
Romance-net.com is a fastest growing banner exchange network for Dating and 
Matchmaking websites. The main reason of our success is a very high quality 
traffic on our system noticed by many members. We are pleased to announce the 
new look of our site and the recent major hardware and software upgrade.

Compare a website to a shop on a busy street: the more people coming in and out 
the more sales it will see. Romance-net.com will exchange visitors leaving your 
site for new visitors coming to see your pages. This keeps your traffic higher 
and increases sales.

Best fifty performing sites get listed on our high-ranking home page and enjoy 
bonus hits while increasing their own page rank. This means your site gets even 
more bonus traffic from search engines! It does not get better than this. If 
you are already a member - make sure your site is listed. If you are not a 
member yet - do not miss your share and join now:

This message is a one-time announcement for our existing and potential members. 
If you have received this message in error, please click reply and type 
'remove' in the subject line.

Susan Grasmuk

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