A Message from India

Hi GANDIdat,
   Have some very interesting emails I
want to share with you. Let me get started
with one from a correctional officer:

Dear Matt,
I am a correctional officer for the state of South Carolina.  
If anyone has any doubt about the ability of high repetition 
bodyweight exercise for strength and overall conditioning, 
they obviously have not encountered any inmates. The state 
of South Carolina removed all weight equipment from inmates 
about eight years ago, but they manage to build tremendous 
strength and musculature by doing bodyweight exercises.  It's 
nothing to see one grab a balcony and pull himself up on it by 
the rails, hand over hand.  I have no doubt that a person can 
build better strength by such exercises as you promote than by 
regular weight training. Keep kicking butt and taking names.

James T.

M.F.: James, you are absolutely right. Sort of makes you under-
stand why in China, they don't allow the prisioners to exercise.
Not saying the Chinese method is right; but I am saying that they 
most certainly don't want anyone in jail to do something that will 
make them a bigger problem than they already are. 

Dear Mr.Furey,
I am from Calcutta, India and have been following 
your regular email columns for some time now.
I think you are doing a great job in popularizing 
ancient Indian methods of bodyweight workouts 
and thanks to you the West can look beyond Yoga 
when it comes to keeping healthy the Indian way.

Keep up the good work.
Deb Banerjee
Calcutta, India

M.F. Thank you Deb. We've had many orders 
coming from your 'neck of the woods' lately
and I am deeply appreciative. 

My name is Toben, and i am a believer in your 
systems.  I have a number of your products and the 
progress i have made towards my goals because of them
is nothing short of remarkable.  But then there is my dad.

He has recently started lifting weights and has found a great 
deal of satisfaction in doing that, however because of a bad 
knee he has been less than willing to try any of my suggestions 
(in all fairness, your suggestions) in regard to maximizing his 
time working out.  The point i am getting at, is this...

How can i make a believer out of him when he cant jump rope 
(thereby eliminating the circuit outlined in Combat Conditioning), 
doesnt see the point in Hindu Squats, etc. Any advice you could 
give me about some stretches or anything else would be greatly 
appreciated because i want to keep the old man around and think 
he could benefit from Combat Conditioning.

Again, thank you for being an inspiration and for all the benefit i 
have gotten from following your advice.  

All the Best-
Toben R. Squires 

M.F.: Toben, my advice may surprise you. I believe it is often
futile to try and change someone's mind or, as you say, 'make 
a believer out of him.' I would refrain from doing so and simply
appreciate your father for what he is currently doing. Afterall,
you must give the man credit. Most 'dad's' don't and won't do
anything, even if they absolutely KNOW it is good for them. At
least he has taken the first step. Simply 'do your thing' and if
he shows interest, then tell him. Your job is to 'take care of your-
self.' And if you do that, especially when others see the results 
you are getting - they will gradually be attracted to the method.
Some people, regardless of who they are and how close they are
to you, will not start doing Hindu squats, Hindu pushups and bridging.
They will not make a decision to change their life for the better. All
you can and should do is be ready. As the saying goes, when the 
student is ready, the teacher will arrive. Conversely, as I have seen in
my own life, over and over again, 'When the teacher is ready, the
students will arrive.' Good luck.

Well, my friend, that's it for today. 

Kick butt - take names,

Matt Furey

P.S. Be sure to join my Inner Circle for the very best online and offline
information, brought right to your door on a monthly basis. Go to
http://www.mattfureyinnercircle.com for more information.
Copyright, Gold Medal Publications, Inc 2006

**The contents of this daily email are not to be 
considered as medical advice. 
Always consult a physician before beginning or 
changing any fitness 

This email is protected by copyright, 2006, Gold Medal 
Publications, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction of 
portion of this email is strictly prohibited without the 
express written consent of Gold Medal Publications, 

Matt Furey
Gold Medal Publications, Inc.
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