Hi Thorsten,

Am Thu, May 12, 2022 at 06:00:08PM +0000 schrieb Thorsten Alteholz:
> README.md says "README.md is generated from README.Rmd. Please edit that 
> file." 
> So please add README.Rmd to debian/missing-sources and add a comment how to 
> generate README.md

I have re-uploaded the package without the file in question to get this
settled quickly (since this package is a precondition for
r-cran-flextable which was accepted before).
I need to admit that I disagree with this reject since a markdown is
easily editable if this would be needed.  I absolutely fail to see any
conflict with DFSG and would have prefered an accept may be with a
wishlist bug to provide the *.Rmd file.  IMHO a reject is neither in the
interest of our users nor of yours or mine since we both need to spent
additional time for something that based on a "**Please** ..." which
can probably be ignored if really needed.

Kind regards and thanks for checking anyway



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