
J'ai une patate (Linux kernel 2.2.18pre21) installee sur un Laptop Dell
Inspiron 3500.
De temps en temps, quand je me connecte a un reseau 100 Mb toutes les
applications qui dependent de ma carte PCMCIA se bloquent. Puis elles se
reveillent un bref instant et se bloquent a nouveau.
Je ne vois pas a quoi ca pourrait etre du, ma patate me parle (voir
ci-dessous) de conflits IRQ...mais je ne maitrise pas ce genre de truc.
J'ai essaye de mettre le txqueuelen de ma carte eth0 a 200 alors qu'il
etait initiallement a 100 pour voir ce que ca donnait. Mais les symptomes
restent les memes.

Quelques infos:
connecte  a un Hub 100 Mb 

Quand ca se produit, ifconfig donne :
eth0      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:10:4B:FF:67:D1
          inet addr:  Bcast:
          UP BROADCAST RUNNING  MTU:1500  Metric:1
          RX packets:26897 errors:11 dropped:0 overruns:839 frame:17
          TX packets:10322 errors:189 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:1
          collisions:66 txqueuelen:200
          Interrupt:10 Base address:0x280

lo        Link encap:Local Loopback
          inet addr:  Mask:
          UP LOOPBACK RUNNING  MTU:3924  Metric:1
          RX packets:48 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
          TX packets:48 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
          collisions:0 txqueuelen:0

/proc/interrupts est le suivant :
  0:    1203191          XT-PIC  timer
  1:      22289          XT-PIC  keyboard
  2:          0          XT-PIC  cascade
  8:          1          XT-PIC  rtc
 10:      34882          XT-PIC  i82365, eth0
 12:     213888          XT-PIC  PS/2 Mouse
 13:          1          XT-PIC  fpu
 14:     153763          XT-PIC  ide0
 15:         10          XT-PIC  ide1
NMI:          0

Quand je lance dmesg, j'obtiens :
delivered -- IRQ blocked by another device?
  Flags; bus-master 1, full 1; dirty 2 current 12.
  Transmit list 04bda2b0 vs. c4bda220.
  0: @c4bda200  length 80000056 status 80010056
  1: @c4bda210  length 80000056 status 80010056
  2: @c4bda220  length 80000056 status 80010056
  3: @c4bda230  length 80000036 status 80010036
  4: @c4bda240  length 80000056 status 80010056
  5: @c4bda250  length 800000f6 status 800100f6
  6: @c4bda260  length 80000056 status 80010056
  7: @c4bda270  length 80000056 status 80010056
  8: @c4bda280  length 80000056 status 80010056
  9: @c4bda290  length 80000056 status 80010056
  10: @c4bda2a0  length 80000056 status 80010056
  11: @c4bda2b0  length 80000056 status 80010056
  12: @c4bda2c0  length 8000009a status 8001009a
  13: @c4bda2d0  length 80000036 status 80010036
  14: @c4bda2e0  length 80000036 status 80010036
  15: @c4bda2f0  length 80000036 status 80010036
eth0: Resetting the Tx ring pointer.
eth0: Tx Ring full, refusing to send buffer.
eth0: transmit timed out, tx_status 00 status e681.
  diagnostics: net 0cc2 media a800 dma 0000003a.
eth0: Interrupt posted but not delivered -- IRQ blocked by another device?
  Flags; bus-master 1, full 1; dirty 2 current 12.
  Transmit list 04bda2b0 vs. c4bda220.
  0: @c4bda200  length 80000056 status 80010056
  1: @c4bda210  length 80000056 status 80010056
  2: @c4bda220  length 80000056 status 80010056
  3: @c4bda230  length 80000036 status 80010036
  4: @c4bda240  length 80000056 status 80010056
  5: @c4bda250  length 800000f6 status 800100f6
  6: @c4bda260  length 80000056 status 80010056
  7: @c4bda270  length 80000056 status 80010056
  8: @c4bda280  length 80000056 status 80010056
  9: @c4bda290  length 80000056 status 80010056
  10: @c4bda2a0  length 80000056 status 80010056
  11: @c4bda2b0  length 80000056 status 80010056
  12: @c4bda2c0  length 8000009a status 8001009a
  13: @c4bda2d0  length 80000036 status 80010036
  14: @c4bda2e0  length 80000036 status 80010036
  15: @c4bda2f0  length 80000036 status 80010036
eth0: Resetting the Tx ring pointer.
eth0: Tx Ring full, refusing to send buffer.
eth0: transmit timed out, tx_status 00 status e681.
  diagnostics: net 0cc2 media a800 dma 0000003a.

Le meme message plusieurs fois et puis ca se termine par:

eth0: Resetting the Tx ring pointer.
eth0: Tx Ring full, refusing to send buffer.



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