Re: Esdeveniment cancel·lat amb una nota: Dia de la Llibertat del Programari 2020 el dia ds. 19 set. 2020 16:00 - 20:00 (CEST) (

2020-09-17 Conversa Xavier De Yzaguirre i Maura
*Informació per unir-se* > Vull unir-me amb Google Meet > > *Calendar* > > *Qui* > • > organitzador > • > > • > >

Esdeveniment cancel·lat amb una nota: Dia de la Llibertat del Programari 2020 el dia ds. 19 set. 2020 16:00 - 20:00 (CEST) (

2020-09-17 Conversa moisesgomezgiron
BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-//Google Inc//Google Calendar 70.9054//EN VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN METHOD:CANCEL BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20200919T14Z DTEND:20200919T18Z DTSTAMP:20200917T182352Z ORGANIZER; UID:5o0327lhchnp5aciofh8oi1.

Invitació: Dia de la Llibertat del Programari 2020 el dia ds. 19 set. 2020 16:00 - 20:00 (CEST) (

2020-09-15 Conversa moisesgomezgiron

Re: Just for fun - Catalan release manual for Jessie]

2015-04-09 Conversa Joan o cal descarregar-se fitxers .po, coordinar-se amb altres traductors, etc. Per altra banda, preguntar. Algú de vosaltres fa servir Debian Edu, o Skolelinux? Leo -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to with a subject of "unsubscribe".

Re: Just for fun - Catalan release manual for Jessie]

2015-04-08 Conversa Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda
El Dimecres, 8 d'abril de 2015, a les 10:37:40, Joan va escriure: > Com funciona el sistema de traduccions?? > Una mica difusa aquesta pregunta. No? Per altra banda, preguntar. Algú de vosaltres fa servir Debian Edu, o Skolelinux? Leo -- -- Linux User 152692 GPG: 05F4A7A949A2D9AA Cataloni

Re: [ Re: Just for fun - Catalan release manual for Jessie]

2015-04-08 Conversa Joan
r fun while checking out the machine translation system Apertium, I created a Catalan release manual for Jessie based on the English original. Check out the result on >. Anyone here on the list understand Catalan? How fa

[ Re: Just for fun - Catalan release manual for Jessie]

2015-04-07 Conversa Adrià
checking out the machine translation system Apertium, > > I created a Catalan release manual for Jessie based on the English > > original. Check out the result on > > > >. > > > > Anyon

4chan no és només /b/ (Era: Re: Informació sobre "debian-4chan-catalan" list [was: Re: MiniDebConf 2014 Barcelona Call for Proposals])

2014-01-08 Conversa Eloi Notario
ració, perquè també n'hi havia d'interessants que amb el pas del temps han anat perdent qualitat (penso en /prog/). -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact Archive:

[Solved] Re: Informació sobre "debian-4chan-catalan" list [was: Re: MiniDebConf 2014 Barcelona Call for Proposals]

2014-01-08 Conversa Robert Marsellés Fontanet
4chan és un fòrum d'internet popular entre adolescents que es > dediquen a intercanviar missatges i imatges sobre diversos > temes... normalment el contingut és bastant "vulgar" > Entesos. A més a més, m'has augmentat una mica l'autoestima perquè com que ja no s

Re: Informació sobre "debian-4chan-catalan" list [was: Re: MiniDebConf 2014 Barcelona Call for Proposals]

2014-01-08 Conversa Ernest Adrogué
nt "vulgar" > > De fet, ja no vaig entendre rés del fil anterior però aquest missatge > fa que dubti, he de canviar l'adreça de la llista a la què estic > subscrit? (la pregunta és real, no me'n foto) Jo tampoc entenc gaires coses, però no, no has de canviar cap a

Informació sobre "debian-4chan-catalan" list [was: Re: MiniDebConf 2014 Barcelona Call for Proposals]

2014-01-08 Conversa Robert Marsellés Fontanet
o vaig entendre rés del fil anterior però aquest missatge fa que dubti, he de canviar l'adreça de la llista a la què estic subscrit? (la pregunta és real, no me'n foto) Perdó per les molèsties i feliç any nou. robert -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to debian-user-catalan-requ.

Re: Spam cleaning: it's working in catalan too...

2013-02-12 Conversa Francesca Ciceri
On Tue, Feb 12, 2013 at 06:38:13AM +0100, Christian PERRIER wrote: > Quoting Mònica Ramírez Arceda ( > > > There are about 200 mails more reported as spam in Catalan lists > > (debian-user-catalan and debian-l10n-catalan). I've just confirmed them. >

Re: Spam cleaning: it's working in catalan too...

2013-02-12 Conversa Mònica Ramírez Arceda
El dt 12 de 02 de 2013 a les 06:38 +0100, en/na Christian PERRIER va escriure: > Quoting Mònica Ramírez Arceda ( > > > There are about 200 mails more reported as spam in Catalan lists > > (debian-user-catalan and debian-l10n-catalan). I've just confirme

Re: Spam cleaning: it's working in catalan too...

2013-02-11 Conversa Christian PERRIER
Quoting Mònica Ramírez Arceda ( > There are about 200 mails more reported as spam in Catalan lists > (debian-user-catalan and debian-l10n-catalan). I've just confirmed them. > If you both can cofirm them as well, we could announce in brief that > Catalan li

Re: Spam cleaning: it's working in catalan too...

2013-02-11 Conversa Mònica Ramírez Arceda
ges will be removed from > the lists archives, leaving them with nice and clean catalan > messages. And I'm sur that two other DDs will probably do the same > very soon (at least madamezou and probably another tireless spam > fighter, maybe monica...) There are about 200 mails m

Re: Spam cleaning: it's working in catalan too...

2012-12-30 Conversa Francesca Ciceri
On Sun, Dec 30, 2012 at 08:47:53AM +0100, Christian PERRIER wrote: > > All of them were spam and I happily confirmed them. It now just needs > two other DDs to do the same and these messages will be removed from > the lists archives, leaving them with nice and clean catalan > me

Re: Spam cleaning: it's working in catalan too...

2012-12-30 Conversa Daniel Martí
thanks for encouraging us! > > > All of them were spam and I happily confirmed them. It now just needs > > two other DDs to do the same and these messages will be removed from > > the lists archives, leaving them with nice and clean catalan > > messages. And I'm sur that tw

Re: Spam cleaning: it's working in catalan too...

2012-12-30 Conversa Mònica Ramírez Arceda
he same and these messages will be removed from > the lists archives, leaving them with nice and clean catalan > messages. And I'm sur that two other DDs will probably do the same > very soon (at least madamezou and probably another tireless spam > fighter, maybe monica...) Done

Spam cleaning: it's working in catalan too...

2012-12-29 Conversa Christian PERRIER
pers to confirm whether they are spam or not). All of them were spam and I happily confirmed them. It now just needs two other DDs to do the same and these messages will be removed from the lists archives, leaving them with nice and clean catalan messages. And I'm sur that two other DDs will

Debian-user-catalan, blogs , esmu doršs, tieši Tavai situācijai!

2012-10-08 Conversa Lolita Fugalevica
Sumināts, Debian-user-catalan! Izpēti šo te jauko blogu: Publicēta ir tiešām pamācoša (pat ļoti) saruna ar čali , kas salīdzinoši īsā laikā nopelnīja trakus finansu līdzekļus. Tur ir publicēts viņš to nostrādāja - noteikti izlasi un nomēģini , ja gribi


2007-10-11 Conversa Benjamí Villoslada
El Dijous 11 Octubre 2007, Marc Patino Gómez va escriure: > Les realtek son > barates i per un ús normal funcionen prou be. Sempre en porto una a la butxaca quan haig d'instal·lar un GNU :) N'hi ha per 6 Eur i menys també. -- Benjamí .


2007-10-11 Conversa Pere Nubiola Radigales
mirat aquesta pagina: Suposo que deus haver instat una etch. prova de fer un m-a a-i attansic o si et falla m-a a-i atl1 amb ultim cas m-a prepare t'ensenya els drivers per els cuals pots compilar 2007/10/11, Marc Patino Gómez <[EMAIL PRO


2007-10-11 Conversa Marc Patino Gómez
Hola, doncs 100% compatible intel, realtek, broadcom. Les realtek son barates i per un ús normal funcionen prou be. Per a servidors sempre tracto que siguin intel. Mira a ebay "intel pro", i busca alguna bona oferta. Marc roine wrote: Hola familia, soc en roine i soc nou a la llista.

2007-10-11 Conversa roine
o que aquest sigui el primer de molts missatges. Bona navegació. -- View this message in context: Sent from the debian-user-catalan mailing list archive at password changed

2007-09-24 Conversa Leslie Amos
Nancy England unbelievable 18+ offer www.xxxpromo dot cn -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Debian-user-catalan your lucky day!

2007-09-23 Conversa Rudolph Lyles
man! 7 best xxx sites for free only today 7ForFree dot com Russell Gonzalez -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

sorry Debian-user-catalan

2007-07-14 Conversa Guadalupe Moyer
eir skiljast n.. R..ur V.steinn n. til .ess er hann kemur . Haukadal og var . og tunglskin. En a. .eirra .. l.ta .au inn naut, Geirmundur og kona s. er Rannveig h.t; b.sir h.n nautin en hann rekur inn a. henni. .. r..ur V.steinn .ar um v.ll og hittir Geirmundur hann. Geirmundu

Re: A etch li manca texlive-lang-catalan

2006-11-22 Conversa Jordi Regincos
En/na Sebas vila ha escrit: Hola, despres d'haver unes quantes debian etch i haver baixat els paquets de texlive en varies d'aquestes instal.lacions m'he preguntat una i altra vegada com es que no existeix un paquet 'texlive-lang-catalan' que cont

A etch li manca texlive-lang-catalan

2006-11-21 Conversa Sebas vila
Hola, despres d'haver unes quantes debian etch i haver baixat els paquets de texlive en varies d'aquestes instal.lacions m'he preguntat una i altra vegada com es que no existeix un paquet 'texlive-lang-catalan' que contingui els patrons de tall correspone

Greylisting de

2006-02-03 Conversa Jaume Sabater
Quina mena de greylisting fa servir [EMAIL PROTECTED] Des que el meu MTA entrega el correu a la llista fins que la llista me'l torna passa benbé una mitja hora... :-\ -- :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: Jaume Sabater :: administrador de sistemes :: [EMAIL PROTECTED] argus.n

Re: KDE BTS: Bug 120119: support for catalan keyboard

2006-01-14 Conversa Kapde
Vale...perdó...estic a la parra...aquest escumós del Penedès del sopar...:PEl fitxer de configuració del teclat ja està al cvs de les xlibs... (*checkout*/xlibs/xkbdesc/symbols/ad?rev=1.1)Moltes gràcies a la gent que s'ho ha currat. És un puntàs!nanitOn 1/15/06, Kapde <

Re: KDE BTS: Bug 120119: support for catalan keyboard

2006-01-14 Conversa Kapde
El que veig ara és que el bug a Debian és per al paquet xkb (que crec que només ateny a la consola). També s'hauria, com de fet dic erradament al bug report, fer la petició als mantainers dels paquet del sistema d'Xwindow, no?salutacions,PauOn 1/14/06, Kapde <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: http://bugs.

KDE BTS: Bug 120119: support for catalan keyboard

2006-01-14 Conversa Kapde 60 punts (crec) s'aprova per vot popularJo ja l'uso! A què espereu a ser internacionalment catalans? ;) Salut!

Bug#346298: Catalan keyboard

2006-01-06 Conversa Robert Millan
Package: kbd Version: 1.12-13 Severity: wishlist Tags: patch upstream Hi! Support in XKB for Catalan PC keyboards, as manufactured by Large Format Computing, Inc. For details on the key layout, see It has been sent to upstream

Bug#346269: XKB support for Catalan keyboard

2006-01-06 Conversa Robert Millan
Package: xorg-x11 Severity: wishlist Tags: patch Hi! Support in XKB for Catalan keyboards, as manufactured by Large Format Computing, Inc ( I'm attaching map file for /etc/X11/xkb/symbols/pc/, and a small (1 line) patch for Th

Order for Debian-user-catalan

2005-12-16 Conversa Thelma Wu
Howdy? Enlight your sexual life! Instant help right when you need it :) 15 minutes for action - its possible! Its easy as few steps... Wish you great holidays! the stone pavement was seeking him to take him back to where she lay white them. Did the yellow-haired girl call you a name this mornin

Catalan Translation Party I

2005-12-06 Conversa Miguel Gea Milvaques
Hola a tothom. Amb l'objectiu d'avençar o bé acabar la traducció del Manual de l'Instal·lador de Debian, el grup debian-l10n-catalan ha organitzat la primera "Catalan Translation Party": * Aquest Manual es troba orig


2005-06-03 Conversa Sandra Diaz
< Lunes a Domingos - 10 a 22 Hs PREFERENTEMENTE NO RESPONDA ESTE EMAIL Priorizamos el contacto telefonico para atender mejor a nuestros clientes Visite nuestra web PUBLICIDADGLOBAL COM AR Si conoce a alguien a quien le sea util este servicio reenviele este mail ... Debian-user-catalan Ud sa

Re: POLL: replace @ with ARROBA at the debian-user-catalan list

2005-05-11 Conversa Marc Bres Gil

POLL: replace @ with ARROBA at the debian-user-catalan list

2005-05-11 Conversa jordi
+1 -- .''`. Usuari Jabber: : :' :[EMAIL PROTECTED] `. `'` [EMAIL PROTECTED] `- Debian - when you have better things to do than fixing a system jordi a matarosensefils net -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact

POLL: replace @ with ARROBA at the debian-user-catalan list.

2005-05-09 Conversa Lluis
+1 -- -- "And it's much the same thing with knowledge, for whenever you learn something new, the whole world becomes that much richer." -- The Princess of Pure Reason, as told by Norton Juster in The Phantom Tollbooth +++ Neu: Echte DSL-Flatrates von GMX - Surfen ohne Limits +++ Always onli

POLL: replace @ with ARROBA at the debian-user-catalan list

2005-05-09 Conversa Marc Torres

POLL: replace @ with ARROBA at the debian-user-catalan

2005-05-09 Conversa Robert Garrigós
+1 -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

POLL: replace @ with ARROBA at the debian-user-catalan list.

2005-05-09 Conversa Eduardo Bellido Bellido
+1 -- ___ |\_/| Eduardo Bellido Bellido | / \ | email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |/_\| JID: [EMAIL PROTECTED] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . signature.asc Description: This is a digitally signed message part

POLL: replace @ with ARROBA at the debian-user-catalan list.

2005-05-08 Conversa orut sero
+1 o siga, a favor que s'oculti. __ Renovamos el Correo Yahoo! Nuevos servicios, más seguridad -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Conta

POLL: replace @ with ARROBA at the debian-user-catalan list

2005-05-08 Conversa ChAoS

POLL: replace @ with ARROBA at the debian-user-catalan list

2005-05-08 Conversa Gerard Forns
+1 "El que l'oruga anomena la fi del món, la resta del món l'anomena papallona" (R. Bach)

Re: POLL: replace @ with ARROBA at the debian-user-catalan list

2005-05-08 Conversa Quim Gil
+1 signature.asc Description: OpenPGP digital signature

POLL: replace @ with ARROBA at the debian-user-catalan list

2005-05-07 Conversa Robert Vall Mas [EliziR]
+1 -- Robert Vall Mas [EliziR] Clau GnuPG: 0xD8CD372F ($ gpg --recv-keys D8CD372F) Jabber ID: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Skype name: elizir Membre de GNU/Linux user #340469 ( Sant Joan de Vilatorrada - Catalunya - Europe | http://elizir.mine

POLL: replace @ with ARROBA at the debian-user-catalan list.

2005-05-06 Conversa Iván Moret
+1 Per? En qualsevol cas, els administrador de la llista estan disposats a fer-nos cas? Pel que em sembla aquesta votació no és el que es diu oficial ni te cap altra força q l’escandall. Es aixina? O m’equivoque?

Re: POLL: replace @ with ARROBA at the debian-user-catalan list

2005-05-06 Conversa Jordi aPardaLat
2005/5/6, paucliment: > +1 P.D: Ara bé, en valencià normatiu correcte hom escriu "arrova". No és de > bon català (que diria l'Alcover-Moll) escriure "arroba". +1

POLL: replace @ with ARROBA at the debian-user-catalan list.

2005-05-06 Conversa Jordi Sayol
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 +1 -BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE- Version: GnuPG v1.2.5 (GNU/Linux) Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird - iD8DBQFCe5nFHuUKXCa2XjwRAmdKAJ9x4GCrfDQJ/Y5nvQMzZmSMbyXF5gCeOSG4 L6hYO+c1QtlOB9V3q07rxLc= =S88u -END PGP SIGNATUR

POLL: replace @ with ARROBA at the debian-user-catalan list

2005-05-06 Conversa Ricard de la Vega
> +1 > > > -- > To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] > with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact > [EMAIL PROTECTED] > > -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

POLL: replace @ with ARROBA at the debian-user-catalan list

2005-05-06 Conversa Orestes Mas
+1 -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

POLL: replace @ with ARROBA at the debian-user-catalan list

2005-05-06 Conversa koldo
+1 -- koldo - [EMAIL PROTECTED] linux user #379107 Debian SID - 2.6.11-1-k7 -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

POLL: replace @ with ARROBA at the debian-user-catalan list

2005-05-06 Conversa dimas
+1 -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: POLL: replace @ with ARROBA at the debian-user-catalan list

2005-05-06 Conversa rpb
+1 -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

POLL: replace @ with ARROBA at the debian-user-catalan list

2005-05-06 Conversa Andreu Bassols Alcón
+1 -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

POLL: replace @ with ARROBA at the debian-user-catalan list

2005-05-06 Conversa gulgulan
-1 -- 50 Gmails left

POLL: replace @ with ARROBA at the debian-user-catalan list.

2005-05-05 Conversa Sergi Baila
+1 --

POLL: replace @ with ARROBA at the debian-user-catalan list.

2005-05-05 Conversa Pepe
+1 -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

POLL: replace @ with ARROBA at the debian-user-catalan list.

2005-05-05 Conversa Miquel Oliete
+1 -- Miquel (a.k.a. Ktalà a.k.a. Ton)

POLL: replace @ with ARROBA at the debian-user-catalan list

2005-05-05 Conversa Josep Roca
-1 -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

POLL: replace @ with ARROBA at the debian-user-catalan list

2005-05-05 Conversa Albert Sanfeliu
+1 -- Albert Sanfeliu -- __ Renovamos el Correo Yahoo! Nuevos servicios, más seguridad -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

POLL: replace @ with ARROBA at the debian-user-catalan list

2005-05-05 Conversa cuc
+1 -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

POLL: replace @ with ARROBA at the debian-user-catalan list

2005-05-05 Conversa [EMAIL PROTECTED]
+1 P.D: Ara bé, en valencià normatiu correcte hom escriu "arrova". No és de bon català (que diria l'Alcover-Moll) escriure "arroba".

Re: POLL: replace @ with ARROBA at the debian-user-catalan list

2005-05-05 Conversa Albert Mora
+1 -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

POLL: replace @ with ARROBA at the debian-user-catalan list

2005-05-05 Conversa [EMAIL PROTECTED]
+1 -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

POLL: replace @ with ARROBA at the debian-user-catalan list

2005-05-05 Conversa Jordi Valverde
+1 -- If my answers frighten you then you should cease asking scary questions.

POLL: replace @ with ARROBA at the debian-user-catalan list.

2005-05-05 Conversa Manel Martínez de Arcos
+1 -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

POLL: replace @ with ARROBA at the debian-user-catalan list.

2005-05-05 Conversa Albert Gasset Romo
+1 -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: POLL: replace @ with ARROBA at the debian-user-catalan list

2005-05-05 Conversa Fermi, un linuxer
+1 -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

POLL: replace @ with ARROBA at the debian-user-catalan list

2005-05-05 Conversa Albert Farrés

POLL: replace @ with ARROBA at the debian-user-catalan list.

2005-05-05 Conversa Tevi
+1 -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

POLL: replace @ with ARROBA at the debian-user-catalan list

2005-05-05 Conversa Phalan gana
+1 __ Do you Yahoo!? Make Yahoo! your home page -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

POLL: replace @ with ARROBA at the debian-user-catalan list.

2005-05-05 Conversa Josep Ma. Ferrer
+1 PD: He votat a favor d'amagar les adreces, oi? -- *--* | Linux User: 154.147 (| | GPG KeyID: 0x4E91BFA1 ( | *--* -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to

POLL: replace @ with ARROBA at the debian-user-catalan list

2005-05-05 Conversa March gmail
+1 -- March. - Linux registered user: #356760 -

POLL: replace @ with ARROBA at the debian-user-catalan list.

2005-05-05 Conversa jose luis
+1 -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

POLL: replace @ with ARROBA at the debian-user-catalan list.

2005-05-05 Conversa marc furtia
+1 -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

POLL: replace @ with ARROBA at the debian-user-catalan list

2005-05-05 Conversa Jordi Fontich
+1 -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

POLL: replace @ with ARROBA at the debian-user-catalan list.

2005-05-05 Conversa Albert Solana
-1 -- * ** Albert Solana - aka - Txena ** * -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

POLL: replace @ with ARROBA at the debian-user-catalan list.

2005-05-05 Conversa Carles Muñoz Gorriz
-1 -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [Docscaliu-no-epatents] Oriol Ferran (Catalan government) speaks against software patents as debated in the EU

2004-11-27 Conversa calbasi
rote: > > > This is a Press Release from the Catalan government in text and PDF. > > It's dated 25.11.2004 > > It appears today at the administration founded portal on free software > > > > > > > >

Re: [Docscaliu-no-epatents] Oriol Ferran (Catalan government) speaks against software patents as debated in the EU

2004-11-27 Conversa Arnauh
Enviat a news @ ffii org i penjat a: Faltaria enllaçar-ho des de pero no puc editar la pagina. --- Mandado a news @ ffii org y colgado en:

Re: Oriol Ferran (Catalan government) speaks against software patents as debated in the EU

2004-11-27 Conversa PILCH Hartmut
> This is a Press Release from the Catalan government in text and PDF. > It's dated 25.11.2004 > It appears today at the administration founded portal on free software > > > > Feel free to spread. Sorry but I don'

Re: [Docscaliu-no-epatents] Oriol Ferran (Catalan government) speaks against software patents as debated in the EU

2004-11-26 Conversa Arnauh
On Fri, 26 Nov 2004 10:07:11 +0100 xdrudis wrote: > This is a Press Release from the Catalan government in text and PDF. > It's dated 25.11.2004 > It appears today at the administration founded portal on free software > > >

Something new to try Debian-user-catalan - food stamp dissidents

2004-05-04 Conversa Georgia Winter
A few boys, and defendant behind) to arrive at a state of mirrorIndeed, living with wedding dress approach living with avocado pit.He called her Jill (or was it Jill?). tornado around fall in love with looking glass defined by tomato.

Fw: Debian-user-catalan copy any DVD to a standart CD at home GflBnom

2003-08-26 Conversa lavigohuf
Title: HKDPypm Hello, Debian-user-catalan! foTRGzX Flashlights, pay Rb ria U.S.: Libya taking EQKtT French hospitals iy

Fw: Debian-user-catalan! EX0TlC Iatina girIs in C!R/\-Z-Y ACTl0N! I k GYQT Bzu

2003-08-24 Conversa sezare
Hey RPAZbOTKfcp Debian-user-catalan IkQzW 7232 230

Fw: Debian-user-catalan! EX0TlC Iatina girIs in C!R/\-Z-Y ACTl0N! t J w0rX voB

2003-08-22 Conversa neyesolu
Hey oVVYGcpKxlq Debian-user-catalan MQJFh 2001 061

Fw: Debian-user-catalan! See her on your monitor, invite her to home O RwIzh hf

2003-08-19 Conversa lepapokez
GZw Debian-user-catalan ebQRzfn m uJ

Fw: reaI TR/\NNy HAR|)C0RE, Debian-user-catalan... lJGphbnf T

2003-08-17 Conversa womanosa
    Go WYd KVEAy Hey Debian-user-catalan kKYaY

Re: Petició de debian-l10n-catalan al listmaster

2001-08-08 Conversa Antoni Bella Perez
la versió que no sé on s'ha de mirar i s'hom posat la mateixa a tots. De mo ment se que ho puc mirar al cvsweb però si em podeu dir on mirar-la us ho agrairia. - -- Sort Antoni Bella Perez #

Re: Petici ó de debian-l10n-catalan al listmaster

2001-08-07 Conversa Miquel Vidal
Jordi Mallach dijo: > On Tue, Aug 07, 2001 at 10:37:08PM +0200, Antoni Bella Perez wrote: > > Estic content de tornar-te a llegir, espero que les vacances hagin probat > > bé. Per aquí tot ha sigut bastant calmat però va força bé, jo personalment > > he > > tingut molts problemes amb l'enviam

Re: Petici ó de debian-l10n-catalan al listmaster

2001-08-07 Conversa Jordi Mallach
On Tue, Aug 07, 2001 at 10:37:08PM +0200, Antoni Bella Perez wrote: > Estic content de tornar-te a llegir, espero que les vacances hagin probat > bé. Per aquí tot ha sigut bastant calmat però va força bé, jo personalment he > tingut molts problemes amb l'enviament de fitxers adjunts amb el corr

Re: Petició de debian-l10n-catalan al listmaster

2001-08-07 Conversa Antoni Bella Perez
- -- Sort Antoni Bella Perez #| # [Pàgina de traduccions del nucli Linux] | # http://www. # [Traduciones al catalan del Nucleo Linux]| - - Actualment l'estic reestructurant pe

Petici ó de debian-l10n-catalan al listmaster

2001-08-07 Conversa Jordi Mallach
Hola! He enviat un bug al listmaster de Debian, demanant la creació del equip de localització. A veure si la tenim pronte. Si algú te algún wml per pujar a CVS o algo, ho pujaré de seguida. Jordi -- Jordi Mallach Pérez || [EMAIL PROTECTED] || Rediscovering Freedom, aka Oskuro in|| [EMAIL

Re: Catalan

2001-07-13 Conversa Miquel Vidal
Jaime E . Villate dijo: > Hola Miquel (y Jordi que algún dia me leerá), hola jaime > Puedes pasarme los ficheros que te lleguen que yo me encargo de subirlos a > webwml. ok, gracias, pues lo hacemos así entonces. > Aprovecho para hacerle una propuesta a Jordi: ¿te interesaría tener un > glosa

Re: Nueva lista debian-user-catalan

2001-06-25 Conversa Antoni Bella Perez
/traduccions.htm # [Traduciones al catalan del Nucleo Linux]| <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>###