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gibt es eine Antwort auf die unten stehende Situation (Bug#280598: installation-report (failed))?

Ich finde dieselbe Situation (hier: RAID-0-Verbund) während der Installation von Debian Sarge 3.1 auf DELL Dimension 9150 vor. Bin aber bereit eine dritte Festplatte (SATA, ohne RAID-Verbund) zu den beiden vorhandenen Festplatten (SATA, RAID-0-Verbund) einzubauen.

Auch hier die Frage: Welche der 4 BIOS-Einstellungen für die "SATA Operation" ist die Richtige?

a) RAID Autodetect/AHCI = RAID if signed drives, otherwise AHCI
b) RAID Autodetect/ATA  = RAID if signed drives, otherwise ATA
c) RAID On              = SATA is configured for RAID on every boot
d) Combination          = SATA/PATA combination mode
Bleibt mir auch XP erhalten und bootbar?
Oder gehts garnicht?

Seit 1998 arbeite ich auf meinem alten Rechner mit Linux, zuletzt mit Debian- Woody.



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Bug#280598: installation-report (failed)

Package: installation-reports
Debian-installer-version: debian.org, test version i386 of 08 Nov 2004
Date: 09 nov 2004

Team Debian,

Attempts to install i386/20041108/sarge-i386-netinst on a new Dell Dimension
8400 3.0GHz P4 with 4GB RAM and two SATA drives failed with a "no partitionable
media" error under the following conditions.  The Dell BIOS lets you specify
the "SATA Operation" as one of the following values:

  RAID Autodetect/AHCI = RAID if signed drives, otherwise AHCI
  RAID Autodetect/ATA  = RAID if signed drives, otherwise ATA
  RAID On              = SATA is configured for RAID on every booot
  Combination          = SATA/PATA combination mode

The machine shipped with two signed drives configured for RAID 1, and the
default bios setting was RAID Autodetect/AHCI.  With that configuration,
booting with the 2.4 or the 2.6 kernel results in the "no partitionable media"

Next I unsigned the drives so that they would not boot into RAID mode.

With unsigned drives, the only boot option that worked with the default 2.4
kernel was SATA Operation = Combination.  The linux26/expert26 boot options did
not work for *any* SATA Operation setting.

I would dearly love to run the 2.6 kernel so I can exceed the 2GB process
address space limit.  Please let me know if/when the 2.6 kernel will detect the
SATA drives on the Dell Dimension 8400.

Thank you.


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