  authentication.  If  so,
   you  will receive a password prompt when you connect. You can avoid the
   password prompt by setting the environment variable  RSYNC_PASSWORD  to
   the  password you want to use or using the --password-file option. This
   may be useful when scripting rsync.

   WARNING: On some systems  environment  variables  are  visible  to  all
   users. On those systems using --password-file is recommended.

--Mike Bird

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expect does not expect anything

2010-07-24 Thread Dirk
#!/usr/bin/expect -f

spawn rsync -r --progress a
expect assword:
send password\r
expect hostname

why does this script stop while rsync is still transferring?

(hostname is the name of the host in the prompt)

and, yes, it HAS TO BE done using expect... any answer including the word 
keys will not be helpful



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Re: bash: chroot: command not found

2010-07-24 Thread Onur Aslan
On Thu, Jul 22, 2010 at 08:43:43PM +0200, Paul Chany wrote:
 No, it isn't there.
 $ ls /chroot64/
 debootstrap  var

Looks like your 64-bit installation with debootstrap isn't complete.
Try to install new one with this command and make sure your installation is
done without any error (lenny is your choice):

debootstrap --arch=amd64 lenny /chroot64/

  .''`.Debian GNU/Linux
 :  :' :   Onur Aslan  0x900CB80C
 `.  `'web:
   `-  gpg --keyserver --recv-keys 0x900CB80C

Description: Digital signature

Re: expect does not expect anything

2010-07-24 Thread Dirk
Mike Bird wrote:
 On Sat July 24 2010 18:36:47 Dirk wrote:
 #!/usr/bin/expect -f

 spawn rsync -r --progress a
 expect assword:
 send password\r
 expect hostname

 why does this script stop while rsync is still transferring?

 (hostname is the name of the host in the prompt)

 and, yes, it HAS TO BE done using expect... any answer including the word
 keys will not be helpful
 From man rsync:
Some modules on the remote daemon may require  authentication.  If  so,
you  will receive a password prompt when you connect. You can avoid the
password prompt by setting the environment variable  RSYNC_PASSWORD  to
the  password you want to use or using the --password-file option. This
may be useful when scripting rsync.
WARNING: On some systems  environment  variables  are  visible  to  all
users. On those systems using --password-file is recommended.
 --Mike Bird

does not work

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Re: Trouble compiling generic kernel

2010-07-24 Thread Curt Howland
Hash: SHA1

On Saturday 24 July 2010, Sven Joachim was heard to 

 Install libncurses5-dev and use make menuconfig or make nconfig
 (the latter is new in 2.6.35).

Got it, and it works fine. Thank you.

Not compiling often (as you can tell), I note that the compile is 
using only one cpu of 4 at a time. I'm sure there is a parallel 
compilation tweak somewhere.

If it is easy, fine. If not, then forget about it, I'm not in any 


- -- 
Those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end,
for they do so with the approval of their consciences.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


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Re: expect does not expect anything

2010-07-24 Thread Mike Bird
On Sat July 24 2010 18:57:57 Dirk wrote:
 does not work

Ah yes.  I should have noticed that you're probably using ssh.

Try installing sshpass instead of using expect.  When rsync sees
expect's sockets it mistakenly thinks it's a daemon.

--Mike Bird

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Re: Trouble compiling generic kernel

2010-07-24 Thread Stan Hoeppner
Curt Howland put forth on 7/24/2010 8:49 PM:

 Not compiling often (as you can tell), I note that the compile is 
 using only one cpu of 4 at a time. I'm sure there is a parallel 
 compilation tweak somewhere.

Setting CONCURRENCY_LEVEL=4 in your user environment should fix this, at
least, it used to.  From the bash command line, for the current session only:


To make it permanent you need to edit /home/[user]/.bash_profile and append:


If you regularly do your kernel work while logged on as root, you'd need to
append it to /root/.bashrc or /root/.profile


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Re: unwanted repeated messages on Lenny laptop

2010-07-24 Thread Celejar
On Sat, 24 Jul 2010 20:16:52 +0200
Klistvud wrote:

 Dne, 24. 07. 2010 18:51:39 je hugo vanwoerkom napisal(a):
  Jul 24 11:28:25 debian kernel: [78097.591085] b43-phy0 ERROR: You  
  must go to and  
  download the latest firmware (version 4).
  How can I turn off those messages? Aside from messing with the  
  firmware on the laptop, which I am loathe to do because various  
  people still use it to access the unmentionable o/s.
 You won't be messing with the firmware on the laptop; despite its  
 name, the firmware is just a software file that gets loaded into the  
 ... uhm ... oh, well, somewhere.
 If you're reluctant to do that, you could disable those messages in  
 various ways ...
 For example, by disabling the wireless card in your BIOS, if such  
 option exists.
 Or by disabling (or even uninstalling) Network Manager.
 Or by configuring your wireless interface in /etc/network/interfaces in  
 such a way that NetworkManager won't mess with it (setting it to manual  
 or something along the line).
 But there are surely many other ways, of which actually loading the  
 firmware is certainly not the worst ...

Blacklist the module (b43 or similar).

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RE: Trouble compiling generic kernel

2010-07-24 Thread Mike Viau

 On Sat, 24 Jul 2010 22:22:29 -0500 wrote:
 Setting CONCURRENCY_LEVEL=4 in your user environment should fix this, at
 least, it used to.  From the bash command line, for the current session only:
 To make it permanent you need to edit /home/[user]/.bash_profile and append:
 If you regularly do your kernel work while logged on as root, you'd need to
 append it to /root/.bashrc or /root/.profile

You might also want to read

or from google's cache at

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Re: Trouble compiling generic kernel

2010-07-24 Thread Celejar
On Sat, 24 Jul 2010 22:22:29 -0500
Stan Hoeppner wrote:

 Curt Howland put forth on 7/24/2010 8:49 PM:
  Not compiling often (as you can tell), I note that the compile is 
  using only one cpu of 4 at a time. I'm sure there is a parallel 
  compilation tweak somewhere.
 Setting CONCURRENCY_LEVEL=4 in your user environment should fix this, at
 least, it used to.  From the bash command line, for the current session only:
 To make it permanent you need to edit /home/[user]/.bash_profile and append:
 If you regularly do your kernel work while logged on as root, you'd need to
 append it to /root/.bashrc or /root/.profile

And assuming you're using kernel-package, from its manpage:

--jobs  number
  -j  number Set the environment variable CONCURRENCY_LEVEL to 

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Re: Lenny, rsyslog: eliminate mail logging going to both syslog and mail.log

2010-07-24 Thread Stan Hoeppner
Tom Furie put forth on 7/24/2010 4:43 AM:
 On Fri, Jul 23, 2010 at 06:56:59PM -0400, Tom H wrote:
 On Fri, Jul 23, 2010 at 3:48 PM, Stan Hoeppner 
 What do I need to modify in /etc/rsyslog.conf to stop mail system logging 
 going into /var/log/syslog?  Currently it goes to both /var/log/mail.log and
 to /var/log/syslog.

 I'm guessing it might have to do with the leading wildcard here:

 *.*;auth,authpriv.none  -/var/log/syslog

 *.*;!mail.debug;auth,authpriv.none  -/var/log/syslog
 That will stop debug level messages from the mail system. If you want to
 be sure of getting NO mail messages in syslog, then you could use
 mail.none. (The clue is in the authpriv entry.)

Thanks guys.  Interesting that the only two folks to respond to my question
are both named Tom.  (queue Twilight Zone music)  Furie's suggestion did the

By doing this, will I lose any mail related logging?  Anything worth a darn?
I've been running a Debian+Postfix MX for 5 years and I can't recall ever
searching /var/log/syslog for mail related info, but strictly the mail.* logs.
 To me the entries in syslog are just been duplicate junk, hence my thread.
Any downsides to this at all?  Will it break pflogsumm?  I've not looked at
the code so I don't know if it parses syslog or mail.log.


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Re: wifi gets disconnected frequently

2010-07-24 Thread Ron Johnson

On 07/24/2010 08:10 PM, Thomas Amm wrote:

Am 24.07.2010 19:47, schrieb Kurian Thayil:

I am using Squeeze and my Wifi link in my Laptop (Acer 5583 Series) gets
frequent disconnections, but gets connected after a few seconds. This
happens only with squeeze. While I was using Lenny, it was working fine. So
I installed the non-free driver corresponding to Lenny instead of squeeze
and tried. But the same issue. The Wifi Module is iwl3945 and the message I
get in /var/log/messages while connection/disconnection is given below:


Jul 24 23:13:12 squeeze kernel: [ 6775.085021] Registered led device:
Jul 24 23:13:12 squeeze kernel: [ 6775.093072] ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): wlan0:
link is not ready
Jul 24 23:13:14 squeeze kernel: [ 6776.741328] ADDRCONF(NETDEV_CHANGE):
wlan0: link becomes ready

Is there any kind of wireless encryption involved? WPA-supplicant
running in the background? IIRC network-manager activates wpa-supplicant
by default -even if there is no wireless interface- and i remember
having seen similar behaviour caused by wpa-supplicant and TKIP/AES
mismatch between AP and client.

What was your solution?

Seek truth from facts.

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