On Thu, 04 Mar 2010 12:31:21 +0100, François Cerbelle wrote:
> Laurent Guignard a écrit :
>> Je viens d'installer bind9 sur mon PC. J'arrive à le lancer à la main avec
>> /etc/init.d/bind9 start
>> Pas de problème cela fonctionne bien.
>> Quand je veux redémarrer mon PC, le démon named affiche failed et le service
>> ne tourne pas.
>> Je ne comprends pas trop pourquoi.
>> Pouvez-vous me faire profiter de vos lumières. Merci d'avance.
> Salut Laurent,
> Pourrais tu regarder les lignes concernant named dans /var/log/syslog ?
> Si tu n'y trouves pas ta réponse, poste ces lignes ici (uniquement les 
> lignes named qui sont déja nombreuses, pas tout le fichier syslog).
> Fanfan

Voici les logs de syslog :
34399:Mar  4 12:44:42 portable named[11403]: received control channel command
34400:Mar  4 12:44:42 portable named[11403]: loading configuration from
34401:Mar  4 12:44:42 portable named[11403]: max open files (1024) is smaller
than max sockets (4096)
  34402:Mar  4 12:44:42 portable named[11403]: using default UDP/IPv4 port
  range: [1024, 65535]
  34403:Mar  4 12:44:42 portable named[11403]: using default UDP/IPv6 port
  range: [1024, 65535]
  34404:Mar  4 12:44:42 portable named[11403]: reloading configuration
  34405:Mar  4 12:44:42 portable named[11403]: any newly configured zones are
  now loaded
  34406:Mar  4 12:44:43 portable named[11403]: received control channel
  command 'reconfig'
  34407:Mar  4 12:44:43 portable named[11403]: loading configuration from
  34408:Mar  4 12:44:43 portable named[11403]: max open files (1024) is
  smaller than max sockets (4096)
  34409:Mar  4 12:44:43 portable named[11403]: using default UDP/IPv4 port
  range: [1024, 65535]
  34410:Mar  4 12:44:43 portable named[11403]: using default UDP/IPv6 port
  range: [1024, 65535]
  34411:Mar  4 12:44:43 portable named[11403]: reloading configuration
  34412:Mar  4 12:44:43 portable named[11403]: any newly configured zones are
  now loaded
  34413:Mar  4 12:44:43 portable named[11403]: received control channel
  command 'reload'
  34414:Mar  4 12:44:43 portable named[11403]: loading configuration from
  34415:Mar  4 12:44:43 portable named[11403]: max open files (1024) is
  smaller than max sockets (4096)
  34416:Mar  4 12:44:43 portable named[11403]: using default UDP/IPv4 port
  range: [1024, 65535]
  34417:Mar  4 12:44:43 portable named[11403]: using default UDP/IPv6 port
  range: [1024, 65535]
  34418:Mar  4 12:44:43 portable named[11403]: reloading configuration
  34419:Mar  4 12:44:43 portable named[11403]: reloading zones succeeded
  34448:Mar  4 12:44:51 portable named[11403]: received control channel
  command 'stop -p'
  34449:Mar  4 12:44:51 portable named[11403]: shutting down: flushing changes
  34450:Mar  4 12:44:51 portable named[11403]: stopping command channel on
  34451:Mar  4 12:44:51 portable named[11403]: stopping command channel on
  34452:Mar  4 12:44:51 portable named[11403]: no longer listening on ::#53
  34453:Mar  4 12:44:51 portable named[11403]: no longer listening on
  34454:Mar  4 12:44:51 portable named[11403]: no longer listening on
  34455:Mar  4 12:44:51 portable named[11403]: exiting

Ce que je n'arrive pas à comprendre c'est cette commande "stop -p".

Sinon, je vois pas.

Laurent Guignard, Registered as user #301590 with the Linux Counter
Site : http://www.famille-guignard.org
Blog : http://blog.famille-guignard.org
Projet : http://sicontact.sourceforge.net
GULL de Villefranche sur Saône : http://www.cagull.org

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