Re: Debian invites you to its 20th birthday

2013-08-16 Conversa Xavier De Yzaguirre i Maura
De fet el 20 de setembre es un divendres i podria estar be com a data. Que en penseu? Unes birres i unes braves picantones estarien molt be! Salud Debianites. * Xavier De Yzaguirre* xdeyzaguirre(at)gmail(dot)com 2013/8/16 A 2013-08-12 03:41, hubble escrigué:

Re: Debian invites you to its 20th birthday

2013-08-15 Conversa alex
A 2013-08-12 03:41, hubble escrigué: Debian invites you to its 20th birthday The Debian Project, the team behind the free Debian operating system, would like to invite you to join in celebrating the upcoming 20th