Hola linuxeros:-)

Hace algunas semanas yo mismo envie a la lista un mensaje parecido a
este que sigue pero en castellano:

> Hello:
> I have a HP Colorado 8Gb IDE and linux. Are there any driver?. Itīs
> supported by the kernel?.
> The dmesg gives me the following lines:
> driveide-tape: Sorry, DRQ types other than Accelerated DRQ
> ide-tape: are still not supported by the driver
> ide-tape: the tape is not supported by this version of the driver
> My linux version is Debian 2.0 Hamm. In the Hardware-HOWTO I canīt
> see anything about HP Colorado 8Gb. The Linux kernel version is
> 2.0.34.
> Sorry but my english is baaaaad. :-)
> Help me!. Thanks.

En debian-user-spanish me hecharon una manita e intente solucionar el
tema, pero no lo consegui. Entonces envie el mensaje anterior a Gadi
Oxman, que esta trabajando el el soporte de este tipo de dispositivos
y me contesto lo que sigue:


This tape drive is supported by the ide-tape driver in 2.0.35 and
above, but not in 2.0.34.

2.0.34 contains however an additional driver for IDE tapes. To enable
it, answer:

'n' to 'Include IDE/ATAPI tape support'
'y' to 'SCSI emulation support'
'y' to 'SCSI support'
'y' to SCSI tape support'

during the kernel configuration "make config" step. On boot, the drive
will be reported as a SCSI tape drive on /dev/st0.


Un saludo.

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