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----------  Forwarded Message  ----------

Subject: Re: GUI front-end for writing CD audio to CD-R?
Date: Sat, 18 May 2002 00:52:09 +1000
From: Rob Weir <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: Mike Frisch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

On Thu, May 16, 2002 at 02:56:29PM -0400, Mike Frisch wrote:
> Can somebody recommend a decent GUI front-end for writing CD audio to
> CD-R?  Essentially a wrapper for cdrecord and some utility to convert

There are lots.  Some of the ones I've tried are: xcdroast, gcombust
and gtoaster.  I keep coming back to (for data CDs) is gcombust
because it's just so damn quick and easy.  Select the files, disable
dummy mode and burn away.  For audio CDs tho, I usually end up using
cdrdao, a commandline program that works quite well.  I'm not sure
why, but cdrecord (and all the programs that use) seems to be unable
to write audio CDs anymore.

> MP3 to WAV.  I am looking for something easy to use and reliable.

For this I use a little perl script I wrote that reads in a play list,
converts the oggs/mp3s to wav format, then burns them using cdrdao.
It can also automatically generate very nice CD covers using
cdlabalgen.  It works very nicely for me, and I'll send it along to
anyone who wants it (it's Free, but it seemed too trivial to actually
post on sourceforge or freshmeat or whatever).
I think it's easy to use (but I guess I'm biased;), but since you seem
to have your heart set on a GUI program it's a bit of a moot point.



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