close 493350
This is an automatic mail sent to close this RFP.
Your RFP wnpp bug is being closed because of the following reasons:
- It hasn't seen any activity for the last 18 months.
- The amount of RFPs on the Debian BTS is huge and we need to
clean up a bit the place.
As thi
Processing commands for
> close 504236
Bug#504236: RFP: libphp-ixr -- the Incutio XML-RPC Library for PHP
'close' is deprecated; see
Bug closed, send any further explanations to Raphael Geissert
> thanks
Stopping processing
close 481858
This is an automatic mail sent to close this RFP.
Your RFP wnpp bug is being closed because of the following reasons:
- It hasn't seen any activity for the last 18 months.
- The amount of RFPs on the Debian BTS is huge and we need to
clean up a bit the place.
As thi
Processing commands for
> close 460817
Bug#460817: RFP: geo-rkkda -- R. Richardson's tools for geocaching
'close' is deprecated; see
Bug closed, send any further explanations to Norman Ramsey
> thanks
Stopping processing her
Processing commands for
> close 389561
Bug#389561: RFP: quasar -- business accounting package
'close' is deprecated; see
Bug closed, send any further explanations to Sam Morris
> thanks
Stopping processing here.
Please conta
close 485232
This is an automatic mail sent to close this RFP.
Your RFP wnpp bug is being closed because of the following reasons:
- It hasn't seen any activity for the last 18 months.
- The amount of RFPs on the Debian BTS is huge and we need to
clean up a bit the place.
As thi
retitle 601248 RFP: caneda -- easy of use electric design automation software
noowner 601248
This is an automatic email to change the status of caneda back from ITP
(Intent to Package) to RFP (Request for Package), because this bug hasn't seen
any activity during the last 6 months.
retitle 608409 RFP: diaspora-x2 -- web-based client for XMPP-based decentral
social networking
noowner 608409
This is an automatic email to change the status of diaspora-x2 back from ITP
(Intent to Package) to RFP (Request for Package), because this bug hasn't seen
any activity during
close 476942
This is an automatic mail sent to close this RFP.
Your RFP wnpp bug is being closed because of the following reasons:
- It hasn't seen any activity for the last 18 months.
- The amount of RFPs on the Debian BTS is huge and we need to
clean up a bit the place.
As thi
retitle 452967 O: gw-fonts-ttf -- Open fonts by George Williams
noowner 452967
This is an automatic email to change the status of gw-fonts-ttf back from ITA
(Intent to Adopt) to O (Orphaned), because this bug hasn't seen any activity
during the last 6 months.
If you are still interest
close 471925
This is an automatic mail sent to close this RFP.
Your RFP wnpp bug is being closed because of the following reasons:
- It hasn't seen any activity for the last 18 months.
- The amount of RFPs on the Debian BTS is huge and we need to
clean up a bit the place.
As thi
Processing commands for
> close 521730
Bug#521730: RFP: pyphat -- collection of GTK+ widgets geared toward pro-audio
apps. The goal is to eliminate duplication of effort and provide some
standardization (well, at least for GTK+ apps).
'close' is deprecated; see http://ww
retitle 576881 RFP: fsmap -- Graphical description in a concept map of the free
software world
noowner 576881
This is an automatic email to change the status of fsmap back from ITP
(Intent to Package) to RFP (Request for Package), because this bug hasn't seen
any activity during the l
Processing commands for
> close 422571
Bug#422571: RFP: chronicle-recorder -- Valgrind-based complete, indexed
recording of process execution
'close' is deprecated; see
Bug closed, send any further explanations to Joey Hess
Processing commands for
> close 564107
Bug#564107: RFP: libtemplate-plugin-markdown-perl -- Template::Plugin::Markdown
is a plugin for TT, which format your text with Markdown Style.
'close' is deprecated; see
Bug closed, send
Processing commands for
> retitle 609541 RFP: libzeep -- XML Library for SOAP servers written in C++
Bug #609541 [wnpp] ITP: libzeep -- XML Library for SOAP servers written in C++
Changed Bug title to 'RFP: libzeep -- XML Library for SOAP servers written in
C++' from 'ITP
close 418659
This is an automatic mail sent to close this RFP.
Your RFP wnpp bug is being closed because of the following reasons:
- It hasn't seen any activity for the last 18 months.
- The amount of RFPs on the Debian BTS is huge and we need to
clean up a bit the place.
As thi
retitle 574013 O: ccontrol -- Compilation controller
noowner 574013
This is an automatic email to change the status of ccontrol back from ITA
(Intent to Adopt) to O (Orphaned), because this bug hasn't seen any activity
during the last 6 months.
If you are still interested in adopting
retitle 606932 RFP: enemy-territory-data -- Game data downloader for the id
software game Enemy Territory
noowner 606932
This is an automatic email to change the status of enemy-territory-data back
from ITP
(Intent to Package) to RFP (Request for Package), because this bug hasn't see
retitle 606931 RFP: enemy-territory -- GPL version of the id sofware game Enemy
noowner 606931
This is an automatic email to change the status of enemy-territory back from ITP
(Intent to Package) to RFP (Request for Package), because this bug hasn't seen
any activity during
Processing commands for
> retitle 609883 RFP: percona-server-5.5 -- Percona Server with XtraDB
Bug #609883 [wnpp] ITP: percona-server-5.5 -- Percona Server with XtraDB
Changed Bug title to 'RFP: percona-server-5.5 -- Percona Server with XtraDB'
from 'ITP: percona-server-5
retitle 608271 RFP: readaloud -- Reading program for plain text books
noowner 608271
This is an automatic email to change the status of readaloud back from ITP
(Intent to Package) to RFP (Request for Package), because this bug hasn't seen
any activity during the last 6 months.
If you
retitle 535073 RFP: dolphin-emu -- Dolphin Gamecube / Wii Emulator
noowner 535073
This is an automatic email to change the status of dolphin-emu back from ITP
(Intent to Package) to RFP (Request for Package), because this bug hasn't seen
any activity during the last 6 months.
If you a
Processing commands for
> retitle 609349 RFP: fmodapi4.26 -- FMOD Ex SoundSystem library
Bug #609349 [wnpp] ITP: fmodapi4.26 -- FMOD Ex SoundSystem library
Changed Bug title to 'RFP: fmodapi4.26 -- FMOD Ex SoundSystem library' from
'ITP: fmodapi4.26 -- FMOD Ex SoundSystem
Processing commands for
> close 500439
Bug#500439: RFP: untangle -- An open source network gateway and filtering tool
'close' is deprecated; see
Bug closed, send any further explanations to Mark Hobley
> thanks
Stopping proc
Processing commands for
> close 469088
Bug#469088: RFP: mpview -- Image viewer and manipulator
'close' is deprecated; see
Bug closed, send any further explanations to BH
> thanks
Stopping processing here.
Please contact me i
Processing commands for
> close 464864
Bug#464864: RFP: qca2-plugin-pkcs11 -- PKCS#11 smart card support for the Qt
Cryptographic Architecture
'close' is deprecated; see
Bug closed, send any further explanations to Matthew Ros
retitle 594099 RFP: pm-utils-light -- pm-utils replacement for embedded hardware
noowner 594099
This is an automatic email to change the status of pm-utils-light back from ITP
(Intent to Package) to RFP (Request for Package), because this bug hasn't seen
any activity during the last 6
close 348607
This is an automatic mail sent to close this RFP.
Your RFP wnpp bug is being closed because of the following reasons:
- It hasn't seen any activity for the last 18 months.
- The amount of RFPs on the Debian BTS is huge and we need to
clean up a bit the place.
As thi
Processing commands for
> retitle 317568 RFP: tsung -- multi-protocol distributed load testing
Bug #317568 [wnpp] ITP: tsung -- multi-protocol distributed load testing
Changed Bug title to 'RFP: tsung -- multi-protocol distributed load testing'
from 'ITP: tsung -- multi-p
Processing commands for
> retitle 533049 RFP: eclipse-l10n-japanese-3.5.0 -- Japanese language package
> for Eclipse 3.5
Bug #533049 [wnpp] ITP: eclipse-l10n-japanese-3.5.0 -- Japanese language
package for Eclipse 3.5
Changed Bug title to 'RFP: eclipse-l10n-japanese-3.5.
close 524990
This is an automatic mail sent to close this RFP.
Your RFP wnpp bug is being closed because of the following reasons:
- It hasn't seen any activity for the last 18 months.
- The amount of RFPs on the Debian BTS is huge and we need to
clean up a bit the place.
As thi
Processing commands for
> retitle 603218 RFP: watchcatd -- Process monitoring daemon
Bug #603218 [wnpp] ITP: watchcatd -- Process monitoring daemon
Changed Bug title to 'RFP: watchcatd -- Process monitoring daemon' from 'ITP:
watchcatd -- Process monitoring daemon'
> noow
retitle 553655 O: glfer -- program for reception and transmission of
noowner 553655
This is an automatic email to change the status of glfer back from ITA
(Intent to Adopt) to O (Orphaned), because this bug hasn't seen any activity
during the last 6 months.
If you are still interested
While I would love to package it, upstream has asked me to refrain from doing
it until he can put some more love on it. I offered him to upload it to
unstable so as to make it more available to people wich may like to help it's
development, but he insists I should wait. And he is one of my best
Processing commands for
> retitle 602505 RFP: l2tp-ipsec-vpn-daemon -- Daemon for L2tpIPsecVpn GUI
Bug #602505 [wnpp] ITP: l2tp-ipsec-vpn-daemon -- Daemon for L2tpIPsecVpn GUI
Changed Bug title to 'RFP: l2tp-ipsec-vpn-daemon -- Daemon for L2tpIPsecVpn
GUI' from 'ITP: l2tp
close 485771
This is an automatic mail sent to close this RFP.
Your RFP wnpp bug is being closed because of the following reasons:
- It hasn't seen any activity for the last 18 months.
- The amount of RFPs on the Debian BTS is huge and we need to
clean up a bit the place.
As thi
close 495970
This is an automatic mail sent to close this RFP.
Your RFP wnpp bug is being closed because of the following reasons:
- It hasn't seen any activity for the last 18 months.
- The amount of RFPs on the Debian BTS is huge and we need to
clean up a bit the place.
As thi
close 505584
This is an automatic mail sent to close this RFP.
Your RFP wnpp bug is being closed because of the following reasons:
- It hasn't seen any activity for the last 18 months.
- The amount of RFPs on the Debian BTS is huge and we need to
clean up a bit the place.
As thi
retitle 609560 RFP: heretic-wad-shareware -- Shareware game file for the 3D
game Heretic
noowner 609560
This is an automatic email to change the status of heretic-wad-shareware back
from ITP
(Intent to Package) to RFP (Request for Package), because this bug hasn't seen
any activity d
retitle 603688 RFP: passwdgen -- Random password generator
noowner 603688
This is an automatic email to change the status of passwdgen back from ITP
(Intent to Package) to RFP (Request for Package), because this bug hasn't seen
any activity during the last 6 months.
If you are still i
close 432707
This is an automatic mail sent to close this RFP.
Your RFP wnpp bug is being closed because of the following reasons:
- It hasn't seen any activity for the last 18 months.
- The amount of RFPs on the Debian BTS is huge and we need to
clean up a bit the place.
As thi
Processing commands for
> close 505951
Bug#505951: RFP: sword-text-tr -- Textus Receptus (1550/1894) original Greek
New Testament SWORD module
'close' is deprecated; see
Bug closed, send any further explanations to "Sveinung K
Processing commands for
> close 459639
Bug#459639: RFP: jonas -- JavaEE Application Server
'close' is deprecated; see
Bug closed, send any further explanations to Clément PLANTIER
> thanks
Stopping processing here.
retitle 594027 RFP: lucene3 -- Lucene is a full-text search engine for the
Java(TM) programming language.
noowner 594027
This is an automatic email to change the status of lucene3 back from ITP
(Intent to Package) to RFP (Request for Package), because this bug hasn't seen
any activity
Processing commands for
> retitle 576881 RFP: fsmap -- Graphical description in a concept map of the
> free software world
Bug #576881 [wnpp] ITP: fsmap -- Graphical description in a concept map of the
free software world
Changed Bug title to 'RFP: fsmap -- Graphical des
close 485234
This is an automatic mail sent to close this RFP.
Your RFP wnpp bug is being closed because of the following reasons:
- It hasn't seen any activity for the last 18 months.
- The amount of RFPs on the Debian BTS is huge and we need to
clean up a bit the place.
As thi
Processing commands for
> # grr
> reopen 490135
Bug #490135 {Done: Lucas Nussbaum } [wnpp] RFP: fdmf -- find
duplicate music files
> thanks
Stopping processing here.
Please contact me if you need assistance.
Processing commands for
> close 479506
Bug#479506: RFP: shish -- The diet shell
'close' is deprecated; see
Bug closed, send any further explanations to Mark Hobley
> thanks
Stopping processing here.
Please contact me if you
Processing commands for
> retitle 543550 RFP: logiweb -- a system for electronic distribution of
> mathematics
Bug #543550 [wnpp] ITP: logiweb -- a system for electronic distribution of
Changed Bug title to 'RFP: logiweb -- a system for electronic distributio
close 490922
This is an automatic mail sent to close this RFP.
Your RFP wnpp bug is being closed because of the following reasons:
- It hasn't seen any activity for the last 18 months.
- The amount of RFPs on the Debian BTS is huge and we need to
clean up a bit the place.
As thi
Processing commands for
> retitle 593538 RFP: sugar-browse-activity -- The Browse activity is based on
> XULRunner the Mozilla runtime package
Bug #593538 [wnpp] ITP: sugar-browse-activity -- The Browse activity is based
on XULRunner the Mozilla runtime package
Bug #5936
Processing commands for
> close 348607
Bug#348607: RFP: gtkedit -- Notepad clone based on GTK+
'close' is deprecated; see
Bug closed, send any further explanations to Christopher Peterman (Chris)
> thanks
Stopping processing
close 424909
This is an automatic mail sent to close this RFP.
Your RFP wnpp bug is being closed because of the following reasons:
- It hasn't seen any activity for the last 18 months.
- The amount of RFPs on the Debian BTS is huge and we need to
clean up a bit the place.
As thi
Processing commands for
> close 467306
Bug#467306: RFP: utelnetd -- A small and efficient stand alone telnet server
'close' is deprecated; see
Bug closed, send any further explanations to Mark Hobley
> thanks
close 447470
This is an automatic mail sent to close this RFP.
Your RFP wnpp bug is being closed because of the following reasons:
- It hasn't seen any activity for the last 18 months.
- The amount of RFPs on the Debian BTS is huge and we need to
clean up a bit the place.
As thi
Processing commands for
> close 553203
Bug#553203: RFP: beremiz -- Open Source framework for automation
'close' is deprecated; see
Bug closed, send any further explanations to Carlo Stemberger
> thanks
Stopping processing he
Processing commands for
> close 550118
Bug#550118: RFP: vhostmd -- virtual host metrics daemon
'close' is deprecated; see
Bug closed, send any further explanations to "Richard W.M. Jones"
> thanks
Stopping processing here.
Your message dated Wed, 27 Jul 2011 21:19:25 +0200
with message-id <>
and subject line preempt rt patch included in linux-2.6 package
has caused the Debian Bug report #521893,
regarding RFP: linux-patch-preemptrt -- The CONFIG_PREEMPT_RT Patch Sets for
various D
close 508353
This is an automatic mail sent to close this RFP.
Your RFP wnpp bug is being closed because of the following reasons:
- It hasn't seen any activity for the last 18 months.
- The amount of RFPs on the Debian BTS is huge and we need to
clean up a bit the place.
As thi
close 507416
This is an automatic mail sent to close this RFP.
Your RFP wnpp bug is being closed because of the following reasons:
- It hasn't seen any activity for the last 18 months.
- The amount of RFPs on the Debian BTS is huge and we need to
clean up a bit the place.
As thi
retitle 604701 RFP: pal2nal -- converts proteins to genomic DNA alignment
noowner 604701
This is an automatic email to change the status of pal2nal back from ITP
(Intent to Package) to RFP (Request for Package), because this bug hasn't seen
any activity during the last 6 months.
If yo
retitle 607043 RFP: jwhoisserver -- Java Whois Server - a small whois server
written in java
noowner 607043
This is an automatic email to change the status of jwhoisserver back from ITP
(Intent to Package) to RFP (Request for Package), because this bug hasn't seen
any activity during
close 462267
This is an automatic mail sent to close this RFP.
Your RFP wnpp bug is being closed because of the following reasons:
- It hasn't seen any activity for the last 18 months.
- The amount of RFPs on the Debian BTS is huge and we need to
clean up a bit the place.
As thi
retitle 593605 RFP: tralics -- a LaTeX to XML translator
noowner 593605
This is an automatic email to change the status of tralics back from ITP
(Intent to Package) to RFP (Request for Package), because this bug hasn't seen
any activity during the last 6 months.
If you are still inter
retitle 602748 RFP: gpaw -- Real-space PAW-based electronic structure code
noowner 602748
This is an automatic email to change the status of gpaw back from ITP
(Intent to Package) to RFP (Request for Package), because this bug hasn't seen
any activity during the last 6 months.
If you
close 438158
This is an automatic mail sent to close this RFP.
Your RFP wnpp bug is being closed because of the following reasons:
- It hasn't seen any activity for the last 18 months.
- The amount of RFPs on the Debian BTS is huge and we need to
clean up a bit the place.
As thi
Processing commands for
> retitle 603216 RFP: libwcat1 -- Process monitoring library
Bug #603216 [wnpp] ITP: libwcat1 -- Process monitoring library
Changed Bug title to 'RFP: libwcat1 -- Process monitoring library' from 'ITP:
libwcat1 -- Process monitoring library'
> noow
retitle 451795 RFP: rocaml -- fast, easy Ruby extensions in Objective Caml
noowner 451795
This is an automatic email to change the status of rocaml back from ITP
(Intent to Package) to RFP (Request for Package), because this bug hasn't seen
any activity during the last 6 mon
retitle 364295 RFP: fltk2 -- Fast Light (gui) ToolKit version 2
noowner 364295
This is an automatic email to change the status of fltk2 back from ITP
(Intent to Package) to RFP (Request for Package), because this bug hasn't seen
any activity during the last 6 months.
If you are still
Processing commands for
> retitle 532839 ITP: libcrypt-rsa-perl -- Perl module implementing the RSA
> public-key cryptosystem
Bug #532839 [wnpp] RFP: libcrypt-rsa-perl -- Perl module implementing the RSA
public-key cryptosystem
Changed Bug title to 'ITP: libcrypt-rsa-per
close 321891
This is an automatic mail sent to close this RFP.
Your RFP wnpp bug is being closed because of the following reasons:
- It hasn't seen any activity for the last 18 months.
- The amount of RFPs on the Debian BTS is huge and we need to
clean up a bit the place.
As thi
Processing commands for
> retitle 605414 RFP: pcsim -- simulator of heterogeneous networks of neurons
> and synapses
Bug #605414 [wnpp] ITP: pcsim -- simulator of heterogeneous networks of neurons
and synapses
Changed Bug title to 'RFP: pcsim -- simulator of heterogeneou
Processing commands for
> close 505488
Bug#505488: RFP: schooltool -- free student information system
'close' is deprecated; see
Bug closed, send any further explanations to Holger Levsen
> thanks
Stopping processing here.
Processing commands for
> close 565933
Bug#565933: RFP: gstreamer0.10-espeak -- GStreamer Text-To-Speech plugin
utilizing the eSpeak software speech synthesizer
'close' is deprecated; see
Bug closed, send any further explanati
Processing commands for
> close 490135
Bug#490135: RFP: fdmf -- find duplicate music files
'close' is deprecated; see
Bug closed, send any further explanations to Paul Wise
> thanks
Stopping processing here.
Please contact m
Processing commands for
> close 464388
Bug#464388: RFP: alfresco -- open source enterprise content management
'close' is deprecated; see
Bug closed, send any further explanations to Carlos Izquierdo
> thanks
Stopping process
retitle 603182 RFP: pd-iemguts -- Pd-Objects for meta patching
noowner 603182
This is an automatic email to change the status of pd-iemguts back from ITP
(Intent to Package) to RFP (Request for Package), because this bug hasn't seen
any activity during the last 6 months.
If you are st
Processing commands for
> close 438158
Bug#438158: RFP: msbackup -- Programs for reading Microsoft Windows backup
'close' is deprecated; see
Bug closed, send any further explanations to Mark Hobley
> thanks
Processing commands for
> retitle 606161 RFP: openframeworks -- A C++ toolkit for creative coding
Bug #606161 [wnpp] ITP: openframeworks -- A C++ toolkit for creative coding
Changed Bug title to 'RFP: openframeworks -- A C++ toolkit for creative coding'
from 'ITP: openfra
close 481388
This is an automatic mail sent to close this RFP.
Your RFP wnpp bug is being closed because of the following reasons:
- It hasn't seen any activity for the last 18 months.
- The amount of RFPs on the Debian BTS is huge and we need to
clean up a bit the place.
As thi
close 509953
This is an automatic mail sent to close this RFP.
Your RFP wnpp bug is being closed because of the following reasons:
- It hasn't seen any activity for the last 18 months.
- The amount of RFPs on the Debian BTS is huge and we need to
clean up a bit the place.
As thi
Processing commands for
> retitle 611148 RFP: urlrewritefilter -- Java Web Filter J2EE compliant based
> on mod_rewrite which allows to rewrite URLs
Bug #611148 [wnpp] ITP: urlrewritefilter -- Java Web Filter J2EE compliant
based on mod_rewrite which allows to rewrite UR
Processing commands for
> close 467033
Bug#467033: RFP: vhffs -- VHFFS is a massive virtual hosting platform for free
'close' is deprecated; see
Bug closed, send any further explanations to Mehdi Dogguy
> thanks
retitle 605451 RFP: python-transitfeed -- Google Transit Feed Specification
library and tools
noowner 605451
This is an automatic email to change the status of python-transitfeed back from
(Intent to Package) to RFP (Request for Package), because this bug hasn't seen
any activity
retitle 594794 RFP: panucci -- Resuming audioplayer
noowner 594794
This is an automatic email to change the status of panucci back from ITP
(Intent to Package) to RFP (Request for Package), because this bug hasn't seen
any activity during the last 6 months.
If you are still interested
retitle 603180 RFP: pd-iemgui -- graphical objects for Pure Data
noowner 603180
This is an automatic email to change the status of pd-iemgui back from ITP
(Intent to Package) to RFP (Request for Package), because this bug hasn't seen
any activity during the last 6 months.
If you are s
retitle 611148 RFP: urlrewritefilter -- Java Web Filter J2EE compliant based on
mod_rewrite which allows to rewrite URLs
noowner 611148
This is an automatic email to change the status of urlrewritefilter back from
(Intent to Package) to RFP (Request for Package), because this bug
close 493532
This is an automatic mail sent to close this RFP.
Your RFP wnpp bug is being closed because of the following reasons:
- It hasn't seen any activity for the last 18 months.
- The amount of RFPs on the Debian BTS is huge and we need to
clean up a bit the place.
As thi
Processing commands for
> close 564710
Bug#564710: RFP: canvas -- reads draw commands and executes them
'close' is deprecated; see
Bug closed, send any further explanations to Siward de Groot
> thanks
Stopping processing here
close 474612
This is an automatic mail sent to close this RFP.
Your RFP wnpp bug is being closed because of the following reasons:
- It hasn't seen any activity for the last 18 months.
- The amount of RFPs on the Debian BTS is huge and we need to
clean up a bit the place.
As thi
close 553034
This is an automatic mail sent to close this RFP.
Your RFP wnpp bug is being closed because of the following reasons:
- It hasn't seen any activity for the last 18 months.
- The amount of RFPs on the Debian BTS is huge and we need to
clean up a bit the place.
As thi
close 501602
This is an automatic mail sent to close this RFP.
Your RFP wnpp bug is being closed because of the following reasons:
- It hasn't seen any activity for the last 18 months.
- The amount of RFPs on the Debian BTS is huge and we need to
clean up a bit the place.
As thi
close 499099
This is an automatic mail sent to close this RFP.
Your RFP wnpp bug is being closed because of the following reasons:
- It hasn't seen any activity for the last 18 months.
- The amount of RFPs on the Debian BTS is huge and we need to
clean up a bit the place.
As thi
Processing commands for
> reopen 283085 !
Bug #283085 [wnpp] ITP: phing -- PHP5 project build system based on Apache Ant
Bug 283085 is not marked as done; doing nothing.
> stop
Stopping processing here.
Please contact me if you need assistance.
283085: http://bugs.deb
retitle 596571 RFP: edb-debuger -- Graphical debugger and disassembler
noowner 596571
This is an automatic email to change the status of edb-debuger back from ITP
(Intent to Package) to RFP (Request for Package), because this bug hasn't seen
any activity during the last 6 months.
If y
close 546853
This is an automatic mail sent to close this RFP.
Your RFP wnpp bug is being closed because of the following reasons:
- It hasn't seen any activity for the last 18 months.
- The amount of RFPs on the Debian BTS is huge and we need to
clean up a bit the place.
As thi
Processing commands for
> retitle 603166 RFP: calcudoku -- The (well) known puzzle CalcuDoku, K-Doku,
> kenken
Bug #603166 [wnpp] ITP: calcudoku -- The (well) known puzzle CalcuDoku, K-Doku,
Changed Bug title to 'RFP: calcudoku -- The (well) known puzzle CalcuDoku
close 450735
This is an automatic mail sent to close this RFP.
Your RFP wnpp bug is being closed because of the following reasons:
- It hasn't seen any activity for the last 18 months.
- The amount of RFPs on the Debian BTS is huge and we need to
clean up a bit the place.
As thi
Processing commands for
> retitle 510260 ITP: qmpdclient -- Qt4 client for the Music Player Daemon (MPD)
Bug #510260 [wnpp] RFP: qmpdclient -- Qt4 client for the Music Player Daemon
Bug #516035 [wnpp] RFP: qmpdclient -- Qt4 client for the Music Player Daemon
1301 - 1400 of 1656 matches
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