Re: webmail and email from command line

2019-08-16 Thread lena
Hi Loredana,

I agree with other debianers that setting a forward to another email
provider for now should be the easiest option.

I think it would be a good idea to find an email provider that allows
smtp/imap clients, and as far as I know protonmail does it only in Pro
version. I know there is that does. Also, there should be
some small local email providers in your area, the services are usually
on fee (normally quite low) but you gain direct support with setups and
all the rest.

As for command line email clients, probably the most complete one is
Mutt. There is a guide from a year ago on how to configure it with gmail

I know mutt allows different security features, but it surpass my
experience with it, as gmail might be demanding and moody in allowing
external clients.

You can actually set mutt and emacs to work together as explained here:
or here 

If you decide for mutt and stumble across configuration problems, you
can look for support in community. It is a command-line based
community (you login over ssh) with an important part of blind users,
so surely they will be more knowledgeble than I am :smiley:

I hope this helps,
best regards,

Re: Consulta Curs Programari Lliure

2019-06-08 Thread lena
Hola Daniel,

Del curs senser no ho se, pero hi ha llocs que fan petites formacions
en GNU/linux de tant en tant.

Podries mirar a la Lleialtat Santsenca ( Tenen una
vocació pel programari liure i al menys fa un any feien cursets i
install partys, ara no se.
També hi ha el grup d'informàtica lliure de 4gats que pot ser faràn
alguna activitat relacionada, esten a l'ateneu llibertari de Gràcia.


On Sat, 8 Jun 2019 01:42:18 +0200
daniel abaurrearuiz  wrote:

> Aquí Daniel Abaurrea Ruiz desde Barcelona...
> Us envio aquest missatge perque voldria preguntar-vos si podeu
> ajudar-me a contactar amb una persona amb la formacio adecuada per a
> impartir un curs, com el que oferia la UNED-Universidad Nacional de
> Educacion a Distancia- per aprendre a instal·lar un sistema operatiu
> basat en software lliure en un ordenador personal comprat sense la
> instal·lacio previa d'un sistema operatiu basat en software privatiu.
> M'agradaria organitzar un curs com aquest per poder-hi participar jo
> mateix com alumne, ja que vaig inscriure'm a la UNED per a seguir el
> curs pero no vaig poder fer-ho per problemes de salut.
> No he estat capaç de trobar un curs com aquest a Barcelona i donat que
> disposo dels llibres amb el contingut docent del curs, penso que
> podria organitzar-se e impartir un curs com aquest en les instalacions
> d'un equipament public o equivalent. Els mitjans del centre es podrien
> emprar per donar difusio al curs i organitzar la matriculacio de les
> persones interessades.
>  El pagament per a la persona encarregada d'impartir el curs i els
> gastos derivats de l'us de les instal·lacions de l'equipament public
> s'obtindrien dels diners de les inscripcions al curs.
> Puc fer-vos arribar en format .pdf les imatges amb l'index del
> contingut docent dels llibres del curs de l'UNED.
> Moltes gracies pel vostre temps i col·laboracio... danielabaurrearuiz

kernel failure message 1: nel pagin request at.....

2012-01-30 Thread daniel sosa lena

Hi ppl, new debian user here with squeeze stable release.
I would like to understand what does this mean:

Kernel failure message 1: nel paging request at 00010153 IP: 
[00010153] 0x10153 PGD 1ecd79067 PUD 0  Oops: 0010 [#2] SMP 
and a long list of stuff. It prompted asking to send a message to developers 
and I did, not knowing that I would loose te whole text to copy it all here. 
What I copy is what I pasted in google to find if it was a known issue and it 
gave me no answer.

Is it bad?
Thank you,

[no subject]

2011-10-16 Thread Lena Reed
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2006-01-28 Thread Eva-Lena Olsén
can someone please help us with this issue? :

we have installed debian 3.1 on two machines without any problems at all, and 
it works perfect.
But we have a computer that today runs suse 10 and now we would like to run 
debian on that too.
The annoying :  loading module sd_mod for 'scsi disk support'  stops the 
process at 91%, and nothing happens in the beginning of the installation.
The machine is an amd 3200 barton on a asus a7n8x mboard and has 3x512 ram 
memory, 8 hard drives (ide and s-ata), four 5.25 units: 1 dvdrom, 2 cdburners 
and 1 dvdburner.

we hope that u can help us with this, and hope that this is the right place to 
Thanks in advance

Eva-Lena Olsén

Security problems

1999-07-17 Thread lena

I am a newbie with administrating my own Debian server, and got problems
that got to do with security.

I have 20 different users that got both ftp and telnet access to the server
/using it for web publishing/. I would like to add they got access to their
root directory and all directories below it, but not to be able to go
towards the \.

Also, they shouldnt have telnet access.

I have looked through all documentation I have been able to find, and asked
everywhere, and it seems to stay unsolved.

Please help

lena parhiala

At 09:31 PM 7/17/99 +0100, Patrick Kirk wrote:
Thanks - owing to a series of hw related probs I reinstalled and all works

- Original Message -
From: Shao Zhang [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Patrick Kirk [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, 17 July 1999 9:25
Subject: Re: Segmentation fault - apt-get again

 What version of apt are you running ldd returns a list a libraries
apt-get will need when running...
 You might be missing some libraries or have incorrected version

 On Fri, Jul 16, 1999 at 09:33:16AM +0100, Patrick Kirk wrote:
  Shao asked...
   what does ldd /usr/bin/apt-get return??
  enterprise:/home/patrick# ldd /usr/bin/apt-get = /usr/lib/ (0x4000d000) = /usr/lib/
  0) = /lib/ (0x400fd000) = /lib/ (0x40116000)
  /lib/ = /lib/ (0x4000)
  What on earth does that mean?
  Patrick (clueless in UK)
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 Shao Zhang - Running Debian 2.1  ___ _   _
 Department of Communications/ __| |_  __ _ ___  |_  / |_  __ _ _ _  __
 University of New South Wales   \__ \ ' \/ _` / _ \  / /| ' \/ _` | ' \/
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 Sydney, Australia   |___/_||_\__,_\___/
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